Doldrums in construction

How are you guys in construction finding it? We are based in the West Mids and my boys are spending hours sat at the quarry waiting for loads. We here rumours that the muckshifting firms down Gloucester and Bristol are parking up their trucks and laying off the drivers :frowning:

south wales is dead no work for muck trucks quarries very quiet
cant even sell trucks nobody wants them

Father in law and both Brother in laws are ground workers, their gangs (3) got laid off last friday, first time all three have been off at once and for so long :confused:

Same on steel in Rotherham, gone deathly quiet this week, several trucks parked up drivers told to take holiday. Shut down is not until next month.

My mate works as a site agent for Persimmon. He looks a worried man as his wife has just lost her job through ill health.
Ray is finishing up this week and they dont know if they will be called back to work

When Longbridge finished with about 3000 jobs lost it was headline news for weeks but these lay offs in the construction industry must be far in excess of that.Baggeridge brick are meant to be laying 150 off in October at Kidderminster and we heard yesterday that our local Kingspan factory will shed 60 jobs. The trouble is the construction industry is about the last one we have that employs a mass of people. Bid our PM then Chancellor say about an end to boom and bust?
Wheres all the dole money going to come from? :confused:

its bad in all sectors of the building game at the moment,
iā€™m having a ceiling artexed on wednesday for Ā£80, last year i was quoted Ā£120.
this is a guy iā€™ve known for 25 years, heā€™s bloody good (he used to do all the artexing for the plastering gang i worked for)
while he was here having a brew, i asked for a quote for coving and artexing the living room ceiling, its a fairly big area to cover and was expecting the usual sharp intake of breath, as only builders and mechanics can do.
Ā£150 and he supplies all materials, i nearly dropped my brew and heā€™s got that job as well.
when i last did my own house about 10 years ago it was Ā£150 then and iā€™d already done my own coving

Itā€™s a bad businessman who canā€™t.
I spend a lot of time getting new work for my boss. I make him change his trailers to suit the work.
Iā€™m making a killing. :laughing:

Itā€™s a bad businessman who canā€™t.
I spend a lot of time getting new work for my boss. I make him change his trailers to suit the work.
Iā€™m making a killing. :laughing:

Im not sure that you can diversify with an 8 wheel tipper :unamused: :unamused:

So you canā€™t diversify with a tipper.?

Try a SITA or county council waste contract. Or the hotel and guest house association to offer a service cheaper than they pay to the local authority. Thereā€™s always the scrap shifting work.
The list is endless.
Try a magazine called ā€œmaterials recycling weekā€ just to get your imagination working.

So you canā€™t diversify with a tipper.?

Try a SITA or county council waste contract. Or the hotel and guest house association to offer a service cheaper than they pay to the local authority. Thereā€™s always the scrap shifting work.
The list is endless.
Try a magazine called ā€œmaterials recycling weekā€ just to get your imagination working.

  1. How do you load the waste onto the tipper from hotels and guest houses?
  2. What scrap shifting work? Give an example for us un-imaginative souls.
  3. Also, if you want to work for the council you must fill in a massive application form detailing your health & safety policy etc which ā€˜one man and his tipperā€™ donā€™t have to hand. Also, our local council you get a window to apply to be a council contractor. If you miss this, you have to wait a whole year to apply again.

The problem with these insulated tippers they are made to carry stone and tarmac, the arches and easy sheet get damaged so easily on other work. The trucks in our Quarry have been stood for about 3/4s of the day again and 4 of them are Hansons own ,their drivers are on a little bit better money than the rest and they dont know how to run em on a shoestring either


So you canā€™t diversify with a tipper.?

Try a SITA or county council waste contract. Or the hotel and guest house association to offer a service cheaper than they pay to the local authority. Thereā€™s always the scrap shifting work.
The list is endless.
Try a magazine called ā€œmaterials recycling weekā€ just to get your imagination working.

  1. How do you load the waste onto the tipper from hotels and guest houses?
  2. What scrap shifting work? Give an example for us un-imaginative souls.
  3. Also, if you want to work for the council you must fill in a massive application form detailing your health & safety policy etc which ā€˜one man and his tipperā€™ donā€™t have to hand. Also, our local council you get a window to apply to be a council contractor. If you miss this, you have to wait a whole year to apply again.

Any answers to my questions yet? :confused:

what about this then.look forward to the SILLY WTD, you work flat out but start to turn work down to keep to your avrage 48 hours on your first seventeen weeks ,why not err ninteen weeks ,never mind thats another story, then hey presto no work and you cant even make your 48 hour average poa,s dont make me laugh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Iā€™m shunting at kingspan,and were down to 40 loads some days,it should be a 100 everyday this time of year.
Kingspan are after 64 redundancies,and i can see my nightshift shunting being knocked on the head aswell.
I might be lucky and get offered driving(but the money is crap) or i might be made redundant aswell.
Anyone know of any jobs in the south shropshire areaā– ā– ?

Tony b

Taylor Woodrow shed 900 jobs on Tuesday and apparently Barretts are cutting 1,000 in the next few days. Nobody round here is building houses, although there are a few jobs building industrial units etc.

According to our local paper, MARSHALLS are closing their Sawley [Nr Long Eaton] plant.

100 jobs to go, they cite the usual corparate crap, basically, they can now supply from less factories, because their order book has shrunk :frowning:

The knock on effect will be considerable to all sectors of the local economy IMOā€¦

Stanley Mitchell:
According to our local paper, MARSHALLS are closing their Sawley [Nr Long Eaton] plant.

100 jobs to go, they cite the usual corparate crap, basically, they can now supply from less factories, because their order book has shrunk :frowning:

The knock on effect will be considerable to all sectors of the local economy IMOā€¦

That will be a shock for them lads who left DHL to work there. Although DHL are still looking for drivers.


So you canā€™t diversify with a tipper.?

Try a SITA or county council waste contract. Or the hotel and guest house association to offer a service cheaper than they pay to the local authority. Thereā€™s always the scrap shifting work.
The list is endless.
Try a magazine called ā€œmaterials recycling weekā€ just to get your imagination working.

  1. How do you load the waste onto the tipper from hotels and guest houses?
  2. What scrap shifting work? Give an example for us un-imaginative souls.
  3. Also, if you want to work for the council you must fill in a massive application form detailing your health & safety policy etc which ā€˜one man and his tipperā€™ donā€™t have to hand. Also, our local council you get a window to apply to be a council contractor. If you miss this, you have to wait a whole year to apply again.
  1. Handball.
  2. The scrap price is sky high, Get in touch with Nortons Liverpool for a bulk price. Go to your local scrap yards and see what price you can offer them.
  3. You could go to your local council office and see if you can offer emergency work. Storm damage etc. Offer your drivers as cover in the winter for gritting. Small skip hire firms who run 7.5 tonners could use you as you will get a better price at the tip than him as he will be on the minimum charge a lot of the time and not getting full benefit of price per ton.

I wouldnt want to shift scrap with a insulted alloy tipper not unless you want to rebody the lorry within the week as Scrap will rip it to pieces, & disregarding that a low sided tipper would not allow you to get enough tonnage on anyway.