Do you want to be called drive?

Been picking pallets up at a place 3 times a week for months and the guy calls me Mark for some ungodly reason but I never correct him as I couldn`t give a monkeys, maybe he says no in front of it and I miss it.

Don`t hear the term drive much up here but I am not really listening anyway.

Sometimes, when I turn up, people look at my car transporter and say “what have you got for me driver?”… I usually reply " today, it’s cars"

are they mad?

I deliver timber to TP yards in a TP wagon.When they ask me what I’ve got I just say wood.But then they ask me what type!!!

i get kiddo alot, mainly because i do look like im about ten years old lol.

but tbh they can call me what they like, ive never really had any problems with people and even if i do get the odd disgruntled forkie i always do as he asks just to get the hell away from him, plus having a smile on ur face when hes a right sour {zb} just winds him up lol.

ive been very lucky though in that ive never had many {zb}s when delivering, one or 2 now and again and its usually when ive been on multidrop van work aswell.

ive found though if you greet the staff with a smile or are in a happy mood the office/rdc staff seem to treat you a lil better than the grunting from moody drivers.