Dodds Group / 21st Century Logistics in Administration

Not really Rob, i’ve always thought that about general haulage company’s. I’ve never done general haulage but get to see the rates being offered by some of the big players & they are shocking. The return loads are just diesel money now basically as the big firms know people will do it for diesel money rather than return empty which is a cancer in the industry.

My stuff is closed loop, round trip, I don’t even know if I could be arsed trying to get in to one way work even if I had primary rate going out. Effort versus reward just doesn’t seem to add up.

I prefer keeping things small as well, i’ve had the opportunity to run a fair few trucks in the past but the bigger you are the harder you fall as they say. Too many firms focus on running more & more trucks rather than running fewer at a higher profit margin.

Not really Rob, i’ve always thought that about general haulage company’s. I’ve never done general haulage but get to see the rates being offered by some of the big players & they are shocking. The return loads are just diesel money now basically as the big firms know people will do it for diesel money rather than return empty which is a cancer in the industry.

My stuff is closed loop, round trip, I don’t even know if I could be arsed trying to get in to one way work even if I had primary rate going out. Effort versus reward just doesn’t seem to add up.

I prefer keeping things small as well, i’ve had the opportunity to run a fair few trucks in the past but the bigger you are the harder you fall as they say. Too many firms focus on running more & more trucks rather than running fewer at a higher profit margin.

True. It was your final sentence that I was surprised to read. I was half expecting someone to ask if your account had been hacked by someone else on this forum… :laughing:

The other company in Kent that went last week runs some trucks on ECS yellow and blue volvo’s a mate of mine works (worked) there.Same thing get back clear cab no money.

Not very good at all it’s gonna get a lot harder.

wwwhhhhhhoooooooaoaaaaaaaaaaaaa they were front cover on the truck mag a while back about how well the were doing and how that lad had spent thousands on his truck. i dont suppose ELTON john will be too pleased.

one thing that always puzzled me about dodds was who pulled their trailers in europe? i always used to see loads round calais unaccompanied (same as kent connection) but i never saw them on the road

one thing that always puzzled me about dodds was who pulled their trailers in europe? i always used to see loads round calais unaccompanied (same as kent connection) but i never saw them on the road

i always thought their trailers were to tall for europe and have never seen any 4 mts ones.

jessicas dad:

one thing that always puzzled me about dodds was who pulled their trailers in europe? i always used to see loads round calais unaccompanied (same as kent connection) but i never saw them on the road

i always thought their trailers were to tall for europe and have never seen any 4 mts ones.

They were ok for France, but don’t tell Brit Pete :stuck_out_tongue:

We loaded from Kemsley for Rouen

jessicas dad:
i dont suppose ELTON john will be too pleased.

I have no idea what you are trying to suggest. :wink:

Harry Monk:

jessicas dad:
i dont suppose ELTON john will be too pleased.

I have no idea what you are trying to suggest. :wink:

i think you maybe along the right LINES :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Was just going to ask was it them also heard a waste paper company based nar brands hatch that runs a blinged up Volvo is been run by administrators.

jessicas dad:

The other company in Kent that went last week runs some trucks on ECS yellow and blue volvo’s a mate of mine works (worked) there.Same thing get back clear cab no money.

Not very good at all it’s gonna get a lot harder.

wwwhhhhhhoooooooaoaaaaaaaaaaaaa they were front cover on the truck mag a while back about how well the were doing and how that lad had spent thousands on his truck. i dont suppose ELTON john will be too pleased.

JD, IIRC, it was the company that paid for the truck to be done up, not the driver, it was a special anniversary (for the company) truck that they decided to bling up, all the staff took a vote on who they think should get it, and the lad that got it, got over 50% of the votes

I think your right spanky was in one of the truck mags iirc the guy used to restore old vespas and lambrettas in his spare time.

Wheel Nut:

All these comments about dumping trucks and/or selling them for parts might be acceptable (just) if they were owned by Dodds, as most of the fleet was on contract hire all that will do is disadvantage the supplier, and they are out of pocket already, rememeber they have to pay people’s wages too.

It’s not even acceptable then, all the equipment, cash and sales are owned by the receiver, his job is to maximise the revenue from them to pay ALL the drivers, the revenue and VAT, the suppliers get the remainder, if there is one.

1st Tax Man
2nd suppliers
100th Drivers

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Seen them pulling unaccompanied trailers about recently. Usually a good sign that they aren’t long for this world. Sad though, been around a long time.

To all known creditors :

Events Leading up to the Administration
The company had been loss making since 2008 and had experienced a gradual reduction in its margins due to the steadily increasing cost of fuel over the intervening period.
During the early part of 2011, the Company’s former directors, James Dodd and David Pink, entered into discussions with Fredrik Helander to explore the possibility of a sale of the company via its ultimate parent Dodd’s Group Limited (“DGL”) (wholly owned by Messrs Dodd and Pink)

On 18 April 2011 the entire share capital of DGL was acquired by Millmax Limited (“Millmax”), a company wholly owned by Mr Helander. The new owner simultaneously entered into a “sale and leaseback” transaction with both Close Asset Finance and Shilling Mergers Limited, under which it disposed of all the unencumbered chattel assets of the Company for the combined sum of £310,000.

At the same time, the Company entered into a Receivables Finance agreement - factoring of sales invoices - with Leumi ABL (“Leumi”)

More recently the Company began to experience significant creditor pressure as a result of cash flow difficulties. During this period, the director was in discussions with a number of external parties to attempt to raise additional working capita funding to support ongoing trading. By the early part of August 2011, no alternative working capital funding could be found and Leumi became concerned about the financial stability of the business.

On 25 August 2011, as no progress had been made in sourcing additional working capital, Leumi served a demand on the Company for repayment of its facility, with funds in use of £787,038.
The demand remained unsatisfied and the Joint Administrators were subsequently appointed to the Company on 25 August 2011, by Leumi in its capacity as a Qualifying Floating Chargeholder.

The appointment was deemed necessary to protect the position of Leumi and the Company’s creditors in general.

Book Debts
As at the appointment date the Company’s debtor ledger was reported at being £1,638,315

Book Debt realisations to date total £630,068. The collection of the remaining book debts is being conducted by MCR Receivables management Limited (“RM”) and is ongoing.
RM has been engaged directly by Leumi. The extent of further realisations from this source remains uncertain.

Secured Creditors
In consideration of the monies advanced under the Receivables Finance Agreement the Company granted Leumi a mortgage debenture…which confers fixed and floating charges over all assets of the Company.

It is expected that Leumi will be paid in full from the debtor realisations; however, the level of any surplus available to the Company remains uncertain.

Preferential Creditors
The level of preferential claims is currently unknown, but it is expected to be in the region of £100,000, preferential claims will consist of employee’s claims which are mostly subrogated to the Secretary of State, following payment by the Redundancy Payments Office.

Non Preferential Unsecured Creditors
Based upon currently available information, it is anticipated that there will be insufficient asset realisations to enable a distribution to be made.

According to information held in the Company’s books and records, non preferential unsecured creditors totalled £923,893.
This can be summarised as
Trade and Expense Creditors - £711,567
HM Revenue & Customs — VAT - £40,280
HM Revenue & Customs — PAYE - £172,096

Administrators Summary
… a creditors meeting will not be convened as the Joint Administrators believe that the Company will have insufficient property to enable a distribution to be made to non preferential unsecured creditors.

Leumi will get all its money back
Close Asset Finance paid £310,000 for some assets and leased them back, no further mention is made of them , and they do not appear in the creditor list so can it be assumed they realised enough on the assets to settle the outstanding finance?, more of that later.

Book Debts amount to £1,638,315, collected so far is £630,068, leaving RM (Leumi’s debt collectors) to get the remaining £1,008,247.
An unanswered question is, are Leumi getting this back to clear their £787,038, or has the £630,068 gone the main way to pay this. There could be anywhere between £221,209 or £851,277 washing about depending on the answer to that question, but the former is more likely.
£100,000 goes to preferential creditors, so probably that leaves £121,209, so pretty much nothing when disputed sales invoices, and additional costs and interest are factored in.

The Trade and Expense creditors amount to £711,567, however, the creditor list only amounts to £599,023, is this where the potential Close Asset Finance monies are hiding?, who knows.

So, within 129 days of taking over a 100 year old company with backing from two financial institutions a total of £923,893 has disappeared, watch this space, the new Greek Finance Minister is likely to be a certain Fredrik Helander……

looks like asset stripping from where i am sat, who would buy a company thats been making a loss since 2008 if that wasn’t foremost in their mind :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Im not a business expert, but if your company had been making a loss for three years, you would have to give it away, so i would expect the co got sold for a pound, which would then alleviate the original owner of any debt, close asset would have released money to the new co, secured on any of its assets that it could get, thats what they do, so all assts vehicle wise would be the ownership of close asset now, next would be the bank then govt taxes etc, then secured creditors, then the receivers will rob as much as they can in the way of fees, and rag it out as long as poss, the unsecured creditors will get whats left over, if any divided amongst them, the staff will all get paid from the govt.

Commercial Motor - 13/10/11

Dodd’s: what really happened?

Two pages and i’m none the wiser, Dodds new owner “Helander now refuses to answer his phone or return our calls” - gee, you could give Rogue Traders a un for their money in wet journalism.