Cyclist vs Angry man (again)

Anyone else thinks it’s ironic that the only person bleating on about wearing a helmet was the only one who ended up smashing his own head into the ground.

I don’t think he felt anything anyway. The damage to the road however will probably run into hundreds of pounds to fill in the pothole where his head hit the deck.

Oh look

Try to be more original. Thats how I started my post

its my internet stalker .

Stalker? I have ignored all your other guff and never gave it any notice. Hardly befitting of the word “stalker”. But then you do have a history of using big words you dont understand (like calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll) so I suppose it is to be expected.

Yes my love i have missed those interesting threads

No problem. Heres the links.


Id love to hear your thoughts on these two but since its you of the inane sarcastic drivel im guessing instead of answers all ill get is called snowtroll (in an hilarious dig :unamused: ) then a few insults followed by a comment something along the lines of “I will be ignoring you as I dont respond to troll comments” or something else equal to a pre-emptive strike to justify ignoring the questions that poke more holes in your arguments than a wedge of swiss cheese.

Lets see how this played out

Im sure you have posted endless quotes and oceans of simpleminded pointlessness that im far too low on energy to read them .

Oh dear

All I asked of you was for your opinions on the cyclist actions in both threads. I even put it is simple one or two sentence questions since you’ve said in the past you cant comprehend what I post to you. Which means that either you lack a half decent IQ since its basic English or you only pretend and try to use insults to hide the fact that by admitting you read it,you were ignoring it because to answer means you will prove yourself to be an idiot with no basis for the tripe you post and no evidence to back it up. I suspect as combo of the two to be honest.
If your going to post the mince you do on a forum then you really need to have something to back it up. Otherwise your just a troll (which I think everyone knows you are by now)

I strongly suspect that one of the threads SnowTrollis talking of concerns a yoof dragging a toddler up the road wiv his bicycle .
If so then the usual rules apply and the ''most vulnerable road user is ‘’ …
Ahem even the simplest boys on here can see that would be the toddler !!

Snowtroll. How original
Not really offering thoughts as to the cyclists actions though is it? Nice attempt at dodging the question but I didnt really ask who the most vulnerable road user was did I? Especially since it was on the pavement,not the road (A fact lost on both you AND the idiot who thought it the best place to cycle :unamused: ) Yet another fail for boredwivtalkinsense

I read from the old Trolls semisenile ranting that the other concerns hitching a lift up the dual carriageway !!

Honestly … It is me . i love it ■■

semisenile? (Is that even a word?) Ranting? You really,really need to go buy a dictionary.
Once again,dodging the question and peppering the response with insults. Very disappointing. 1/10 (and you only get that 1 because I actually feel sorry for you and 0/10 is too low a blow even for me to administer)
Any progress on actually supplying your opinions on the cyclists? Surely THAT question is simple enough even for you?

I’m rooting for you Snowman, i’m a tenner down! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m rooting for you Snowman, i’m a tenner down! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Lol,cheers mate :laughing:
Although I wouldnt go betting any more that he will actually ever answer the question. Its just not his style! :laughing:


the maoster:
So dodging them then?

Yep, that’s a tenner I owe you maoster! :imp:

Double or quits that he’ll never answer the questions and will continue instead to do the cyberspace version of sticking his tongue out whilst shouting “na na na na can’t hear you”!


I’m now ashamed of myself for agreeing with this twonk on another thread. Snowman, please accept my sincere apologies. I admit to falling for that sort of bait myself, but rule no’ 1 is smack ‘em properly first and don’t chase them. Rule no’ 2, follow rule 1.

the maoster:


the maoster:
So dodging them then?

Yep, that’s a tenner I owe you maoster! :imp:

Double or quits that he’ll never answer the questions and will continue instead to do the cyberspace version of sticking his tongue out whilst shouting “na na na na can’t hear you”!


Put that fishing rod away! - I know you’re looking at my signature statement! :wink:

I wasn’t. I am now… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Snowtroll .I have been made aware that u are upset with me for not answering your questions .therefore i have skimmed your posts (like swimming thru slurry )and the only 2 questions i can identify , neither of which relate to this thread , i have answered above .
I cannot help that u do not comprehend the answers .

Also , just a month or so ago you were advising cyclists to ’ ride up the kerb when hearing a lorry approaching from behind ’

Now you contend that cyclists have no business being on the pavement .

I am presuming that if cyclists ride up the kerb , they will often as not , be on the pavement ■■?

I liked you more when you were boredwivpostin.

Funny my lovely cause i only post when im bored !!


Yawn. Is that that really the best and only insult you have? Its getting a tad repetitive now dont you think? We all know you dont understand the meaning of the word “troll”. You dont need to keep reminding us

I have been made aware that u are upset with me for not answering your questions .

Upset? Dont think so. Im actually feeling quite smug that you have dodged answering, peppered your replies with insults (even after I predicted openly that you would!) and proved me right with very little effort on my part. Id hardly call that “upset”. That you using big words you dont know the meaning of again?

and the only 2 questions i can identify ,

Because there were only two. I tried to keep it as simple as possible since you obviously struggle with basic English.

neither of which relate to this thread

Yes they have nothing to do with this thread. But if you want to chuck your cycle superiority and how wonderful they all are mince around then im perfectly entitled to wonder as to your thoughts on them. And since,like all pro-cyclists,you were strangely quiet regarding blatant cycle illegal activities, I just thought that since you were once again being all mouthy, id give you a chance to “right the balance” so to speak,and actually condem these actions. Now had you actually done that then others maybe,just maybe, would have thought you were open to being reasonable and maybe taken some of your other points on board.
But,as always, you performed an epic fail and instead did everything I predicted and made yourself look like even more of a ■■■. I didnt think it possible but hey ho

I cannot help that u do not comprehend the answers .

Er,that’ll be because you didnt actually answer them. I asked SPECIFICALLY for your thoughts on the cyclists activities. For the first video,you answered about the toddler being the most vulnerable road user. Was that what I asked? Nope. No answer re your thoughts on the cyclist=No answer to the question. Do try to keep up.
Second video. You said it was you and you love it. well,if it IS you (which I doubt) then proof please. If you supply proof,ill concede you answered that question but I will require thoughts on just why,as a “superior cyclist”,you think it ok to ride on a dual carriageway (illegal) while holding onto the back of a lorry (ALSO illegal) and not wearing a helmet (highly unadvised. And kinda ■■■■■■ all over your superior itellagence claim). If it wasnt you (as I suspect) then what are your thought on his actions?

Also , just a month or so ago you were advising cyclists to ’ ride up the kerb when hearing a lorry approaching from behind ’

No I didnt. I advised YOU to do it if you felt it was too close. I didnt say do it everytime you hear a lorry approaching.

Now you contend that cyclists have no business being on the pavement .

I am presuming that if cyclists ride up the kerb , they will often as not , be on the pavement ■■?

They dont. Theres a BIG difference from jumping on the pavement for 10 seconds if a lorry is too close to riding full pelt down the pavement like its your own personal cycle lane.

So after re-asking the questions AGAIN,in the most basic English I can just for your benefit, any chance of a clear cut answer from you?
Once again,im gonna go ahead and take a wild stab at “no,you probably wont”. What you probably will do,however, is call me snowtroll (again), stick some other hilarious insults in about how you struggle to understand what im posting (everyone else manages fine) and perform yet another huge fail by not answering. Which of course means that when your going on and on (and on and on) about how great cyclists are,no one will take you seriously. but then again,I think that ships already sailed

You do go on dear .

My thoughts on first vid are crystal clear . The individual concerned is best charactorised as a yoof , not a cyclist . why would i defend yoofs ?

The second video i havent watched but sounds exactly the kind of thing i love doing all the time . and futher i would advise everyone to try it .

Then they might not grow up to be such old misers

Then they might not grow up to be such old misers

Maybe, but they would probably grow up with more credibility! :laughing:

I wonder if the maoster is charging me interest on that tenner? :neutral_face:
But more importantly, does he know where I live? :grimacing:

But more importantly, does he know where I live? :grimacing:

I confidentally predict that in a moment of thoughtlessness you will in fact take your tin foil hat off. Then my detectors will find you and I’ll be around for payment. (I know that for a fact about the hat, 'cos that’s how they caught me!). :wink:

You do go on dear .

My thoughts on first vid are crystal clear . The individual concerned is best charactorised as a yoof , not a cyclist . why would i defend yoofs ?

The second video i havent watched but sounds exactly the kind of thing i love doing all the time . and futher i would advise everyone to try it .

Then they might not grow up to be such old misers

Well I think my work here is done. Once again you’ve tried to be a wind up merchant and made yourself look a pillock by having no choice but to avoid answering questions to justify what you say and instead only post nonsense in a pretty poor attempt at saving face. So im quite happy that after you giving it the big 'un and casting bait (with your second post in particular just oozing desperation for a response) that all you’ve done is make yourself look like a clown. Again.
But its getting boring now since your not even trying anymore. I can think of a half dozen quality responses to the videos which could have sparked heated responses but it was obviously too much for you to think of anything. Shame
You get 1/10 for effort again (all these poor marks must remind of your school days) since any half decent wind up merchant would have had people salivating and frothing at the mouth by now with their posts instead of what you managed. To get the ■■■■ ripped.
You should look at some other guys on here who are expert wind up posters (I think we all know the biggest one!) and the way that one,simple,subtle post can provoke about 7 other members into having a 12 page argument between themselves. Instead of your bull in a china shop approach which makes it too easy to counter.
I suggest you take some time,perfect your technique on the youtube comments (which are a troller/wind up merchants training ground) and then come back better prepared.
Ill see you the next time you want to shoot your mouth off.

Seems the fat 405 driver is not alone in falling flat on his face in embarassing circumstances, in this thread .
But at least the 405 fatty made everyone larf with his ranting and running .

Seems the fat 405 driver is not alone in falling flat on his face in embarassing circumstances, in this thread .
But at least the 405 fatty made everyone larf with his ranting and running .

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Wakey Wakey!

On what planet do you think it’s the snowman that looks silly?

I watched the thread you and the snowman had a couple of months back intently.
And I would have chimed in on the snowman’s side on that thread, but to be honest, he didn’t need any help…

All you did was preach that cyclists are never in the wrong, and avoided all the reasonable arguments put to you…

Don’t disturb him while he is playing with Lego, Evil.

School hols are precious.