Do you drink? A thread 'speshully for Diesel Dave!

as a rule i dnt drink i like the taste (i be cider drinker ) but but i dnt like drinking at home and i dnt really like pub’s n clubs that much but i do make an effort for family partys or special occasions

In my time as a driver, I’ve only ever hated two of my jobs. One was that we had to carry barrels of beer to Italy. Smelly brewery in Burton-on-Trent, smelly trailer and a smelly delivery address. (For those who did it, I’d even prefer the salted skins job any day.)

Years later, on another firm, I drove a CO2 tanker, lovely stuff CO2- no smell. Guess what?? a regular full-load drop was the same smelly brewery in Burton-on-Trent :smiling_imp:
1hr 20mins to offload, a site rule was “driver must be in attendance.” that was even worserer :smiling_imp:

that will be the one either paul@midway works for or the one i work at. :open_mouth: which one was it :question:


I like to unwind with a drink late in the evening when I’ve done all my jobs for the night and the kids are in bed. I think it’s not so much that I need the alchohol, more a ritual to mark “my time”

Mainly I drink real ale, sometimes a nice single malt, cider or red wine. If the cupboard’s bare and i’ve had a hard day anything with a % sign on it.

I don’t seem to enjoy binge drinking any more and as a weekend driver Saturday is usually my “dry” night.

that will be the one either paul@midway works for or the one i work at. :open_mouth: which one was it :question:


The tanker firm was Imperial, Billingham.
(We were outbased at Stanlow, so very handy for me living in the 'Port.)
The smelly brewery was Ind coop B-o-T, IIRC. (Not absolutely sure of the name, but the logo was a “hand.”)
Or did you mean the Wrexham one?

I had to vote ‘occasionally’ because I had one beer at the Santa Pod truck show and a glass of wine at Xmas and three (yes THREE) G&T’s on our wedding anniversary this year. OH is one drink ahead as he had 2 at Santa Pod. (Greedy Pig!) So it is mounting up for us this year -
And its only July!! :laughing:

i’m partial to a beer now and again, hobgoblin being the current flavour of the month, and my love of JD & coke is well documented on this site and others

I quite often get through a case of stella whilst driving (it helps me relax) but only if i have a spare hand (i`m normally holding the wheel with one and texting with the other)…

very occasionally,I got a 8 pack of beers for Christmas and I finished them in May :open_mouth:

I do partake in a bit of BINGE drinking though every once in a while :wink:

I drink like a fish !!! I should be on Harry Monks brew site !!! The cheekiest thing i ever done was a trailer swap to Fleetwood i think it was and i went into a weatherspoons for my ‘45’ and had a pint and a meal !!!

I’m a complete and total dipso. That’s my real photo there on the left, that is.

Im a binge drinker.

Me too…never on school nights but …open season anything goes out of hours … :blush:

I drink like a fish !!! I should be on Harry Monks brew site !!! The cheekiest thing i ever done was a trailer swap to Fleetwood i think it was and i went into a weatherspoons for my ‘45’ and had a pint and a meal !!!

Not on a school night but open season on any other night …like mi guiness and red wine…sometimes in the same glass :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Im a binge drinker.

I’m sure that said something else the first time I read it :wink:

its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky

Apart from making lots of crap posts, you now also admit to drinking cider during the day■■? when working?? You should be ■■■■■■ hung, drawn and quartered and I hope you get sodding caught!!!
Oh, go on, tell me… tis alcohol free cider??

■■■■■■ idiot

Two,Three bottle Red Wine,Fife to Six Beer,and a few hard Drinks over the Year


its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky

Apart from making lots of crap posts, you now also admit to drinking cider during the day■■? when working?? You should be ■■■■■■ hung, drawn and quartered and I hope you get sodding caught!!!
Oh, go on, tell me… tis alcohol free cider??

■■■■■■ idiot

I don’t know where ady1 is, but in the USA, “cider” is what they call non-alcoholic apple juice.

Personally, my answer is “no” - I’ve never found an alcoholic drink I actually like.


its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky

Apart from making lots of crap posts, you now also admit to drinking cider during the day■■? when working?? You should be ■■■■■■ hung, drawn and quartered and I hope you get sodding caught!!!
Oh, go on, tell me… tis alcohol free cider??

■■■■■■ idiot

LOL !!!
Ady, alcohol does not ‘sweat out’ of you no matter who told you its does.
If it did i would be an armpit licker !!!
I get seriously disturbed by the content of this forum sometimes!

I love the drink but definately weekends only.Normally hit my local about 5 on a friday(m6 permitting) and leave in the early hours of sat.I love the social side of it as well.You cant beat a few pints with the lads on a fri straight from work


its really close at the moment so i take a lot of bottles of cider with me and drink them through the day but as its really hot and clammy i sweat it out of my system.
dont do it in the winter as its too risky

Apart from making lots of crap posts, you now also admit to drinking cider during the day■■? when working?? You should be ■■■■■■ hung, drawn and quartered and I hope you get sodding caught!!!
Oh, go on, tell me… tis alcohol free cider??

no its real enough , as for crap posts i cant argue with you on that but at least i try , im honest , and maybe with time ill get to your intellectual level of posts :exclamation: :exclamation:

■■■■■■ idiot