Did anyone here the vine show on radio2

As already posted, Jimmy Young wont be too impressed by the TN web either. I know JY has gone but Vine cannot hold a fair equal debate about anything without using a poxy gardener and a poet!

The topic of banning local trips up one junction of the motorway was a sensible idea. It has always been the cause of all the delays on many motorways, like the M63 (M60) near Eccles or the A1 near Ferrybridge and many others.

I also heard another story about this subject when one caller suggested that all freight goes on the railways again. That is fine as long as the muppet sends his wife and kids to do the shopping on the train instead of blocking the roads with her 4 wheel drive :stuck_out_tongue:

I also saw that Tesco and Asda are already using the railways to service the Scottish stores :exclamation: I hope they check the sell by dates when it arrives :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
I also saw that Tesco and Asda are already using the railways to service the Scottish stores :exclamation: I hope they check the sell by dates when it arrives :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL best laugh I have had all day, and its true!. :smiley:

I somehow dont feel now that old jeremy will be too impressed if he reads this topic,It started off quite well but soon went a bit pear shaped :confused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Sorry kitkat :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

no prob’s m8,as u say i hope vine doesn’t click on your link. :laughing: you could always send an e-mail saying sorry or mayby lucy/rikki could delete the threads that a having a set to with each other. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: but hey is that not what we want on here debate but let’s stay adult about it,say your point’s but please don’t start attacking each other.it’s good to have a good honest debate but once the personnal attacks start coming into play then we’re only spoiling thing’s for ourselves as the owners will step in. :wink:

(not aimed at you NSH - I just used your quote as an example).

None taken :laughing:

Seems to me that a lot of the motorway accidents involving truck v car are down to the increasing number of foreign left hookers (how many times is the M25/M26/M20 shut by accidents involving freight going to/from Dover?).

The foreign trucks are also a major cause for the lack of parking spaces. They’re the ones who don’t return to o’centres for weeks on end. I couldn’t get a space at Thurrock or Maidstone services this week for a 45 (and VOSA were at Maidstone, which usually thins things out a bit!).

Satellite based motorway tolls, particularly at peak hrs, might be one answer. Cutting down on the accidents so the traffic keeps flowing is another.

We have traffic laws and the highway code — if more drivers obeyed these then the accident rate would surely fall? But these rules are ignored, probably because of the lack of enforcement and the minimal chance of getting caught.

I emailed Radio 2 a while back and suggested they add a “tip of the day” to every traffic bulletin. Just simple phrases like “are you in a meat & metal sandwich?” “can you see the trucks mirrors” etc.

It will be interesting to see how the speed limiters on 7.5T trucks affect traffic flow.

Hello Mr Vine,I know your a busy man but if you get the chance please take a look at this trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=10157 this is a very large truckers website and in this topic are some views regarding last weeks show

Lets hope he dosn’t bother looking ,if on a topic that we have invited a “non professional driver” from the media to see our point of view , All we do is argue between ourselves.

How can we get a better image with the public when we portray this image to the people that “inform” the public?

Shouldn’t we all give one voice to at least try to improve things even if you think it is not deserved (not saying I agree) because if the industry does get a “good” image it is more likely to attract a more professional workforce that you desire.

Seems to me that a lot of the motorway accidents involving truck v car are down to the increasing number of foreign left hookers (how many times is the M25/M26/M20 shut by accidents involving freight going to/from Dover?).

Is there some statistics you have about this? I doubt it. The reason most accidents happen is that people in cars drive in a little bubble unaware of their surroundings, there are a few truck drivers in the same bubble sometimes

The foreign trucks are also a major cause for the lack of parking spaces. They’re the ones who don’t return to o’centres for weeks on end. I couldn’t get a space at Thurrock or Maidstone services this week for a 45 (and VOSA were at Maidstone, which usually thins things out a bit!).

That sounds like the turkish mentality, if they were not here the problem wouldnt exsist. It is up to the government to provide truck parking places, the reason the trucks are parked up is because it is the law :exclamation:

Satellite based motorway tolls, particularly at peak hrs, might be one answer. Cutting down on the accidents so the traffic keeps flowing is another.

We have traffic laws and the highway code — if more drivers obeyed these then the accident rate would surely fall? But these rules are ignored, probably because of the lack of enforcement and the minimal chance of getting caught.

I can agree with that bit

I can’t listen to the JV show anymore, because no matter what they are talking about they put some half-wit on who, despite talking utter garbage, will annoy 90% of the listeners. They do it on purpose. It’s like Jerry Springer. All pantomime to envoke a reaction. And you guys all fell for it. They knew what they were doing and it worked. :smiling_imp:
If I listen to that program I get so worked up I nearly get road-rage. Maybe 90% of all accidents are caused by truck drivers listening to the Jeremy Vine show. :unamused: :laughing:

I can’t listen to the JV show anymore, because no matter what they are talking about they put some half-wit on who, despite talking utter garbage, will annoy 90% of the listeners. They do it on purpose. It’s like Jerry Springer. All pantomime to envoke a reaction. And you guys all fell for it. They knew what they were doing and it worked. :smiling_imp:
If I listen to that program I get so worked up I nearly get road-rage. Maybe 90% of all accidents are caused by truck drivers listening to the Jeremy Vine show. :unamused: :laughing:

Couldnt agree with you more lostpup :cry:


I must admit, I gave up on the Vine show very soon after its launch, I’d like to hear a balanced discussion, not a onesided rant from a halfwitted half informed semi evolved simian.

Even BBC local radio holds better discussions

Just to remind you all, the reason for the farce that became the Jeremy Vine Show on that particular day was a statement from Highways Agency suggesting priority should be given to trucks on Motorways. In my humble, and never listened to opinion, this should be extended to include TRUNK ROADS (hence their classification).
My email to Vine, mentioned earlier in this thread, which did seem to lose it’s way, congratulated Highways Agency to waking up to what is required and also realising why Motorways were built. I cited the M25 and M60 as nothing more than glorified ring roads, being totally abused and no longer meeting their initial justification.
Agreed there are too many junctions on some Motorways, look at M6 in Birmingham, you have M5 joining quickly followed by J9, and then J10. Surely J9 could be closed. I am sure you all know of other examples.
To close…bring back Jimmy Young; he may have been old, but he knew how to have a serious discussion. :cry: :cry: :confused: :confused:

look at M6 in Birmingham, you have M5 joining quickly followed by J9, and then J10. Surely J9 could be closed. I am sure you all know of other examples.

They must not close J9, I use it regularly to go into Tipton, to get in via J7 or J8(M5 J1) is a real pain during peak periods.


look at M6 in Birmingham, you have M5 joining quickly followed by J9, and then J10. Surely J9 could be closed. I am sure you all know of other examples.

They must not close J9, I use it regularly to go into Tipton, to get in via J7 or J8(M5 J1) is a real pain during peak periods.

…and I reckon for every junction closed there will be 100’s, if not 1000’s of complaints from people who will ‘struggle to get to’ their destination.

I still don’t know what the answer is though… :blush:

Most people seemed to miss the point, what they were trying to say is that motorways are there for long distance journeys not to hop from one junction to the next.
The biggest mistake on the M25 were to many junctions. There should have only been the main routes into London, such as M11, M1 A1 etc, this would have stopped it being used by local traffic and let it act more as a bypass.

Once again the quiet voice of reason and commonsense Muckles. Been saying that for years. Why do you think French motorways run so smoothly? It isn’t just the tolls.

Salut, David.

I was on M4 near Newport when this dozy bint came on the air to say her famous piece…
I larfed me tackle off !!! why…■■

6 vehicle accident on inside lane…ALL CAR DRIVERS !!!

say no more…