Let’s see just how many of us there are keeping Diesel Dave company, for whatever reason…
Only Friday and Saturday’s, never on a ‘school night’
Over here yes on a Friday and Saturday night
In Europe a kier before main meal and wine with possibly a brandy to finish depending when I had to hit the road again
In the states never on the road (very strict limits)
but at home at the weekend hey Nascar wouldn’t be the same without the Bud
and the refrigerator in the garage is well stocked for when working on the toys
i like a pint or two of an evening but since i never start before 7 its not a prob
I do have a drink but mainly on a friday and sat night, sometimes with my sunday lunch a nice red wine
i enjoy the rare can of Guinness when i get home after a hard shift
the wife thinks it weird cant think why
ooh might be cause i work nights and the sight of a creamy pint next to my cornflakes is off putting
I voted occasionally
in my case that means 1 can every month or 6 weeks
last time I drank in a pub was at Cannock for some sort of late xmas party
(and the beer was free)
friday and saturday mostly cant beat binge drinking,
if im on a night out in the truck i will usually go for a pint but thats knowing i aint got to get up early in the morning.
if im at home at night i dont touch it during the week
my names jon and im a binge drinker
Very strick here.Commercial license holders have to blow a zero,even in their personal car ,where as car drivers can blow a point 8.
8 hours “bottle to throttle” as they say ,though not sure if that’s even long enough.Friday or Saturday for me.
Yes i like nothing more than a cold beer at the end of a day,if im weekended in Germany ill have a few beers,and strangely in Helsinki it
only about £1.40 a pint,bring it on.
Im a binge drinker.
but not when driving …as i tend to spill most of it boom boom
but some wine with eving meal as you do in france,spain,italy or a beer in germany belgium or netherlands to be social you understand
only on fri/sat night or sunday lunch,never in the week ,have too many licences to lose .
its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky
its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky
WTF you are kidding RIGHT
I like a tipple or two but only if I am not working the next day
i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day
Blimey ady1 I guess the police could always check how much blood you’ve got in your alcohol stream then…
but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
So when you sweat, it’s cider coming out??
Even with my knowledge of drinking, I know that the alcohol must go through your body first. Whilst it’s inside you, I’m fairly sure it could be measured… Somebody might put me right on that though…
Drink the odd can in the house. Usually get plastered on a Saturday night though!
When it came to “trying” alcohol, I sampled various beers (never drunk a whole one) I tried the spirits (didn’t like any of them) had a look at wine and alco-pops and then started wondering how/why people enjoy drinking. I’m still wondering and couldn’t come up with a good answer. BTW folks, that’s not a criticism of those who do enjoy a drink. Live and let live, each to their own.
In my time as a driver, I’ve only ever hated two of my jobs. One was that we had to carry barrels of beer to Italy. Smelly brewery in Burton-on-Trent, smelly trailer and a smelly delivery address. (For those who did it, I’d even prefer the salted skins job any day.)
Years later, on another firm, I drove a CO2 tanker, lovely stuff CO2- no smell. Guess what?? a regular full-load drop was the same smelly brewery in Burton-on-Trent
1hr 20mins to offload, a site rule was “driver must be in attendance.” that was even worserer
I actually jacked-in a well paid ADR tanker job because of drink, and I never touched a drop of the stuff
Another customer of theirs: A place that made lager in Wrexham- same awful smell I believe it’s a retail park now, so there is some justice after all he he he
oh yes…but never while making a tricky manouver.