
Ahhh, yes, Amitryptiline. It’s an “old skool” anti-depressant (pre-Prozac and similar SSRIs) and also commonly used to treat neuropathic pain. They tried to put me on that but having seen it have a similar effect on Rik to what it obviously is doing on Vincent - and to an even greater extent JB - I steered clear and got Gabapentin instead.

I don’t know if Gabapentin would work against migraine - it’s an anti-convulsant where, again, the side effects are used to treat neuropathic pain - but there definately ARE many, many alterntives to amitryptiline,so tell your lad to push to try something else. If the side effects aren’t easing after a couple of weeks they probably won’t (or so I gather from what people on the MS boards say about it). It’s generally a first “port of call” for many docs because it’s tried, trusted, and above all CHEAP for the NHS to prescribe as it’s now generic…But that doesn’t mean he’s stuck with it.


I haven’t actually seen Vincent for a few weeks, but having spoken to him on the phone several times…

You hain’t seen Vincent for a couple weeks but he lives within mile radius? That a Mogadishu mile? Methinks you need to make friends with the :imp: ex-wife’s :imp: pit-bull!

Ahhh, yes, Amitryptiline. It’s an “old skool” anti-depressant (pre-Prozac and similar SSRIs) and also commonly used to treat neuropathic pain. They tried to put me on that but having seen it have a similar effect on Rik to what it obviously is doing on Vincent - and to an even greater extent JB - I steered clear and got Gabapentin instead.

I don’t know if Gabapentin would work against migraine - it’s an anti-convulsant where, again, the side effects are used to treat neuropathic pain - but there definately ARE many, many alterntives to amitryptiline,so tell your lad to push to try something else. If the side effects aren’t easing after a couple of weeks they probably won’t (or so I gather from what people on the MS boards say about it). It’s generally a first “port of call” for many docs because it’s tried, trusted, and above all CHEAP for the NHS to prescribe as it’s now generic…But that doesn’t mean he’s stuck with it.


Hi Lucy, Yes, that’s very helpful indeed. :smiley:

Thanks for the info.

John Aalborg:

I haven’t actually seen Vincent for a few weeks, but having spoken to him on the phone several times…

You hain’t seen Vincent for a couple weeks but he lives within mile radius? That a Mogadishu mile?

Hi John, Vincent is his own man, so he visits me as and when he wants, or is able.

John Aalborg:
Methinks you need to make friends with the :imp: ex-wife’s :imp: pit-bull!

:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: Ahh, I think not, but since this is a family show, I’m invoking my fifth amendment rights. :wink:

I’ve spoken to Vincent again…

Vincent tells me that the 15-18 hour sleeps were just a passing thing and that his sleep pattern is now more ‘normal.’

It seems that we should put this down to Vincent’s body getting used to the increased amitriptyline dosage.

Vincent has to go for a review within the next couple of weeks, so my fingers are crossed for him.
I’ll post up more news as soon as possible.

Hope it all works out.mate

Hope it all works out.mate


Thanks very much to you and all the other posters on this topic, it’s much appreciated. :smiley:

I’m quite confident that the medics have caught and dealt with the blood-clot before it could do any lasting damage. :smiley:

Another little update…

The Dr has changed the medication to one which doesn’t cause long periods of sleeping…

…and the sick note wasn’t renewed. :open_mouth:

Doesn’t sound like he needs a sicknote if his problem is under control, Dave. I’d be a-celebrating, mate. :wink:

Doesn’t sound like he needs a sicknote if his problem is under control, Dave. I’d be a-celebrating, mate. :wink:

Hi Lucy, I am celebrating, it’s great news indeed. :smiley:

The Dr expects that Vincent will need to be taking this new medication for 6-12 months, but this subject to regular review.

The very latest info is that the new medication is called TOPIRAMATE, but he’s had difficultiess in getting his prescription dispensed, because not all pharmacies stock this drug.

Now that he has started taking it, he’s encountered some very severe (known) side-effects, so he’s going back to the Dr for a further consultation on Monday 26/1.

I’ll post up some more info as soon as he tells me.

glad to see he appears to be on the mend dave.

still got everything crossed for you and vincent (including the wife, shes always cross with me for something!) :laughing:

glad to see he appears to be on the mend dave.

still got everything crossed for you and vincent (including the wife, shes always cross with me for something!) :laughing:

Cheers for that Lee. :smiley: