Discussion of posting RIP topics [Split from other topic]

Thank you, its nice to not be alone in ones views.

The trouble is, I also believe that everyone has a right to speak their mind, this includes people that post utter tripe, now this frustrates me somewhat when I see the lame posts people make, the worst are those ‘I’m really ■■■■■■ off, but don’t ask why’ types, talk about attention whores, but it’s their life, their choice to be a prize ■■■■ wit if they so desire.

The tapatalk app is good for forums though, you can see who posted last and the first few lines of their post, so it’s easy to skim over stuff I’m not interested in. This thread being a perfect example, I saw the first few lines of your first post and thought it was worth a look, whereas the title of the thread by itself wouldn’t have drawn me in at all.

irrespective of whether they are on here or not, did you really need to post it?

you could have just scrolled on by without offending anyone whether your opinion is different or not?

no wonder so many decent guys don’t post on here and so many (and increasing) numpties are.

You see I make a valid post and those who do not agree take the one and only route they know best and that is abuse. This is typical behaviour or your average lorry driver and I would not expect anything less from a fair few on here. This is why I refer to many lorry drivers as typical thick [zb]s because that is all they are and will ever be. They are the reason I post less and less on these forums because all they know is how to abuse and start calling names if they don’t like or agree with what you say.

NOWHERE has it said a fellow driver has lost their life, if anything it was a fellow driver that caused it based upon the posts above. I agree that any loss of life is terrible for those left behind but these public outpourings of grief are really just attention seeking if you want my opinion. I know some of you don’t but I have to read yours so offer me the same decency.
A few posters try to justify that because it might be a fellow trucker that this validates the post, so, are you saying that other trades do not count? are you saying your average Joe public would not be worthy of a post on here because they came to an untimely end and are not a lorry driver?

It is similar to facebook, a poster graces their status with eg “Michael, its been 20 years since you passed but you are still strong in my thoughts”. Great! really pleased for you but why not keep these things in your thoughts? they serve no useful purpose whatsoever. They will not bring a loved one back nor will it make you feel any better. Society has taken a very sad turn for the worse in my opinion and social media is feeding this frenzy.
I along with millions of others have lost close loved ones and work colleagues, I grieve and move on. I remember them in my own way and don’t feel the need to rub it in everybody else’s face when I know they don’t know the person so why would they care and want to read my outpourings of grief? Had it in fact been a driver then I probably would have kept my big gob shut and thought to myself " what a shame, there but for the grace of god and all that", but it wasn’t hence my rude shocking insensitive post that renders me the lowest for of life ever to walk the planet.

Please keyboard warriors, save your abuse for someone who gives a ■■■■.

so truckbling you fit in to your own category then? as your first reply is abuse.

whether you agree or not with what I put a better man would have either ignored it altogether and moved on or maybe started a post of their own.

but then after looking at many of your posts your nothing more then a bully, you only ever seem to reply to things when you can stir things up a little. so sad if that is the only way you can get any kicks in life.

I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good. Are you going to send condolences to the family?

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.
I understand you mean well but is there really any point? if you care so much then send a donation or flowers to the funeral, better still try attending then you wont be here making these pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts.

I am not trolling but I bet many others are thinking the same as me. Obviously delete if you feel it to be inappropriate.

Well said that man,point well made,i salute you sire

I think the OP has a point, just put a bit too bluntly for many people. I read the RIP threads but usually only the Op as the others are basically cut and paste “RIP drive” band wagon jumping, not dissimilar to those people who must “like” something on Facebook because their friends do. Loads on here flocked to support the Glasgow bin driver until the ■■■■ hit the fan and then they couldn’t wait to join the hang in chains brigade.

Muckaway, i think in what you say you have hit the nail, because there were no gory details there was nothing for the trucknet csi to scrap over so had a go at the original post instead.

Those who did not or do not like RIP posts found themselves logging in and reading it for some strange reason? some even read all of the posts to make their addition.

After receiving a message from a colleague/friend of the deceased who is aware of this post I have asked the moderators to totally delete the post.

My original comment was made out of respect and its a shame that the morons around us have to reduce it to their level which is well below that of a human being…

I personally don’t think idiots make this forum look bad. I think this platform merely gives opportunity for truck drivers to voice an opinion/comment.

If anything, it seems the very fact we are having this discussion proves that the forum is in good hands. Opinions are like bum holes.

We all have one.

Perhaps the best way to express an opinion re RIP threads is to start a new thread about the subject, and not comment negatively on an existing thread expressing condolences for a man who will not be going home to his family at the end of his shift?

the maoster:
Perhaps the best way to express an opinion re RIP threads is to start a new thread about the subject, and not comment negatively on an existing thread expressing condolences for a man who will not be going home to his family at the end of his shift?


We’ve received multiple requests to remove the OP, so we’ve done so.

IMHO, there’s possibly a valid FEEDBACK discussion to be had regarding the posting of “RIP” topics at a time before the full details are known, hence this new topic in the Feedback Forum.

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.

Maybe the first part of what you wrote is quite true, but IMHO, your post was insensitive for the reason that it was premature.

From the info known at the time the OP was made, it could have been anybody at that place.
From the same info, so IMHO there was a fair probability that a driver was involved in the incident.

The OP has been removed (not deleted) by request, so I’ve just re-read it… and FYI there was no mention of “funeral arrangements.”

I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good. Are you going to send condolences to the family?

Far too many people sending condolences nowadays and don’t give me the “its a sign of respect thing”. I just think for a lorry driver forum that we should be discussing lorry driver issues and not funeral arrangements.
I understand you mean well but is there really any point? if you care so much then send a donation or flowers to the funeral, better still try attending then you wont be here making these pathetic heart bleeding pointless posts.

I am not trolling but I bet many others are thinking the same as me. Obviously delete if you feel it to be inappropriate.

An interesting attention seeking post this, that doesnt mean your wrong as condolence posts are futile at best mainly because the bereived will take very little condolence from an unknown internet poster, thats if they ever read them. Its more to do with empathy / respect really (yes I have noticed you mentioned respect in your OP), perhaps an urge just to type something rather than leave an ‘RIP’ thread untouched.

Im interested more in why you felt the need to express these feelings, was it just a few beers to many or maybe an urge to get a reaction, perhaps even a disgust at like minded attention seekers who use the death of a loved one as a status opportunity on twitbook.

No matter but please accept my sincere condolences for well anything really… :wink:

Personally don’t have a problem with R.I.P posts,the job we all do is a dangerous one as is all to obvious sometimes,Wether posts on here or what we encounter out on the road.

If people have a problem with them then leave them alone don’t post trash on them just for the sake of it or to make a “name” for yourself to make yourself seem like a keyboard superhero.


I heard a pigeon flew out in front of a Scania Topliner last week and the outcome was not good.

RIP Scania.

Recently a policeman was run down and killed on the Wirral. On my Twitter account I follow a few police forces / police officers. Quite a few of them who didn’t know the man who died have been putting up RIP etc.
Shall I steam in there and tell them I’m from trucknet and we have a few members who think they are ‘too much’ because they didn’t personally know man who died and ‘just’ do the same job as him.

My two cents worth.

I moderate on a motorcycle club forum; if someone dies and I knew him, I comment appropriately, if I didn’t know him I don’t. I do have some sympathy with those who get irked by the “Didn’t know the guy but RIP anyway” posts, but really they’re only showing respect. Back when I was a kid, men used to remove their hats whenever a funeral cortege passed whether they knew the deceased or not, and this is no different.

As to whether family and friends benefit; we recently lost our club secretary, a long-serving member who was liked and respected by all who’d had the pleasure of meeting him. His wife and family drew great comfort from the posts on the forum; his funeral was well attended by club members but it was good that his family saw the condolences from those who couldn’t be there on the day.

When it’s someone who gets killed in a loading bay incident or similar, there’s also perhaps a hidden benefit, in that it may sharpen our minds to the possibility that it might well have been us. There but for the grace of God etc.

I have a very simple solution to RIP threads, I see the title and move on without reading them. Simple really.

… When it’s someone who gets killed in a loading bay incident or similar, there’s also perhaps a hidden benefit, in that it may sharpen our minds to the possibility that it might well have been us…

Or somebody we know, or somebody we might know, or somebody who is simply a fellow driver.

Read if you want to, or don’t read if you don’t want to. Easy choice.

Comment if you want to, or don’t comment if you don’t want to. Easy choice.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my heart felt condolences to the recently deceased R.I.P. topic and hope that it rests in peace.

Talking of faceache bandwagons… I don’t want to see a deformed or cancer ridden child, with a request to “not scroll on without an amen”…,

What the duck for?? If you believe in god he has already created that child in that state. You better start telling him to quit deforming children in the first place. Or ask him about his creation of the Tsetse fly… Polio… Leukimia…

Oh, you have hit a nerve… :slight_smile: