Don't upset the gippos

So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

You can express your opinions and views, but, within the context of therules.

Am i allowed to give feedback?

You’ve just gave it.

Who was offended?

About something you don’t know about apparently.


So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

About something you don’t know about apparently.

Please explain that bit ?



So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

About something you don’t know about apparently.

Please explain that bit ?

Yep, sure. You’re being cryptic. What is it you want to know? Try to be specific.




So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

About something you don’t know about apparently.

Please explain that bit ?

Yep, sure. You’re being cryptic. What is it you want to know? Try to be specific.

What exactly have i done to offend ?
Were you bullied at school?





So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

About something you don’t know about apparently.

Please explain that bit ?

Yep, sure. You’re being cryptic. What is it you want to know? Try to be specific.

What exactly have i done to offend ?
Were you bullied at school?

You havn’t offended me at all. I was bemused by your comments. I can assure you posts are not removed just because they offend, if that where the case quite a few of mine would be gone. They are usually removed if they are downright insulting etc… We all can give opinions, we all cannot be downright rude and insulting. (Not that i’m saying you have been). I’m hoping that answers your question?






So this is the feedback forum
I was always lead to believe that forums were somewhere that you could express personal views and opinions but it seems that if the mods(not the parka clad scooter riding variety) think that if somebody MIGHT be offended by a topic, its edited or moved to the sin bin

About something you don’t know about apparently.

Please explain that bit ?

Yep, sure. You’re being cryptic. What is it you want to know? Try to be specific.

What exactly have i done to offend ?
Were you bullied at school?

You havn’t offended me at all. I was bemused by your comments. I can assure you posts are not removed just because they offend, if that where the case quite a few of mine would be gone. They are usually removed if they are downright insulting etc… We all can give opinions, we all cannot be downright rude and insulting. (Not that i’m saying you have been). I’m hoping that answers your question?

Not really but lifes too short - cheers

Still not teling…congrats to the crossword kings lol

if someone didnt spell it out ,i wouldn"t get it.
where am i■■?,why do the voices only talk to me,pesky penguins are having it away with my sanity!!! :question: :question: :question:

Look, guys. if you have to pick on someone, pick on me. I’m usually the one who makes the really outrageous unpopular decisions based on far too much emotion and not enough common sense…Yet I very rarely seem to cop it for them. :confused:

I’m also the Forum Manager, so anyone working voluntarily here is doing so under me, and I am in turn answerable to Rikki.

So all in all, I should be your target, not those who are simply within MY guidelines.

Take it away, lads…Can I recommend that you start with the Fat Bird pictures and go downhill from there? :stuck_out_tongue:

If it is cold, just don’t say it’s a bit ‘parky’, as you may be accused of racial disrespect towards the travelling fraternity of those from a certain nation west of India, depending upon your accent :laughing:

I’m also the Forum Manager, so anyone working voluntarily here is doing so under me, and I am in turn answerable to Rikki.

Hmmm… Lucy = female & Rikki = male … Hmmmm…

:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I’m also the Forum Manager, so anyone working voluntarily here is doing so under me, and I am in turn answerable to Rikki.

Hmmm… Lucy = female & Rikki = male … Hmmmm…

:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you certain ROG

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:



I’m also the Forum Manager, so anyone working voluntarily here is doing so under me, and I am in turn answerable to Rikki.

Hmmm… Lucy = female & Rikki = male … Hmmmm…

:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you certain ROG

Having met both - YES :smiley:

Why is the common abbreviation for ‘travellers’ (begins with GIP and end in PO) scrubbed out as an offensive word? :confused:

Why is the common abbreviation for ‘travellers’ (begins with GIP and end in PO) scrubbed out as an offensive word? :confused:

I presume because its not offensive but is derogatory…

So it wasn’t the Dalai Lama then :confused:

Because it is derogatory just like honky

Because it is derogatory just like honky

I really hacked off some geese calling them that :open_mouth:

Why reg:

Why is the common abbreviation for ‘travellers’ (begins with GIP and end in PO) scrubbed out as an offensive word? :confused:

I presume because its not offensive but is derogatory…

So it wasn’t the Dalai Lama then :confused:

Oh, I see now.

I would like to wish any members of the law-abiding, tax-paying ‘travelling community’ my heartfelt and sincerest apologies if they read this from their top of the range caravans and were offended in ANY way. Hopefully, that clears everything up. :smiley:

Now if you’d have said that at the beginning, I would have known who you were talking about :open_mouth:

That would hve saved wear and tear on my fingertips, and the stress of worrying that the Dalai Lama is a trucknet member :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Down in this neck of the woods we call them,Diddys,Lexeco"s or (spelling)

( small error removed ) jd