First ever pull from vosa and it just happens to be the day I left my paper charts at home :imp: there was only three for lhe last 28days, the rest has all been on my card which had no problems :cry:

200 notes lighter and stopped from doing any work for 45hrs, looks like the agencyā€™s gonna lose that contract but aparently not because of me, more the agencyā€™s fault for other things and Iā€™ll not be going back (was a good job too), I get on well with the t.m. who says heā€™d take me on tomorow but the people above him arenā€™t impressed :frowning:

fair cop I suppose but Ā£200 seemed a bit harsh, Ā£60 wouldā€™ve been plenty :imp:

did they supply the lubricant or did you have to fork out for that too? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry :blush:

coat, hat, TAXI!!!

Thread about this a few weeks ago, 200 pounds is a scandalous amount to fine someone especially someone who is just trying to put food on the table.

It should be 30 pounds fine and if you dont produce the missing tachos in 5 days it goes up to 200 pounds, at least that sounds reasonable to me.

Who says its Ā£200, are they just making it up as the go along like the DVLA?

'Failure to hand over records relating to recording equipment as requested by an enforcement officer: fine of up to Ā£5,000; ā€™

Nothing in that says you have to do it there and then, it even says:

  • Verbal warnings
    Minor infringements that appear to enforcement staff to have been committed either
    accidentally or due to the inexperience of the driver/operator and are isolated instances
    may be dealt with by means of a verbal warning. This will include a clarification of the
    infringement and an explanation of the consequences of continued infringement.

its a effin joke the way things are now that might of crippled the mans family 200 quid alot to some people, and then told you carnt work in the next few days which is more cost, the police dont even fine you that much for speeding!! just another easy 200 quid for the enemy, but next time keep your tachoā€™s and driving bundles all together in a bag and save yourself 200 quid

I got pulled by VOSA about two years ago when i had just started
driving in a 7.5 tonner,didnā€™t have my charts.
I was working with agency and had about 2 weeks worth of charts
and kept them in my road atlas :blush: which was carried in my bag
with various other crap. One day i decided to take atlas out and use
my new sat nav :smiley: and the very next day i got pulled.
I will be honest and take the abuse later like a man lol but i wasnā€™t
100% clued up on the regs,so wasnā€™t aware of the consiquences of not
having your charts on yaā€¦ anyway this is getting boring now lol
Strange man walked round vehicle hitting it with a toffee hammer
playing a tune on each wheel and having a good mooch around
whilst i was invited in the little hut/office and asked for charts
and told them the truth what i had done leaving them in the
This is when the threats started lol
No mention of a fine but said they would park me up for 48 hours
because i couldnā€™t prove what hours id worked or rest id taken.
I couldnā€™t be parked up had a flight to Ireland next morning for
my brothers wedding so im there trying to reason with these people.
The woman officer asked if i had any records at all ie time sheets
which i replied noā€¦but I could phone the agency and get them to
fax a copy of my time sheets across, they agreed to that :open_mouth:
So agency faxed across a copy of time sheets to suit with the information
they needed. and off i went on my merry way :smiley: :smiley:

curious - how did VOSA know those 3 days charts were ā€˜missingā€™ as you may have not worked for those days ā– ā– 

When I read stuff like this it makes me sick,it is all verey well to say you know the rules ect ect but for god sake he has not killed anyone there is nothing wrong with an order to produce.I will tell you where I am comming from we should demand a 38 hour week no more then compensaion to the hauliers and drivers alike they want safety lets give em it.they wont they like the finesā€¦poa,s wtd dont make me laugh that ok wheel nut

curious - how did VOSA know those 3 days charts were ā€˜missingā€™ as you may have not worked for those days ā– ā– 

He was prob like me Rog and told them the truth,
If i knew then what i know now i would of told them
a different story and not the truth :smiley:

you mean they use lube!?

Dustylfc, donā€™t worry Iā€™ll not be be forgetting them again in a hurry - it happens I guess but itā€™s bloomin unlucky to get pulled when you do.

merc0447ā€™s hit the nail on the head; the biggest issue seemed to be that I ā€œcouldnā€™t prove that Iā€™d had adequet weekly restsā€


ROG, I started off telling him I was sure the last 28days were all on the card (I wasnā€™t 100% sure but crossing fingers), seemed to work until he asked me to ring both agencies I work for to get the last 4 weeks timesheets faxed to him - he only needed to compare the dates then :blush:

Iā€™ve no real gripe with being punished, I know the rules the same as everyone and happened to be breaking them at the wrong time (petty though it is), doesnā€™t stop it being a very bad day out thoughā€¦

If the missing days were more than 14 days old(for the sake of argument)
surely 14 days to produce the missing charts would be better suited.

I must have had a decent one when i got stopped. I couldnā€™t even produce that days print out :laughing:

Just to carry this on a bit - here comes the repercussionsā€¦

RIght, on the day I had all the dealings with vosa, including an extorsionate fine. I also had the agency on my back followed by having to make a heartfelt apology to the company (the only one I was happy to do really). The girl at the agency also wanted me to call her boss (who I loathe) because he ā€œwanted a wordā€.

Now, two ballikings, the company (who to be fair were very good about it) and a Ā£200 fine was plenty for one day so Iā€™ve not rung the other guy at the agency - why should I ring him for another telling off anyway!?

The company ā€œclientā€ are aparently going to stop using the agency but for other reasons and will possibly let me know who they go to so they can carry on using me but you can guess how the agencyā€™ll take that :wink:

So, no doubt, one way or another Iā€™ll be speaking to the boss at the agency tomorow and to be honest if he starts laying into me theyā€™ll be a driver down pretty quickly but how would you handle it, just out of curiosity?

Thread about this a few weeks ago, 200 pounds is a scandalous amount to fine someone especially someone who is just trying to put food on the table.

It should be 30 pounds fine and if you dont produce the missing tachos in 5 days it goes up to 200 pounds, at least that sounds reasonable to me.

Very reasonable, itā€™s not like we earn a fortune, Expected to be professional for a pittance, what could they do if you told them it was your first day after a career break? How do they sleep at night!!!

maybe its just me but do vosa have the right to demand you call agencys? id have claimed not to have number handy. as for the agency, if he starts aggressive or accusing I would demand reimbursement of the Chance of getting it but might throw him enough to avoid problems. if not could still be fun to see his face when you ask lol

I know it wonā€™t happen, but reading things like this makes me wish all you boys and girls could get together and pull all the trucks off the road, blockade the ports, tunnel etc and ā– ā– ā– ā–  'em right up for a couple of weeks. People out there trying to earn a living and all you get is ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  aggravation and huge fines for simple mistakes, not to mention the tossers like those that started the ā€œI hate truck driversā€ thing. Surrounded by ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  idiots, ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  in the office that ainā€™t got a clue, ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  all over the places where you deliver to, thinking theyā€™re doing you a huge favour by unloading you, price of running a truck for owner drivers, etc,etc,etc,ā€¦ jesus, I needed that, but 'ang on, Iā€™m only just warming up. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Lol, dunno if itā€™s even worth entertaining it to be honest mate,
that was the only good job Iā€™ve ever had from them and heā€™s the definition
of sleaze. I know idealy Iā€™d take it on the chin in this day and age
but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve got much to lose and, frankly, Iā€™ve taken enough for
the sake of forgetting to pick a few bits of paper up when I left the house!

If, by some miricle, heā€™s fair with me and I get a ā€œyou idiot, donā€™t do it againā€ kinda
talking to, fair enough but I think Iā€™ll be going elsewhere. Heā€™s lucky to have anyone
on his books after dropping pay by a third last year and assuming folk would just
accept itā€¦ Only reason I did was to keep work coming in when the better paying
places are quiet.

Peterm, to be honest mate, I had an hour or two wondering why Iā€™m doing this job
after vosa had finished shafting me, I enjoy it most of the time and (I think) Iā€™m good at
it but I did have to wonder if I should be thinking of something else to do, the crap we have
to put up with almost daily is starting to take the p.

curious - how did VOSA know those 3 days charts were ā€˜missingā€™ as you may have not worked for those days ā– ā– 

This is a question which always was making me thinking. In Poland for example, you have to provide empty chart for every day you was off work, even for your weekly rest, or, for longer periods of time, letter from the employerā€¦

I feel for you mate, but rules are rules. Im sure there are a good number of bent drivers on the roads and by doing things by the books then you cover your own arse and the vostapo wont beable to give you grief.

Oh, I agree mate but as has been said Ā£200ā€™s rediculous for forgetting to pick some bits of paper up when I left the house.

Surely the idea of Ā£30 on the spot or Ā£200 if you fail to produce in a set period would be fairer.

Anyway, agency were a lot better about it today though their not paying me for the day and not charging the client for it, fair enough I suppose - Iā€™d only done about two hours anyway.

just hope the t.m. manages to talk his bosses into keeping me going.