DCPC do I have to do mod 4?

How nice… That’s the way to get more and more money out of us… Thanks Rog for letting us know… What a bad luck… If I’ve passed it let’s say 2 weeks earlier it would be fine:(

I said exactly that to the Mrs - 8 days earlier and you would have been under the previous rules on this issue

I have recently found out that I am in the same predicament as aspro.

Passed licence in 1985 (South Africa)
Exchanged for British in 2000?
Passed D 06/2007
Passed C 28/03/2013

Completed 35 hours and on DQC card only says DE entitlement.

No one until now picked up apparently I needed to do modules 2 & 4 to legally drive a lorry :frowning:
I thought I have acquired rights due to passing prior 1997 and driving buses.
Booked module 2 for 16/07/13 and now a waiting game.

Because you exchanged your licence for a UK one after 01/01/97 you will only have been granted a Cat B (Car). Your licence would not have had the full C1 (7.5t) entitlement that would have meant the 35 hours periodic training would have counted for both.

Once you have done the 2 Initial CPC tests a new DQC card will be issued valid for 5 years for both types of vehicle. In practice you have not really lost anything as you would have needed to complete the 35 hours by this September to keep the Cat D licence alive.

Because you exchanged your licence for a UK one after 01/01/97 you will only have been granted a Cat B (Car). Your licence would not have had the full C1 (7.5t) entitlement that would have meant the 35 hours periodic training would have counted for both.

Once you have done the 2 Initial CPC tests a new DQC card will be issued valid for 5 years for both types of vehicle. In practice you have not really lost anything as you would have needed to complete the 35 hours by this September to keep the Cat D licence alive.

Once you pass LGV mod 4 (lets say on 02/08/2013) you will get a new DQC

that new DQC will be expiry dated …
PCV 09/09/2018
LGV 01/08/2018

After completing the next set of 35 hours a new DQC will be issued and that will be expiry date 09/09/2023 for both PCV & LGV

It used to be that they added the 5 years of periodic (in this case PCV) onto the newly acquired initial (in this case LGV) but that stopped due to an EU ruling earlier this year
Had it not been for that ruling you would have got a DQC expiry dated 01/08/2023 for both

The C1 and other free categories above B were only granted to those that passed the UK DSA B test before 1997
Those that exchanged licences were not granted those free categories even if they exchanged before 1997