Doldrums in construction

Paulb, Biffa were advertising for drivers at Craven Arms and waste must be a growing industry at the moment.

Paulb, Biffa were advertising for drivers at Craven Arms and waste must be a growing industry at the moment.

I gave them a ring this morning.but all they do is send an application form out.If they just give a bit of info over the phone (like hours,wages etc)it might save them a stamp.
I know what i need to earn every week.If they paid a bit better up at britpart i’d go there.But i don’t think the 15years i did with them from school counts for anything as i left about 7 years ago,and i’d have to start all over again.
I am waiting for a call about something else aswell.i’ll have to wait and see what turns up,
64 redundancies are being made in the factory.So i can see me being surplus to reqirements as a second shunter.


Paulb, Biffa were advertising for drivers at Craven Arms and waste must be a growing industry at the moment.

Funnily enough, even the waste is getting a bit QT, I do a bit of Landfill / ejecter trailer work, and it ain`t as busy as it should be.

From what i can gather, the cost to dump in a landfill is getting too expensive, and the need to recycle is getting more important, hence, there is less loads going to landfill.

Needs must, me thinks…

I wouldnt want to shift scrap with a insulted alloy tipper not unless you want to rebody the lorry within the week as Scrap will rip it to pieces, & disregarding that a low sided tipper would not allow you to get enough tonnage on anyway.

Frag and swarfe wont do any harm.



So you can’t diversify with a tipper.?

Try a SITA or county council waste contract. Or the hotel and guest house association to offer a service cheaper than they pay to the local authority. There’s always the scrap shifting work.
The list is endless.
Try a magazine called “materials recycling week” just to get your imagination working.

  1. How do you load the waste onto the tipper from hotels and guest houses?
  2. What scrap shifting work? Give an example for us un-imaginative souls.
  3. Also, if you want to work for the council you must fill in a massive application form detailing your health & safety policy etc which ‘one man and his tipper’ don’t have to hand. Also, our local council you get a window to apply to be a council contractor. If you miss this, you have to wait a whole year to apply again.
  1. Handball.
  2. The scrap price is sky high, Get in touch with Nortons Liverpool for a bulk price. Go to your local scrap yards and see what price you can offer them.
  3. You could go to your local council office and see if you can offer emergency work. Storm damage etc. Offer your drivers as cover in the winter for gritting. Small skip hire firms who run 7.5 tonners could use you as you will get a better price at the tip than him as he will be on the minimum charge a lot of the time and not getting full benefit of price per ton.

1.) Its gonna take some time to handball fill a tipper with hotel waste. Also, assuming the hotel will be chucking out their waste in dribs and drabs where are they gonna put it before I collect it? A skip perhaps?
2.) In common with what others have said, scrap will damage an insulated tipper. Although you could take smaller bits its often difficult to know what the load will be like till you get there - one of the reasons I dislike muckshifting.
3.) I take your point r.e. emergency work for the council but I am pretty sure that you will still need all the paperwork etc. As for gritting, there is a long queue of council lads that want that work because they pay them for being ‘on call’ and it is good money for em’.
The skips is an interesting idea, although I think you’d find similar problems with body damage etc.


With regard to the hotel waste.
A mate of mine set up in Blackpool collecting waste from hotels 2-3 times per week. Blackpool borough council charged by the bag, So he did the same. The council only collected once a week and that was in the season.
He offered a better service at a much cheaper price.
He didn’t know if it would work out but he took a chance and hasn’t looked back.

I understand what you are trying to say limeyphil but on a tarmac spec tipper you still wont get enough tonnage on to make it worth while, you would at least need an 8 wheel bulker to get enough weight on & even frag still wont do an alloy tipper a lot of good.

Roger Bullivant are in the local paper because they have cut the overtime and working a basic 40 hours. It was only a month ago they said that claims of 150 job losses were rubbish.

The impact of the crunch on brick makers intensified this week as Hanson, the sector’s largest firm, axed 149 jobs and announced that it is to close two plants.

It is understood that Hanson is also reviewing its concrete operations in a move that is likely to mean the closure of its concrete block business.

The brick plants to be mothballed are in Steerforth, near Barnsley, and at Measham in Leicestershire. Seventy-six jobs will go at Barnsley and 50 will be lost at Measham.

Although the Measham plant was scheduled for closure anyway, the company said it had brought the date forward. Hanson is building a £30m factory to replace Measham but it will not provide jobs for all of its workers.

Hanson also announced 23 redundancies at a brickworks in Peterborough in Cambridgeshire.

A spokesperson said: “It’s simply the slump in housebuilding. The knock-on effect is really biting. We’ve got so much stock on the ground right now we simply cannot produce anymore.”

Hanson has closed several factories in the past six months, as have its rivals. Wienerberger, the third-largest brickmaker in the UK, has mothballed two plants.

We work for a Hanson quarry and Tarmac and Ennstone are cutting the job to ribbons our rep says they cant do it for the money. Its funny really our nearest Tarmac and Ennstone quarries are on short working hours but our place is still paying a bit of overtime although I cant see it lasting. Hearing of plenty of cancelled 8 wheelers about so anybody with the confidence and money can update quite easily at the mo :frowning:

We work for a Hanson quarry and Tarmac and Ennstone are cutting the job to ribbons our rep says they cant do it for the money. Its funny really our nearest Tarmac and Ennstone quarries are on short working hours but our place is still paying a bit of overtime although I cant see it lasting. Hearing of plenty of cancelled 8 wheelers about so anybody with the confidence and money can update quite easily at the mo :frowning:

Anybody who is going to buy a new 8 wheeler (weither it be a tipper/mixer or block lorry) in the current climate needs to go and see their doctor for stronger tablets :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :wink:
I would even go as far as to say if you can get a brand new insulated 8 wheel tipper for £55 grand think VERY carefully before you sign on the dotted line.
Having a nice shiny new tipper for £20 grand below book is no use if its sitting gathering dust in the yard instead of a quarry :exclamation: :blush:

Just heard on the radio that JCB have cut 500 jobs. That is a sign we dont want, probably the most successful private business in the Midlands

Big Truck:

We work for a Hanson quarry and Tarmac and Ennstone are cutting the job to ribbons our rep says they cant do it for the money. Its funny really our nearest Tarmac and Ennstone quarries are on short working hours but our place is still paying a bit of overtime although I cant see it lasting. Hearing of plenty of cancelled 8 wheelers about so anybody with the confidence and money can update quite easily at the mo :frowning:

Anybody who is going to buy a new 8 wheeler (weither it be a tipper/mixer or block lorry) in the current climate needs to go and see their doctor for stronger tablets :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :wink:
I would even go as far as to say if you can get a brand new insulated 8 wheel tipper for £55 grand think VERY carefully before you sign on the dotted line.
Having a nice shiny new tipper for £20 grand below book is no use if its sitting gathering dust in the yard instead of a quarry :exclamation: :blush:

The shiny new wheels just keep coming round here. I reckon there are about 10-14 contract eight leggers gone in on 57-reg or newer. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A lads just swapped an 07-plate Scania for a brand new Globetrotter cab 440! :open_mouth: Fair play to them if they can make it pay, you’ve got to admire their balls to be fair.

Hammer I have a new MAN coming I ordered it in october and I suspect some of your locals did the same. I perhaps should have cancelled it and lost my deposit but I look at it as a long term investment and the way the work is she ought to last a long time.
My real niggle is that the developers, estate agents, and most of the workers on the sites have had a very profitable time while the booms been on but we been carrying on in the same old way and not able to put any extra by to tide us over

If you can you’ve got to keep renewing your truck.Else you keep it to long its not worth anything and you have nothing to put against a new one,and the price of new trucks these days if you get out the renewal cycle you’ve had it.

Big Bear:
If you can you’ve got to keep renewing your truck.Else you keep it to long its not worth anything and you have nothing to put against a new one,and the price of new trucks these days if you get out the renewal cycle you’ve had it.

I understand how it works but would question the wisdom of doing it during a time of unprecedented economic downturn. The wheels will come off the reknewal cycle if the truck isn’t working. :frowning:

Pursy, in response to your post, I wasn’t knocking you and I wish you all the best with your MAN. I know a lad who has just had three and he is well pleased and they look the part too. :sunglasses:

An interview with Sir Anthony Bamford tonight says he thinks this downturn in construction will last till late 2009 :cry:

One things for sure Hammer I wouldn’t be ordering 1 now. but I am either obstinate or dull I’m not sure which. Funny thing is I drive a six wheeler and I am really busy while the 8 wheelers have been sat a fair bit.
This house building has been a bubble and its burst,perhaps the oil bubble will go the same way ,I cant wait for that to burst :smiley:

Hanson has closed several factories in the past six months, as have its rivals. Wienerberger, the third-largest brickmaker in the UK, has mothballed two plants.

My old man works for the wienerberger (formally Redland)brickworks at Todhills near Bishop Auckland in Co Durham,and he has been told that the plant is being closed down in Sept and not reopening until Feb as they have too many packs of bricks on stock and nowhere else to store them…he is hoping that they may be redundancies as he has been there 20 odd years and he is 61 next year :wink:

Well things just keep going from bad to worse round here in the local quarries:

“Whitemountain” who have 3 quarries close to me and who I did the majority of my work for now have only “contracted hauliers” pulling out of the quarries, no independants at all and they are on a 4 day week.

The one I worked out off take 90% of the stone to the docks for export and the quay is piled high with 14mm stone,theres plenty of room for 10mm but it costs the quarry 200l of diesel more pay day to break the stone down so its got that petty they wont do it!!!

Worse than that the CH’s who are running the older tippers/mixers and block lorries are now getting no work because its all being given to the lads who have the BIG payments with ther new kit as the company doesn’t want a heap of trucks being handed back with money owed on them!!!

There are two fully liveried “Northstone Quarries” Merc Axor 8 wheeler mixers sitting as a cancelled order by a Northstone CH at Agnews Merc truck dealers in Belfast.