Discussion of posting RIP topics [Split from other topic]


I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good. Are you going to send condolences to the family?

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.
I understand you mean well but is there really any point? if you care so much then send a donation or flowers to the funeral, better still try attending then you wont be here making these pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts.

I am not trolling but I bet many others are thinking the same as me. Obviously delete if you feel it to be inappropriate.

An interesting attention seeking post this, that doesnt mean your wrong as condolence posts are futile at best mainly because the bereived will take very little condolence from an unknown internet poster, thats if they ever read them. Its more to do with empathy / respect really (yes I have noticed you mentioned respect in your OP), perhaps an urge just to type something rather than leave an ‘RIP’ thread untouched.

Im interested more in why you felt the need to express these feelings, was it just a few beers to many or maybe an urge to get a reaction, perhaps even a disgust at like minded attention seekers who use the death of a loved one as a status opportunity on twitbook.

No matter but please accept my sincere condolences for well anything really… :wink:

Congratulations on your efforts at a put down but really, trying to fit in does not work with me.

I made my post simply to give an alternative view as opposed to simply typing RIP “whoever”.
Dozens of car drivers die every day and who posts it on here?
Dozens of members of this forum have friends or family who die every day but who posts it on here?
Dozens of members of the public die every day but who posts it on here?

Facebook is full of " type amen if you are not a heartless ■■■■■■■■ but who pastes that here?

Sorry, if your friend dies then go to his funeral and send his family a card. Don’t post it here, its totally pointless and totally self indulgent.

If my uncle dies tomorrow, believe me, I wont post it here!

I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good. Are you going to send condolences to the family?

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.
I understand you mean well but is there really any point? if you care so much then send a donation or flowers to the funeral, better still try attending then you wont be here making these pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts.

I am not trolling but I bet many others are thinking the same as me. Obviously delete if you feel it to be inappropriate.

I agree with you. There’s to much of this sending online condolences thing online now, i don’t participate in them. Like you say…there’s no point. They are pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts. However some people like to indulge, not me and you obviously. Conversley it does float some peoples boat, and thats the bit YOU fail to grasp. They wanna do what they wanna do. It doesn’t impinge on you in any way, nor me.

Seeing as your original post was in an obituary type post i’d say (personally) its was disrespectfull. I understand, you aint interested in what i personally think, and i’m not interested in what you personally think either. But you are disrespectful, not of the dead, but of what other people want to do. You can’t comprehend that some people want to do stuff that you don’t want to.

You can try and defend yourself all you like, but you come across like what you posted…i don’t need to say anymore. If you feel you’ve come across as a ■■■■ maybe you have?


I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good. Are you going to send condolences to the family?

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.
I understand you mean well but is there really any point? if you care so much then send a donation or flowers to the funeral, better still try attending then you wont be here making these pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts.

I am not trolling but I bet many others are thinking the same as me. Obviously delete if you feel it to be inappropriate.

I agree with you. There’s to much of this sending online condolences thing online now, i don’t participate in them. Like you say…there’s no point. They are pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts. However some people like to indulge, not me and you obviously. Conversley it does float some peoples boat, and thats the bit YOU fail to grasp. They wanna do what they wanna do. It doesn’t impinge on you in any way, nor me.

Seeing as your original post was in an obituary type post i’d say (personally) its was disrespectfull. I understand, you aint interested in what i personally think, and i’m not interested in what you personally think either. But you are disrespectful, not of the dead, but of what other people want to do. You can’t comprehend that some people want to do stuff that you don’t want to.

You can try and defend yourself all you like, but you come across like what you posted…i don’t need to say anymore. If you feel you’ve come across as a ■■■■ maybe you have?

I am entitled to my opinion much the same as those who want to post condolences. I don’t need to defend my opinions and don’t particularly care if you or anyone else agrees with them. I say that these posts are pointless and those with a pair of balls agree, the scared to say boo to a goose brigade dare not say.

To add: my uncle did die this morning and I will show my condolences at the funeral.

+1…there about as hearfelt as stobrats calling their new lorry cilla,or whever else has recently snuffed it…surely a new low in pathetic attention scraping as if they give a toss.

I don’t need to defend my opinions

But you are trying to do all the same.

I say that these posts are pointless and those with a pair of balls agree, the scared to say boo to a goose brigade dare not say.

I agree too. I also know there’s a time and place for everything. And, just like you suspected it would, your post got moved.