Do you get high bridge vertigo?

Do you always look at the massive drop or do you ignore it in
the hope that it will go away ?

Do you get the shivvers ?

Do you grip the steering wheel ?

Are you OK with the strong cross winds ?

What is your favourite elevation ?

Are you whimpish ?

Do you think about the consequences if …

Have you made a will yet ?

Josterdal Breen (it’s a Glacier in Norway)
Or Haystacks, Lake District.

What do I win ?

Ha ha, good topic!

Yes, been over some seriously tall bridges in France and Italy and I must admit that the old bum-hole was going like a cod’s mouth! :wink:

Humber bridge worries me. Not just the outrageous cost, i always feel if I suddenly veered left I could clear the barrier and drop into the drink. The bridge deck is higher than the path.

Normally fine apart from one -

The bridge on the M90 near Perth. Bloody hate it always feel like I’m going over the edge and feels a hell of a lot higher than it probably is. Sorry I don’t know its name.

I loved the Milau viaduct but my wife had her eyes shut on the entire southbound leg. Northbound she at least kept her eyes open but looked dead ahead the whole time.

It makes me feel more alive knowing I’m 3ft away from death.
A bit cliché but that’s just me.
I would just jump in the bunk and hold the seat, if people can ride the world trade centre down and survive, I’m sure I could do it on the Severn Bridge in my truck :slight_smile:

That would be the Friarton Perth.Its often subject to cross winds and the barriers are not high.I straddle the lanes when in a bus much to the chagrin of the speeding thundering juggernaut blah blah drivers.

What do I win ?

I am very pleased to announce that you have won First Prize and
you will be spending one week in the company of Britain’s greatest
truck driver of all time, Mark Dixon of Stobarts.

Second Prize (two weeks with Mark) will be announced later.

Just before i done my first trip round Europe my mate was telling me about these really high bridges in france italy etc and how the guard rails are pretty much just a token gesture and so i started having these thoughts that im gonna have some kind of violent blow out causing me to veer to towards the rails and off the side…

Yeah, petrified of bridges.


M4 as you head to Swansea, elevated section Jct 42

i just shut me eyes and pray on high bridges :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

Normally fine apart from one -

The bridge on the M90 near Perth. Bloody hate it always feel like I’m going over the edge and feels a hell of a lot higher than it probably is. Sorry I don’t know its name.

I loved the Milau viaduct but my wife had her eyes shut on the entire southbound leg. Northbound she at least kept her eyes open but looked dead ahead the whole time.

The friarton bridge is the one that bothers me, I’m fine heading south but northbound when there’s a breeze I hate it. Other bridges I’m fine with its strange.

Hate that bloody friarton bridge,
I always think I’m rolling to the left ? ?

I never think about it tbh, well, not the height anyway. However, when going over some bridges like the Runcorn bridge with a double decker, I’m always a bit worried that I’ll catch those supports that come at an angle…
When I first took a double deck trailer to Newcastle, I moved over to the 2nd lane :blush:


What do I win ?

I am very pleased to announce that you have won First Prize and
you will be spending one week in the company of Britain’s greatest
truck driver of all time, Mark Dixon of Stobarts.

Second Prize (two weeks with Mark) will be announced later.

I’ve gone all emotional, MARK DIXON/GOD. I do hope he lets me clean the inside of his lorry. :smiley:

Hi have walked across Forth road bridge and Humber bridge both move all the time, think some would never go across in waggon if you see the movement. cheer’s bob

I’ve gone all emotional, MARK DIXON / GOD.

I do hope he lets me clean the inside of his lorry. :smiley:


Only if you wear your apron - ONLY your apron.

Hi have walked across Forth road bridge and Humber
bridge both move all the time, think some would never go across in
waggon if you see the movement. cheer’s bob

That reminds me of the M1 Junction 34 at Sheffield Tinsley. (Meadowhall)

The double decked Tinsley viaduct is often closed to high siders
in windy weather and they must travel on the lower deck. If
you stop on the lower deck in heavy traffic you can get bounced
around all over the place.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge 1940.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge 1940.