Don't upset the gippos

They don’t like it apparently. You can’t say bugger all about em either so it seems. :unamused:

■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Oh THEM :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Would that be ginger ,slightly overweight people, Welsh , Scottish,English,Irish or the the ones that you are not allowed to mention especially if you abreviate thier country of origin?

Would that be ginger ,slightly overweight people, Welsh , Scottish,English,Irish or the the ones that you are not allowed to mention especially if you abreviate thier country of origin?

What… Aussies :smiley:

Something to unlock your pies?


Why reg:

Would that be ginger ,slightly overweight people, Welsh , Scottish,English,Irish or the the ones that you are not allowed to mention especially if you abreviate thier country of origin?

What… Aussies :smiley:

No you silly sod . . . . Turks!!

Something to unlock your pies?


What… Ginsters

Please tell me what it is :exclamation: :exclamation: :confused: :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Something to unlock your pies?


Cryptic, nice one


Why reg:

Would that be ginger ,slightly overweight people, Welsh , Scottish,English,Irish or the the ones that you are not allowed to mention especially if you abreviate thier country of origin?

What… Aussies :smiley:

No you silly sod . . . . Turks!!

That has nothing to do with pies :open_mouth:

I KNOW I KNOW Its a KNIFE, they unlock pies!!!
Which is welsh slang for wife so…

Dont upset the wife :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Why reg:

Something to unlock your pies?


What… Ginsters

Please tell me what it is :exclamation: :exclamation: :confused: :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Leave the Cornish out of it !!


Why reg:

Something to unlock your pies?


What… Ginsters

Please tell me what it is :exclamation: :exclamation: :confused: :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Leave the Cornish out of it !!

How the hell did we end up here?
This is your fault Suedehead, you mention the Cornish and we get moved :open_mouth:

You cant do that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Why reg:


Why reg:

Something to unlock your pies?


What… Ginsters

Please tell me what it is :exclamation: :exclamation: :confused: :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Leave the Cornish out of it !!

How the hell did we end up here?
This is your fault Suedehead, you mention the Cornish and we get moved :open_mouth:

You cant do that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Totally agree mate - you couldnt make it up. . ho hum :stuck_out_tongue:


We’re in the bad boys corner :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I never done it mister…

I still dont know what it means HONEST :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

No… not the birch again :open_mouth:

i like that cryptic clue even i guessed what you mean. :laughing:

jessicas dad:
i like that cryptic clue even i guessed what you mean. :laughing:

I hate cryptic clues!!

Still dont know :frowning:

So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin
Am i allowed to give feedback?
Who was offended?

Something to unlock your pies?

a key something to unkock pi’s

Why reg:

jessicas dad:
i like that cryptic clue even i guessed what you mean. :laughing:

I hate cryptic clues!!

Still dont know :frowning:

Is there an “e” in that country that borders India?


Why reg:

jessicas dad:
i like that cryptic clue even i guessed what you mean. :laughing:

I hate cryptic clues!!

Still dont know :frowning:

Is there an “e” in that country that borders India?

Yeh… Tibet

Dont upset the Dalai Lama :open_mouth: