Do you get high bridge vertigo?

I don’t get high bridge vertigo, low bridges get me, ones that are close to the water.

Going under low bridges after I’ve tipped I always check the body and the sheet are down, then at the next one too. Weird I know but it worries me.

The Dartford crossing, those rails don’t like look they could stop a ■■■■. I don’t like heights at the best of times, yet I cross the Orwell bridge daily and it doesn’t bother me.

I suffer from fear of heights and yet somethings don’t bother me.
Flying in a 747 or an A340 for instance has no effect on me, I can easily gaze out of the windows at the sights 34,000 feet bellow. Most bridges don’t bother me but there are some exceptions … The Tobin bridge in Boston MA is very un-nerving, it’s a rickety and narrow bridge that’s very high, I have only crossed it a couple of times before the tunnel system under the harbour opened but both times traffic stopped when I was in the middle and very near the edge, I was quite worried.
The GWB worries me also, especially when traffic is very heavy and almost at a standstill, so 90% of the time, it’s very old and to feel it moving as I sit there is scary.
The Delaware memorial bridge is another quite frightening one, 300 feet up at the apex and have felt my wheels leave the surface during high winds with a box trailer on.

I agree with the France and Italy comments.

The worst for me though wasn’t a bridge it was when I took an ADR/ chemicals load to a plant of some description near The Pyrennes. The roads were like something out of the ‘Italian Job’ …not too much of a problem heading up fully loaded it was coming down empty in the mist and fine rain that really scared the pants off me. The road was a little slippery and there’d be brief encounters when the tyres on the drive axle wouldn’t grip just for a split second, there were huge drops on my side of the road and just an armco barrier to stop you. I was never so glad to get off a road :laughing:

I’m not good with heights and yes bridges do bother me.

I just grip the steering wheel and look straight ahead and keep going

Yes I do big time ! And I love the adrenalin buzz ! :smiling_imp:
This one made me scream big time !

I think this is the one I was talking about isn’t it? The E40 to Chamonix?

I haven’t thought about it for years, but some of the old commie bloc bridges left a bit to be desired, Yugoslavia had a mullock of them too and there were huge pieces of concrete missing out of the supports, some seemed to move under you as well.

At the opposite end of the spectrum … The apartment buildings on I-95 just as you are about to go on to the GWB really do bother me :open_mouth: You drive in a tunnel beneath a very big tower block of about 20 floors and it seems to be supported some very old and decaying concrete pylons with huge chunks of concrete missing, I really do feel that one day the whole thing is going to just collapse and bury every thing under it, I am actually relieved to get out and on to the bridge.

Yes I tend to grip the wheel and just want to get of it asap. Not like it in the car though

The two Le Havre bridges are Pont de Tancarville and Normandie.
I knew a lad that was petrified of high bridges and would go hundreds of miles to avoid bridges in Europe.On the tracker,his boss assumed he was lost again.
Loading in the mountains around Guimaraes and Braganza in Portugal could get hairy.
Barcelona to Tarragona on the cliff top coast road.
The old pass by Pamplona.Many trucks went over on that one.
Carolinas near Bailen.Brake fade there.Many died on that pass.An owner driver i knew crashed there.Could not stop for the road works in the rain.His Ford Continental went over.
He was decapitated.It took a while for the Guarda Civil to find the head.Maybe someone on here knew him.Colin.Had two Fords on Portugal/Spain.
The dreaded IP5 from Villar Formoso to Guarda.Some drivers would go down with door open ready to jump out.