Dodds Group / 21st Century Logistics in Administration

Just seen on local news that Dodds Group of Sittingbourne gone into administration…Another one bites the dust…Sad times !!!

Years ago there was a Dodds in Cheshunt ,was it the same one?

just to say i have been working for these guys for a few months now(good company to work for), got back earlier to be told to empty truck and wont be getting my last months wages by the recievers, :cry: to say the least im a bit gutted and am now having to try and find other work,so roll on tuesday the fone will be a bit hot…

Take the truck home with you & sell the spare parts until you get the equiv of your wages. I think its still legal to do that.

just to say i have been working for these guys for a few months now(good company to work for), got back earlier to be told to empty truck and wont be getting my last months wages by the recievers, :cry: to say the least im a bit gutted and am now having to try and find other work,so roll on tuesday the fone will be a bit hot…

Sorry to hear that mate, good luck to you and everyone concerned. Sad times!! :cry: :cry:

Jim Dodd, former owner of the Dodd’s Group, founded nearly 100 years ago, said he sold the company four months ago.

That was lucky…


Very sad indeed, especially for the 98 unpaid, now unemployed staff and all the suppliers, I for one am £21k lighter, and I’m sure the total at the bottom of the administrators statement in a few months will have some high 6 figure numbers.
It was destined to go to this way with the muppet who bought it knowing pretty much nothing about transport, and I bet he borrowed shed loads of cash from dumb bankers to buy it to, so they will get the biggest payout, if there is anything.
Most of the trucks were on rental so they will be returned to their rightful owners at some stage, probably leaving a few office chairs and pens for sale.
A quid says Freddie the Swede isn’t out of pocket, probably paid himself £200k for his last 4 months work.
RIP another Kent Haulier.

not good to hear, hope there are plenty of jobs going in the area for any decent drivers.

Dodds were in direct compition with the company I work for. Even so they have always been nice drivers to chat to and deal with.

I am really sorry to hear that they have gone under and I hope every one who worked there can get fixed up with new jobs soon.


It comes as a huge shock and is a company that I see every day!

hi all,
i wasn’t aware dodds were sold four months ago.good luck to all those who have lost their jobs.who tf will be next to go through :cry: :question:
regards andrew.

has any one else seen the trucks recently done out in les knight livery running about in recent weeks I thought it a bit strange as dodds got this firm from the reciever a cpl years ago am i bein synical putting two and two together

My phone as been going mad last night, on holiday not due back to uk untill friday. Just checked bank no pay. 10 years + service i have given Dodds + my W s hunts years which Dodds took over.
Good luck to all my old work mates but sorry to say the sun, pool and bar is waiting.

we are not paying you.
empty the truck, and give it us back.

what a [zb]ing joke.
give them the truck, when they pay up.

It’s not surprising really, the rates for general haulage are an absolute joke. There’s loads of firms running around for taxi money, burning through their reserves of cash & running at a loss in the hope that things will get better, they won’t. The sensible have sold up or knocked it on the head, while the deluded are still carrying on till the bank finally says no.

not good to hear, hope there are plenty of jobs going in the area for any decent drivers.

Not that much.
Suppose the phone of the agency I work for will be busy, in the next few days/weeks.
They have got quite a bit of work on, but enough drivers on the books to cover it I think.

It’s not surprising really, the rates for general haulage are an absolute joke. There’s loads of firms running around for taxi money, burning through their reserves of cash & running at a loss in the hope that things will get better, they won’t. The sensible have sold up or knocked it on the head, while the deluded are still carrying on till the bank finally says no.

Always the same in a recession, a haulier has very little choice other than to just battle on in blind optimism.

If I had six financed trucks worth less than the outstanding amount owed on the finance, I couldn’t sell them.

I could either park them up, in which case I would still have to pay finance, yard space etc with no revenue coming in, on I could put them to work earning £1900 a week even though they are costing £2000 a week to operate. Their work will be taken over by firms which, in three or six months time will be going down exactly the same path.

There will be news of another Kent haulier gone this week so gonna be bad news all round this week :frowning:

Im deeply saddened on hearing this company go to the wall, and that all those who have lost their jobs, I hope it is only short term. so who will be the next kent haulier to go?