Devon companies

Hello then,a few more from me :confused:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

Good to see M & D in their original livery, much better than the later ones, think they were the first company locally to run globetrotters, always thought that Torridge drivers (also based in Torrington) must have been quite envious of them while they were stuck with their sed atk 400’s. No pictures yet of a company from Collompton who ran a fleet of Magnums with artwork on the front, can’t remember their name. Please keep the photos coming.

No pictures yet of a company from Collompton who ran a fleet of Magnums with artwork on the front, can’t remember their name.

A G Coles

Good to see some more pics of some different mobs Bubbs.
A good mate of mine’s old man used to drive for Greendale,here’s a pic of his FL,they must have bought a swag of them as his was F68MDV and I see F71MDV in your shots Bubbs. Also a Merc that he had on demo for a couple of weeks,pretty sure they didn’t buy any and his 111 that he drove before moving to Greendale. Are Greendale or John Dorse still about?
John Dorse ran from a farm just up the road from Stofords yard,the 111 pic was taken in his yard at xmas 1988,notice the ‘Crazy Wolf’ CB handle on both trucks. I also enclose a bubble for you Bubbs mate,this was the yard shunter by the late eightys. The mob from Cullompton who ran the Magnums were AGC,I don’t have any Magnum pics,but do have a few of thier Merc’s.
Cheers Jamie

Hi again,great pics Jamie,ta for the bubble and the 111,magic :sunglasses: …yep John Dorse still operates mate.More of my junk :grimacing:

Axminster Tpt,one of my favorite fleets…and its a bubble :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers Marc. :laughing:

Hi All& Bubbs
Is that 2 of your fetishes there Bubbs a bubble & a up skirt shot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cheeky sod Richard!!..More motors from Devon then :laughing:

Hope these are ok.

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

Great pic’s again bubbleman.
What happened to A G Coles, they were doing well to run such high spec motors but havn’t seem them for ages.
Axminster Transport always looked like a proper truck with that paintwork and signwriting, what happened to them.

Now then, can anybody identify the location of the pic with the Axminster Scania + Volvo parked together ? Reason i ask is because on a thread a while back - something to do with Radclive of Faringdon i think ,it was asked where the pic was taken but ime buggered if i can remember what the answer was and judging by the tower block in the background it looks like the same place.

Didnt they become Chard and Axminster tpt ? CATS

By the way, isnt Axminster in Zummerzet

top effort again bubs mate,good to see some of Martin Hayman’s,they shifted a lot of tractors and other farm gear,are they still going? and what do they run now? Thier yard was on the A38 just down the road from Morgans Cafe anyone remember it? Also there was another old cafe a mile or so from Morgans that was long since closed,what was that called and when did it close?
OK from me today some Volvo’s that all have close no plates,probably all sold by Stewarts[the Volvo agent in Exeter]. firstly M Mingo and thier two F7s,this was taken in Tiverton in July 94,I think the six wheeler was still going in 05,no plates AOD131Y and 133Y,next a couple of Billy Hockin’s AOD137Y and 149Y,both taken in Tiv early 90s,then one of M&D’s AOD140Y and finaly your T&T’s Bubbs AOD150Y. Who said Devon is a small place?
I’ve also put in a couple more of Billy Hockin’s and an M&D,both smart fleets and both still going. Bubbs mate do you have any pics of John Dorse’s waggons now?
Cheers Jamie

Great pics Jamie,Haymans are still going but I believe he’s down to 1 lorry which he drives himself,the cafe just down from Morgans was the Maidendown stage I’m sure…bit of a dump but loads of parking which Morgans never had.I got some of John Dorses modern motors somewhere :unamused: ,will try to dig 'em out.

Eggbeers had 3 or 4 of these sleeper cabbed M.A.Ns,I wanted the Thompson Daf as well but messed it up and got this crap :blush:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

a few more Devon motors…(you may have seen them on here before :confused: )

Martin Hayman’s yard is now TM commercials which was a Seddon Atkinson service dealer.I think the only truck he has now is a bright yellow Renault Magnum.All the Volvo’s would have been bought from Westward Commercials of Avonmouth, Stuarts have only ever been Volvo service dealers. The Eggbeer MAN eight wheelers were built as special orders because they have sleeper cabs on them and it was not an option at the time.

I think two or three of Haymans Steyr units went to Stan Robinsons and ended up as yard shunters.
Anyone know if they’re still there?

Very tidy sleeper extension on the Exonia Maigrus.

Great info and pic guys thanks,I realy like the Eggbeers MAN Bubbs,I remember seeing them around,unusual that it has super singles on the r-send. Nice to see R L Taylor too,I used to see that Cargo about quite a bit,the same goes for the Glendenning Fodens,they used to tip at ARC’s batching plant in Tiverton.
Something a bit different today I reckon,a selection of Devon companies featured in magazines over the years,I’m sure there are heaps more. I even found a couple of firms from your last pics Bubbs,happy days! I don’t ever recall seeing the boat shifting mob from Exeter.
Cheers Jamie

Hello,this thread gets better every day,heres a few more…I prefer M&D when they were in their first colours.

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

Just a few more from me, only standard truckfest stuff i’m affraid.
Vital was my very 1st driving job, mine was the cf65, the company put all the extras on. Found another “blue” Evans.

nice M&D yard shot mate,I never made it to thier yard,wish I had. Good also to see what’s getting around today,I left the UK ten years ago,so it’s interesting to see who’s still going. You beat me to it with the M&D F88 Bubb’s,she sure was a ripper,used to see it about quite a bit,when I took this photo in 1990,she was at least 13 years old and still looking very tidy. I was probably supposed to be steam cleaning something or tapping nuts and bolts with a hammer during work experiance week with Stofords,but figured that a photo of the old girl was a better plan.
The rest are all Merc’s today,the Simmons one was a brand spanker taken in Aug 85,another Torridge banger taken during my school lunch hour in 1991.One of M&D’s taken in Aug 92 in the same spot as the F88. And a couple of Martin Haymans,taken in his yard,can just see the little one that is in your pic Bubbs and a 1418 that was taken at truck fest southwest 1990. Finaly another John Dorse,in his yard Feb 1991.
Cheers Jamie

Forgot the Torridge Merc.