Dodds Group / 21st Century Logistics in Administration

There will be news of another Kent haulier gone this week so gonna be bad news all round this week :frowning:

Pray tell us who :question: :question: :question:

(I work for a kent haulier) :confused:


There will be news of another Kent haulier gone this week so gonna be bad news all round this week :frowning:

Pray tell us who :question: :question: :question:

(I work for a kent haulier) :confused:

Me too through my agency

Take the truck home with you & sell the spare parts until you get the equiv of your wages. I think its still legal to do that.

No it is not. The equipment belongs to the receiver and you have to go through them the same as anyone else. You can get into big trouble otherwise.

The drivers will get most of the money owing to them through the National Insurance fund, application forms will be posted to them automatically. They will also receive a week’s pay in lieu of notice and any holiday pay owed, up to a maximum of £380 a week.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to be told to clear your cab because the company has gone bust.

Used to see them a lot in our Magor depot, well kept fleet and decent blokes driving for them, shocking.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to be told to clear your cab because the company has gone bust.

I’m getting rather used to it now! :smiley:

I use to work for them at warrington it was agood company to work for then. I heard that they had lost the uk paper job out of sittingbourn. I have seen about 4 of there trucks last week.

drive your truck into central london park it up, and get the train home, you cant be done for anything, as long as you post the keys back to head office, i know it wont count for much, but you will feel better for it

drive your truck into central london park it up, and get the train home, you cant be done for anything, as long as you post the keys back to head office, i know it wont count for much, but you will feel better for it

second class stamp though!!!

scania rob:

drive your truck into central london park it up, and get the train home, you cant be done for anything, as long as you post the keys back to head office, i know it wont count for much, but you will feel better for it

second class stamp though!!!

And a train fare,


44 Tonne Ton:
Jim Dodd, former owner of the Dodd’s Group, founded nearly 100 years ago, said he sold the company four months ago.

That was lucky…


I used to load out of Kemsley Mill for Dodds, great set of guys, both loading and in the office, until one day the office was staffed by Downhill Logistics :open_mouth:

The other company in Kent that went last week runs some trucks on ECS yellow and blue volvo’s a mate of mine works (worked) there.Same thing get back clear cab no money.

Not very good at all it’s gonna get a lot harder.

All these comments about dumping trucks and/or selling them for parts might be acceptable (just) if they were owned by Dodds, as most of the fleet was on contract hire all that will do is disadvantage the supplier, and they are out of pocket already, rememeber they have to pay people’s wages too.

All these comments about dumping trucks and/or selling them for parts might be acceptable (just) if they were owned by Dodds, as most of the fleet was on contract hire all that will do is disadvantage the supplier, and they are out of pocket already, rememeber they have to pay people’s wages too.

It’s not even acceptable then, all the equipment, cash and sales are owned by the receiver, his job is to maximise the revenue from them to pay ALL the drivers, the revenue and VAT, the suppliers get the remainder, if there is one.

just to say i have been working for these guys for a few months now(good company to work for), got back earlier to be told to empty truck and wont be getting my last months wages by the recievers, :cry: to say the least im a bit gutted and am now having to try and find other work,so roll on tuesday the fone will be a bit hot…

■■■■■■■■, the reciever should of given you a form to complete so the wages owed can be claimed from the government, your also entitled to holiday pay owed, only the directors cant claim the wages.

It takes about 3 weeks for the wage cheque to come through direct from the government department that deals with it.

I know from when I liquidated capitol enterprises, all employees were paid everything they were owed, and when the assetts were sold the money was repaid to the government 2nd on the list to HMRC who was 1st the recievers were 3rd then anybody else on the list was paid a percentage.

Admittedly the assetts did cover everything owed so nobody lost out, but it took 5 months to sort it all out

Good luck to the redundant employees, I hope they find suitable work soon and also get any monies owed or as much as.
Call me cynical but whatever happened to “due diligence”, which is a process which any reputable company will go through when they are taking over another one, this will/should highlight any problems/issues with the way the company has been operated!

Please correct me if I am wrong but running a company into liquidation within 4 months of taking it over, should mean that the receiver asking some harsh questions!

Is there a smell in the air or is it just me :confused: :confused: :confused:

Good luck to the redundant employees, I hope they find suitable work soon and also get any monies owed or as much as.
Call me cynical but whatever happened to “due diligence”, which is a process which any reputable company will go through when they are taking over another one, this will/should highlight any problems/issues with the way the company has been operated!

Please correct me if I am wrong but running a company into liquidation within 4 months of taking it over, should mean that the receiver asking some harsh questions!

Is there a smell in the air or is it just me :confused: :confused: :confused:

Couldn’t agree more, knowing Jim Dodd I doubt for one minute it was in such a dire state when it was sold, so something must have gone a miss in the last four months.
The creditor meeting will be interesting, I for one will won’t to know who got what in 16 weeks of trading.
The smell is overpowering…

Davey Driver:
■■■■■■■■, the reciever should of given you a form to complete so the wages owed can be claimed from the government, your also entitled to holiday pay owed, only the directors cant claim the wages.

It takes about 3 weeks for the wage cheque to come through direct from the government department that deals with it.

I know from when I liquidated capitol enterprises, all employees were paid everything they were owed, and when the assetts were sold the money was repaid to the government 2nd on the list to HMRC who was 1st the recievers were 3rd then anybody else on the list was paid a percentage.

Admittedly the assetts did cover everything owed so nobody lost out, but it took 5 months to sort it all out

I got the form and filled it in but it only says about contracted wage , where do i get my nightsout money, and 4 weeks of overtime from???the government dont pay that do they!!! so i wont be getting my full pay then !!! all i will be getting is £380 times four, so that leaves me about £800 quid down , i guese i gatta kiss that goodbye!!!

It’s not surprising really, the rates for general haulage are an absolute joke. There’s loads of firms running around for taxi money, burning through their reserves of cash & running at a loss in the hope that things will get better, they won’t. The sensible have sold up or knocked it on the head, while the deluded are still carrying on till the bank finally says no.

Interesting post from you silver. I never thought I’d see the day…

I got the form and filled it in but it only says about contracted wage , where do i get my nightsout money, and 4 weeks of overtime from???the government dont pay that do they!!! so i wont be getting my full pay then !!! all i will be getting is £380 times four, so that leaves me about £800 quid down , i guese i gatta kiss that goodbye!!!

A bloody big difference to what you originally said

just to say i have been working for these guys for a few months now(good company to work for), got back earlier to be told to empty truck and wont be getting my last months wages by the recievers, :cry: to say the least im a bit gutted and am now having to try and find other work,so roll on tuesday the fone will be a bit hot.