Do we have over 10000 registered users?

there may be 10,000 members less than half have posted
5611 Drpxjybf Bhehiqiy 29 Nov 2008 posts 0

there may be 10,000 members less than half have posted
5611 Drpxjybf Bhehiqiy 29 Nov 2008 posts 0

around 50% is a healthy number, Many will read for a while, some for months before making their first post, others may simply be happy to read and never post. That is the nature of large forums. While I would encourage people to participate in the discussions it is not mandatory :wink: :wink:

Thanks for spotting the spammer we missed, we do try to get them all but every now and then one gets by without being noticed. Or sits in the member list for a few hours until the spam filter gets a chance to delete them. Please feel free to point out any more you can find as it will be our pleasure to delete them :laughing:

No problem Rikki,will be glad to help eradicate your spammers, after all is not as busy as trucknetuk so i can afford the time… :wink: :wink: