Delivery man tries to squeeze his lorry under a low bridge i … rn/?ref=mr

20 years experience and he thought he would
Ignore the signs because it didn’t look 15’9
Oh dear.

A bit like this Wickes driver yesterday … ses_chaos/

Ex culina employee then, or maybe he an agency driver??

He didn’t try to squeeze it under, he was going at a fair old lick by the looks of it.

That’s wicks’ wagon was only just wrong though, it weren’t a twelve foot bridge by the looks of it.

Makes you wonder what goes through these so called drivers minds it looks to me like he dint know the height of his vehicle just drove blinked otherwise he’d stop then crawl through while his passenger got out to guide him

That’s wicks’ wagon was only just wrong though, it weren’t a twelve foot bridge by the looks of it.

It is. The road goes uphill,16 foot one end…12 t’other

That’s one thick driver if the comments ‘he made’ are true,

Maybe it’s time to start revoking vocational licences especially for something as serious/daft as a bridge strike like that.

The “I’ve never cocked up” brigade strike again. Those with no sin cast the first stone.

I jump in and out of all sizes, class and height vehicles. I make a note of height when I get in but I’d be a liar if I haven’t once or twice slammed brakes on approaching a bridge at the end of a 10 hour drive when I have thought “what height is this”

Well he’s 63 so just goes to show that as soon as you hit 60 that’s it, sorry but time to call it a day. To slow, can’t think properly, fatigued easier, physically deteriorating, eyes going, immune system weakening.
Shouldn’t be on the road.

And agism to boot. Great forum. Great camaraderie.

what amazed me was the resident bob smith who said the driver should have known the height of his vehicle,that is true but then he said that the driver might have made it if he was in the middle,bit of a contradiction,if a bridge is 14ft 9in it is not going to accomodate a 15ft 9in lorry,what a kxxb

Now I know who carries/delivers my favourite energy drink #redbull:slight_smile::):):slight_smile:
Culina hey-measurably the best;)

It said 15’9", but not believed. Incredible in itself.

I chicken out taking 13’9" under 13’9" bridges. “Ooh there’s nearly a foot of spare clearance” I might here. I don’t consider this ‘being ridiculed’ though, and I’ve never been pulled up for “taking the longer route around” either. All upside to playing it safe, which can’t be bad.

How many points endorsement are we looking at here btw? min to max?

Ex culina employee then, or maybe he an agency driver??

didnt think agency bashing wouldnt take long

And agism to boot. Great forum. Great camaraderie.

It’s nothing to do with camaraderie…

Very true.

That’s wicks’ wagon was only just wrong though, it weren’t a twelve foot bridge by the looks of it.

Theres a photo from the other side which shows the difference. Also had his height plate correct so no excuse.
The only thing that stopped him hitting the bridge was that he broke down.