Did anyone here the vine show on radio2

I also sent this to Jezza. :wink: :wink:

Hello Mr Vine,I know your a busy man but if you get the chance please take a look at this trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=10157 this is a very large truckers website and in this topic are some views regarding last weeks show,where truckers were not given the air time to respond to a comment by a very biased and ill informed member of the (selfish,im in a rush get out my way,pig headed,no respect for anyone else)car driving public
Maybe you should take the time in the near future to have a slot on your show so that truckers can air their grievances about the way we a treated by the government,and other road users and try to explain sizes,weights and stopping distances and other issues to the mainly ignorant general public.
Love the show
Chris Wootton

I obviously had to put “love the show” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I obviously had to put “love the show”

I hope he doesnt read it as you suggested, because you gave the game away!

North Surrey Haulage:
started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve


When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like ■■■■■ I can’t see any forthcoming… :open_mouth:


North Surrey Haulage:
started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve


When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb] I can’t see any forthcoming… :open_mouth:

I take it you are in the 1 % then


North Surrey Haulage:
started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve


When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb] I can’t see any forthcoming… :open_mouth:

I ve told you a million times not to exaggerate facts,figures and percentages
I think you need to have some maths lessons and get out in a lorry every now and then to know that its not 99%,you might drive your step through moped like a ■■■■ Bobb,but it offends me and im sure many other good truckers that you are suggesting drive like ■■■■■



North Surrey Haulage:
started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve


When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb] I can’t see any forthcoming… :open_mouth:

I ve told you a million times not to exaggerate facts,figures and percentages
I think you need to have some maths lessons and get out in a lorry every now and then to know that its not 99%,you might drive your step through moped like a [zb] Bobb,but it offends me and im sure many other good truckers that you are suggesting drive like [zb]


What’s with the soap box? Guilty conscience? I don’t recall mentioning any names. If you drive like the professional you’re supposed to be (collectively speaking), then you’ve got nothing to worry about have you ?

How, exactly, you think you’re going to gain respect from other road users when 99% of you sit alongside each other on motorways and, even worse, dual-carriageways for 5+ miles at a time is beyond me.

There’s no doubt that car/van drivers are a nuisance; cutting us up etc, but no-one’s taught them any different so you’ve got to cut them some slack. Wagon drivers have been taught to drive professionally and with respect for all other road users but I’ve yet to see the majority of them putting it to use on the country’s roads :open_mouth: .

It wouldn’t hurt to get your own house in order before you start blaming others (not aimed at you NSH - I just used your quote as an example).

Calm down guys, would hate to have to pull this thread and start dishing out yellow cards… :cry: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Attack the post, not the poster!!![/i]




North Surrey Haulage:
started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve


When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb] I can’t see any forthcoming… :open_mouth:

I ve told you a million times not to exaggerate facts,figures and percentages
I think you need to have some maths lessons and get out in a lorry every now and then to know that its not 99%,you might drive your step through moped like a [zb] Bobb,but it offends me and im sure many other good truckers that you are suggesting drive like [zb]


What’s with the soap box? Guilty conscience? I don’t recall mentioning any names. If you drive like the professional you’re supposed to be (collectively speaking), then you’ve got nothing to worry about have you ?

How, exactly, you think you’re going to gain respect from other road users when 99% of you sit alongside each other on motorways and, even worse, dual-carriageways for 5+ miles at a time is beyond me.

There’s no doubt that car/van drivers are a nuisance; cutting us up etc, but no-one’s taught them any different so you’ve got to cut them some slack. Wagon drivers have been taught to drive professionally and with respect for all other road users but I’ve yet to see the majority of them putting it to use on the country’s roads :open_mouth: .

It wouldn’t hurt to get your own house in order before you start blaming others (not aimed at you NSH - I just used your quote as an example).

There you go again,bleating on,I have highlighted one word above"you"
I take that as meaning lorry drivers :question:
do you drive a lorry :question:
then dont go assuming what I do.
My truck is restricted to 52 mph so it is very rare for me to overtake much other than a milkfloat or a battery powered oap car so it is very rare that i would be overtaking someone for 5 miles.I like to think i drive proffesionally,many truckers dont but I think that by saying 99% drive like ■■■■■ is just a bit stupid

Edited for personal attack, despite the request posted above to refrain from this. L.[/i]

There you go again,bleating on,I have highlighted one word above"you"
I take that as meaning lorry drivers :question:

Correct. The majority of them.

do you drive a lorry :question:

Yes and considering you’ve only been driving since the end of September last year, about 50 times as long as you have…

then dont go assuming what I do.
My truck is restricted to 52 mph so it is very rare for me to overtake much other than a milkfloat or a battery powered oap car so it is very rare that i would be overtaking someone for 5 miles.I like to think i drive proffesionally,many truckers dont but I think that by saying 99% drive like [zb] is just a bit stupid
It seems to me that your the only [zb]

I’ve have no problem with your opinion of me; you are, after all, entitled to have one.

Just to quote you from above though :

I like to think i drive proffesionally


Edited for personal attack, despite the request posted above to refrain from this. L.[/i]

When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb]

Do you mean 99% :question: :question: IN this country or FROM this country :question: :question:
Personally I find this very offensive to us all :exclamation: :exclamation:
There are some idiots but put it into perspective. In your terms then that means about 500% of car drivers drive like selfish ■■■■■ :unamused: :unamused:

Mike m:

When 99% of wagon drivers in this country drive like [zb]

Do you mean 99% :question: :question: IN this country or FROM this country :question: :question:
Personally I find this very offensive to us all :exclamation: :exclamation:
There are some idiots but put it into perspective. In your terms then that means about 500% of car drivers drive like selfish [zb] :unamused: :unamused:

Like I said above, if you drive professionally then you’ve nothing to get upset about as you don’t fall in that bracket do you.

If you can put your hand on your heart and tell me that the majority of wagon drivers in this country drive professionally then you quite simply don’t spend much of your time on the country’s roads, because they don’t !! :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
You ve trumped me there,I think I better shut my mouth :blush: :blush: :blush:

Can we still be friends ■■?:oops:

Just to correct you though,I did nt get to remove the bollard or any part of the diesel pump,the bollard removed most of the side of my lorry not just 1ft so if your going to embaress me make sure the facts are correct,(not like your 99% figure) :laughing: :laughing: how the hell did you know that,or have you just gained information on me from my other posts
Shes much better now though,they ve even stuck a new M on as it was missing from the M A N

Quote of personal attack edited out of original post removed.L.

But 99% :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :question:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
You ve trumped me there,I think I better shut my mouth :blush: :blush: :blush:

Can we still be friends ■■?:oops:

Just to correct you though,I did nt get to remove the bollard or any part of the diesel pump,the bollard removed most of the side of my lorry
Shes much better now though,they ve even stuck a new M on as it was missing from the M A N

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thought that might smooth things out ! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp:

:wink: :smiley:

Quote snipped as explained above

Mike m:
But 99% :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :question:

Well okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, 98% then. :laughing:

Now that`s being realistic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mike m:
Now that`s being realistic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :smiling_imp:

I somehow dont feel now that old jeremy will be too impressed if he reads this topic,It started off quite well but soon went a bit pear shaped :confused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Sorry kitkat :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

I was just about to “Yellow Card” this thread…but since you seem to have sorted yourselves out , I’ll leave it be.

Now, can we please keep it calm, and away from the personal? :unamused: :wink:

That Woman was just giving her deluded opinion and Mr. Vine was not endorsing it in any way. People love their generalisations and this was just another example of one along with the 99% remark. Some car drivers cause accidents and drive badly, some lorry drivers cause accidents and drive badly, some of us drive well and make the odd mistake/lose rag at times but this is to be expected with the mileage we cover. The old cars V trucks argument is pretty retarded.