Did anyone here the vine show on radio2

have a listen to it,click the link and hit on the listen again tab for monday.forward to 1.40pm.it’s called plans for motorways


i listened to it in the wagon :open_mouth:
especially the woman who came on and stated that 90% of all accidents on the motorways are caused by lorry’s, what planet was she from? :unamused:

It’s not lorrys, it’s those ■■■■ ‘Juggernaughts’!!! :wink:

As most people can’t tell the difference between a 7.5 ton van & an HGV lets blame the van drivers, no one will know.

A lot it is down to very bad reporting…they rarely say a motorway has been closed because a car has lost a wheel…or hit the barrier…(unless hes famous) so when a truck has the misfortune to close a lane…carriageway…motorway…its big news…and of course we get the blame…its about time the public were educated into the driving standards of hgv drivers…the akward moments we have to put up with…like parking.or lack of it…thefts while we are sleeping…high street deliveries to shops with no numbers…industrial estates built in far flung places and inaccessable other that down small country lanes or housing estates…should i go on…it wil take up 9 pages…education…thats the answer…funny…thats what tony blair said at the last election…education…education…education…were still none the wiser…

A lot it is down to very bad reporting…they rarely say a motorway has been closed because a car has lost a wheel…or hit the barrier…(unless hes famous) so when a truck has the misfortune to close a lane…carriageway…motorway…its big news…and of course we get the blame…its about time the public were educated into the driving standards of hgv drivers…the akward moments we have to put up with…like parking.or lack of it…thefts while we are sleeping…high street deliveries to shops with no numbers…industrial estates built in far flung places and inaccessable other that down small country lanes or housing estates…should i go on…it wil take up 9 pages…education…thats the answer…funny…thats what tony blair said at the last election…education…education…education…were still none the wiser…

I agree with your view its all about education, it is but there is no forum that can reach the masses as effectively as the media, who, unfortunately love to misrepresent and dramatise half truths in the name of objective journalism.

Whats really needed is a series of well made Tv ads in the name of road safety, like the drink drive ads, etc that graphically give the point of view of Professional Drivers and send out a strong message to all, including Professional Drivers what the correct road procedures are and how each size and category of vehicle effects the others around them.

Now that sounds like a plan,an expensive one , but a plan non the less.
Heard the programme that woman needs educating,well she needs some thing. :smiling_imp:

paul b:
i listened to it in the wagon :open_mouth:
especially the woman who came on and stated that 90% of all accidents on the motorways are caused by lorry’s, what planet was she from? :unamused:

Rotherham :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

reading between the lines she used the m18 and a1 for ten minutes a day, next thing you know she’s an expert on motorway driving! sadest thing is they gave her air time.

paul b:
reading between the lines she used the m18 and a1 for ten minutes a day, next thing you know she’s an expert on motorway driving! sadest thing is they gave her air time.

No one should be surprised, it’s just another shining example of objective reporting. :open_mouth: :frowning: :unamused:

paul b:
reading between the lines she used the m18 and a1 for ten minutes a day, next thing you know she’s an expert on motorway driving! sadest thing is they gave her air time.

She was probally the woman who stopped in front of me on the A! one morning to let somebody out of the slip road. Didn’t hit her, but of course it would have looked like it was my fault if I’d failed to stop. No point educating these people they are so fixed in thier views that all trucks are just a menace and frieght should go by rail. Liked to see thier faces when they can’t go shopping becuase they have no fuel and the supermarkets shelves are empty.

I heard it. Then I wondered if I had fallen asleep while driving, as I was looking forward to a sensible (and that would be a first for Vine) discussion. I had already composed and sent an email while tipping my box. It never got a mention…just that stupid woman. Where did she buy her licence?? :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I was absolutely trucking fuming at the stupid ■■■■■ that came on and said 90% of accidents were caused by lorries
I tried to get through on the phone to have my 2 pence worth but could nt get through.
more like 90% of accidents involving lorries are caused by ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ wit car drivers cutting up and basically having no regard or respect for lorry drivers.
mincing along in their ponsey ■■■■■■■ cars in their own ■■■■■■■ sad world :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

have a listen to it,click the link and hit on the listen again tab for monday.forward to 1.40pm.it’s called plans for motorways


I’ve just listened to it now. I think most of the above comments cover what I think. You could just tell that ‘that’ woman was 40mph motorway hazard, an accident waiting to happen. :imp:

By the way, I found the feature at 2h40min…after loads of searching/listening!!

Most people seemed to miss the point, what they were trying to say is that motorways are there for long distance journeys not to hop from one junction to the next.
The biggest mistake on the M25 were to many junctions. There should have only been the main routes into London, such as M11, M1 A1 etc, this would have stopped it being used by local traffic and let it act more as a bypass.

Why doesn’t a senior member from TruckNet reply to Radio 2 on this issue?
Put the record straight from our point.

Going back to the early 90’s, there were plans to put an extra piece of M way around the J 17 /J18 area of the M62, now the M60. This would have cut through land owned by my family and near the village where I live. There was a meeting in the village hall as of course the locals were up in arms about this. I went along in a minority of one to observe and one of the things raised was about the M25 having all these junctions which add to so much congestion. It was a reasonable meeting and the MP of the time who was also a Junior Minister said his office wouldnt stop him from arguing against it and from correspondence I had with him over other transport related matters I have no reason to disbelieve him.

As many of you will know that road was never built and some others much needed around Manchester were also cancelled but if you feel strongly enough about something try your MP to get it in the public domain, thats what they are there for. Few people are as cynical as me with politicians but at least you have done your bit.

She’ll be easy to spot

She’s the one in the middle lane doing 45 while the lorrys around her are using the motorway as a race track!

I’m gonna email J.V

If enough of us do it we may get a crack at giving our perpsective on air

Sent a message here it is

North Surrey Haulage:
I feel I must reply to the woman you had “on air” at around 14:40 saying that she used the M18 & A1.
She says that “truckers use the motorways as racetracks”,
FACT: All lorrys over 12 tonnes must have speed limiter fitted restricting them to 56mph.
My question to her would be if truckers are overtaking her how SLOW is she driving on the motorway?
she says “90% of all accidents are caused by truckers”
FACT:only a small percentage of accidents on motorways involve lorrys in is just inevitable that when there is an accident there will be a lorry at the front of the queue being held up.The largest percentage of accidents involving H.G.V’s on motorways are caused by cars “cutting up” lorrys trying to leave/enter at slip roads without leaving sufficient room for their manouver

I feel very strongly about the fact you actually aired her biased & uninformed views in the first place as they were not even connected to the actual story you were running (which was about drivers not using the motorway network for the purpose it was built ie junction hopping) & also as you did air them you never gave haulage community a chance to respond to her rantings.

I have just got home after starting work at 04:00 Monday morning and being away from home all week sleeping in my lorry in layby’s & motorway service areas in constant fear of having my load stolen or being hi-jacked,living in a box approximately half the size of a prison cell constantly being treated like a third class citizen so that uninformed braindead people like her can have their morning breakfast/paper the fuel for her car the clothes on her back,the furniture in her home,the soap & make up in her bathroom in fact just about every thing she owns or buys.
I think it is about time the general public realised that their can of beans doesn’t magically appear on the shelf in the supermarket left there by the food fairy and started to treat the truckers of this nation with the respect they deserve after all remember what happened when approximately 2,500 (out of 480,000) decided to protest about the price of fuel a couple of years ago ask yourself what would happen if we all decided to go on holiday for 2 weeks at the same time?

I left this message via the “contact show” link

some good points there nsh,i could not believe what she was saying and the fact that vine put it to air without any hard facts is beyond belief.some people where saying that more frt needs to be put on the railway’s,well yes that’s fine but untill supermarkets like tesco’s,safeways,etc start putting in railway lines direct to their store’s,then how do these people think their goods get to the dam stores.yes it’s through guy’s like you and i getting up at all hours of the day so as pratt’s like her can jump in her car get on the motorway for 1 junction and off too the shop’s.i will watch for any replies to you topic nsh with interest. :wink: