DCPC do I have to do mod 4?

I have passed my car licence in Poland on January 1996. When I transfered my licence to a UK one, I never had C1, because on my old licence was only 5 options:
A- motorbikes
B- cars and Light goods vehicles up to 3500kg MAM
C- goods vehicles over 3500kg
D- buses and coaches
E- trailers

I’ve passed my cat D. in december 2006 and at this stage there was no CPC.
I’ve done my periodic training and received blue card with buses only.
Now I’m getting a bit confused
Do I have to do mod 4?

I never had C1,

If I understand correctly, you have no goods vehicle entitlement. So you must have completed 35 hours of Periodic Training to get your DQC and that, correctly, shows buses only.

If you were to pass an LGV test, then you would need Mod 2 and Mod 4.

Hope that helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

You will have to do LGV intial dcpc mods 2 + 4

The reason is that the giving of the C1 (and other categories) prior to 1997 was a UK thing - from 01/01/1997 the UK came into the EU system

When you pass all the LGV modules you will get a new DQC
You will get 5 years on that DQC from passing the LGV modules PLUS whatever periodic time is left from your PCV dcpc entitlement which until 09/09/2013 is 5 years

Lets say you pass all the LGV modules on 02/08/2013 - you will get a DQC dated 01/08/2023 for both LGV + PCV

DCPC periodic hours can only count if within 5 years of a DQC expiry date so with an expiry date of 01/08/2023 no more hours will count until 02/08/2018

Thank you for clarification. I wasn’t quite sure, but took my mod 2 already. All I have to do now is mod 4 and apply for a digi tacho.


  • from 01/01/1997 the UK came into the EU system

The UK adopted the EU licence before then it’s just that it was only the UK that gave a ‘free’ C1 with a car pass. Do other countries even use C1, I don’t think some do.

They introduced B1, C1, D1 in Poland about year 2000, alongside with new style driving licence, but I can’t really see any reasons to spend the same amount of £££ to get C1 instead of C… Ok, test on a minibus could be easier than on a coach, but 7.5tonne truck isn’t significantly smaller than a 18tonne rigid, to make any difference.

Just received my new CPC card. Expiry date is 09.09.2018, quite surprising. I was expecting it to be 2023… Wonder why… Done 35 hrs in the classroom (PCV) and mod 4 (LGV)…

Just received my new CPC card. Expiry date is 09.09.2018, quite surprising. I was expecting it to be 2023… Wonder why… Done 35 hrs in the classroom (PCV) and mod 4 (LGV)…

Assuming this is for PCV only then its correct

You had PCV grandfather rights from 09/09/2008 to 09/09/2013
You did 35 hours of periodic dcpc so that covers you for the period 09/09/2013 to 09/09/2018
Your DQC reflects this correctly

If you have grandfather rights for PCV and have recently passed initial LGV mod 4 then it is not correct and you need to call 0191 201 8112 the DSA dcpc hotline

Does it state on the DQC that it is for PCV & LGV ?

It is for both, PCV and LGV.
I have passed my PCV in December 2006, well before CPC was introduced, so should have grandfather rights…

It is for both, PCV and LGV.
I have passed my PCV in December 2006, well before CPC was introduced, so should have grandfather rights…

I called the DSA dcpc hotline on this very situation a couple of weeks ago and they (Tracey) confirmed that in a case like yours the DQC should have an expiry date of 10 years from your LGV mod 4 pass date (assuming mod 3 practical had also been passed)

will ring them tomorrow, as it would save me some £££ in periodic training:)

Not a good news for me:(
Because I have added a category C on my licence and passed mod 4, it gives me 5 years, and it cannot be added on top of PCV entitlement. It doesn’t make any sense to me, but…

Not a good news for me:(
Because I have added a category C on my licence and passed mod 4, it gives me 5 years, and it cannot be added on top of PCV entitlement. It doesn’t make any sense to me, but…

Not the way they explained it to me …

The 5 years gained by passing mod 4 and the 5 years gained by completing 35 hours of periodic must both be taken into account legally

As periodic training counts for both PCV & LGV then those 5 years get added onto the mod 4 five year DQC date

I will call the hotline next week and see if they still say the same …

I have read this thread a few times and still cannot understand if aspro has passed the Cat C module 3 driving test. If not he has Mod 2 & Mod 4 passed towards a LGV CPC.

Even if he has passed all 4 modules would he get the addition of an extra 5 years entitlement as it is more than 5 years before 09/09/18.

Cases like this do get a bit confusing but hopefully after Sept 2014 things will become more normal/stable as nobody will have acquired rights anymore and most people needing it will have the DQC card.

After 2014 this will still be an issue if a driver has say a LGV DQC then passes PCV initial

To make everything as clear as possible…
Cat B passed 19/01/1996 (in Poland- no C1/C1E/D1/D1E on my licence)
Cat D passed 06/12/2006
Cat C passed 11/04/2013
Mod 4 passed 30/04/2013

What I was expecting was: after 35 hrs of periodic training as a PCV driver I have received my card some time ago.
When I passed cat C, had to take mod 4 as well, as I had no C/C1 before.
Next thing I thought was if my Blue card was valid until 09/09/2018 (5 years) and initial qualification should give me (another?) 5 years, after passing my mod 4, expiry date should be let’s say 09/09/2023… But in my case it doesn’t seem to work this way…

To make everything as clear as possible…
Cat B passed 19/01/1996 (in Poland- no C1/C1E/D1/D1E on my licence)
Cat D passed 06/12/2006
Cat C passed 11/04/2013
Mod 4 passed 30/04/2013

What I was expecting was: after 35 hrs of periodic training as a PCV driver I have received my card some time ago.
When I passed cat C, had to take mod 4 as well, as I had no C/C1 before.
Next thing I thought was if my Blue card was valid until 09/09/2018 (5 years) and initial qualification should give me (another?) 5 years, after passing my mod 4, expiry date should be let’s say 09/09/2023… But in my case it doesn’t seem to work this way…

I would expect a DQC expiry dated 01/05/2023 for both

HEADS UP … The EU have changed the rules on this and issued a directive on 24/04/2013 stating that passing the initial for say LGV when got PCV or vice versa will not extend the periodic DQC expiry date

Nice of them to let us know that !!!

So the expiry date given in year 2018 is now correct under this new EU directive

How nice… That’s the way to get more and more money out of us… Thanks Rog for letting us know… What a bad luck… If I’ve passed it let’s say 2 weeks earlier it would be fine:(