Do we have over 10000 registered users?

The 10,000 barrier got passed Today 24 Nov 2008 - don’t know what time though :smiley:

Was the 10,000th member WesIsonee from Zimbabwe :question:

10000 WesIsonee Zimbabwe 24 Nov 2008

YES :blush: :blush: but I think many join just 4 the fun of it and leave silly/stupid web links on their profiles time wasters really,

There was a bit of a site ‘sort’ out yesterday as well - wonder if the 10,000 number looming up had an influence on that or just coincidence :question:


We dont have 10,000 members yet, last nights spammers havent been deleted yet… :blush: :wink:

and the sort out is a semi regular thing that the mods do every few months :wink: :wink:


We dont have 10,000 members yet, last nights spammers havent been deleted yet… :blush: :wink:

OK - will there be anything special for member 10,000 when the real one is identified :question:



We dont have 10,000 members yet, last nights spammers havent been deleted yet… :blush: :wink:

OK - will there be anything special for member 10,000 when the real one is identified :question:

We’ve all heard you’re a real one Rog!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yup they get a free membership to TruckNet UK for a year :wink: :wink: :wink: :bulb: :laughing: :laughing:

Yup they get a free membership to TruckNet UK for a year :wink: :wink: :wink: :bulb: :laughing: :laughing:

WOW :exclamation: :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

only 9943 registered users now :cry: :cry:

I was looking forward to a diary & seeing how an RDC works in Zimbabwe :stuck_out_tongue:

Well if you just pm me your bank details, I will happily provide you with a diary and a vivid description of an African RDC.

Yours hopefully

Nigerian Scammer



We dont have 10,000 members yet, last nights spammers havent been deleted yet… :blush: :wink:

OK - will there be anything special for member 10,000 when the real one is identified :question:

The 10,000th member will be me, to go with my other 9,500 different aliases on here :smiley: .

To go with the wind ups on overtaking no doubt. :laughing:

Are we at 10,000 yet :question:

are we there yet dad?

WheelNut may hit his 10,000th post about the same time :laughing:

WheelNut may hit his 10,000th post about the same time :laughing:

OMG. I remember when I was taking the urine about Neil and Rob K.

My missus reckons I spend my life on here, she may be right for once. Ouch! sorry dear :blush:

We have 10045 registered users

Is this the TRUE figure :question:

or have the spammers got to be removed :question:


We have 10045 registered users

Is this the TRUE figure :question:

or have the spammers got to be removed :question:

Why is it so important that you have to keep asking?

Just forget it for a few days, keep checking the total, when it’s consistently higher than 10,000 you can be pretty sure that we’ve got 10,000 plus members.

bless him, he’s old and excitable.

its like when your granddad used to come round for xmas day, put him in front of the tele (or in rog’s case trucknet) and leave him there all day! you dont really need to talk to them then :laughing: :laughing:

only kidding rog

bless him, he’s old and excitable.

its like when your granddad used to come round for xmas day, put him in front of the tele (or in rog’s case trucknet) and leave him there all day! you dont really need to talk to them then :laughing: :laughing:

only kidding rog

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nothing better to do and curious :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :wink: :laughing: