Cyclist vs Angry man (again)

Was a bit close but still a non event. In that situation I’d be putting my safety over having any kind of priority and I’d let them all past.

Pity the knuckle dragger in the car didn’t catch him and give hime a good leathering :smiling_imp:

tommy t:

If someone cut you up in your car and you chased them in your car to confront them you’d probably be arrested for breach of the peace! Why is this any different?

Storm in a tea cup event that could lead to something very serious if that cyclist chases the wrong person one day. One day he’ll come across some nutter who’ll shove that camera up his arse after he stops jumping on his head! The car driver in this just comes across as a normal fella but even normal fellas who are harassed end up snapping. Cyclist is playing a dangerous game.

I just hope he gets battered and that gets put on youtube People like that helmet cam wearing prick are asking for a hiding and are fair game IMO

His mouth is writing out cheques his fists cant cash.
He’ll get what’s coming to him soon enough.

The pass wasn’t that bad. The cyclist was determined to make something of it as is usual with these clowns and ugh cameras.

One day they are going to come up against someone who will not take their crap. Don’t try to be a big man if you can’t back it up is my advice. From what I’ve seen in recent times these guys like to bait people into a confrontation then fill their little thongs the minute their stood up to. All mouth and then away like a bat out of hell when they finally get the reaction they’ve craved.

Intruiges me why many professional drivers on this forum always reply with threats of violence or imply measures of violence if confronted with a cyclist with a head cam.

Its a funny end to that video for sure. BUT…you can see that the cyclist instigated it. It felt like he knows that he has got camera’s so make it look like the drivers fault. Driver got provoked to a certain extent as well and fell for it (i usually do that as well…)

Cyclist had plenty of room to ride, and probably saw the car approaching from the corner of his eye and seeked an opportunity…and made the most of it :smiling_imp:

If I see a cyclist getting wronged whilst going about their business, and they’ve got no camera, I do usually side with them. But this is the usual crap, lycra Larry goading a driver for sensationalist footage. The 405 was nearer the parked cars on the other side, and the cyclist can’t have been that concerned, as he never moved over or stopped at any point :unamused:

Intruiges me why many professional drivers on this forum always reply with threats of violence or imply measures of violence if confronted with a cyclist with a head cam.

Its more a knee jerk reaction to the frustrations your average camera queen creates. 9 times out of 10 these things can be solved with a simple apology as theres no logic in risking ones job over your average organ donor. Regardless of whos right or wrong and usually to some degree both parties have some blame.

Now in a private motor theres less obvious risk but if it escalates no doubt risk of job or loss of liberty is possible so what I would do is apologise and forget about it. Unless the cyclist reacted in a way that interested me then I would follow them about a bit weighing up my options on what to do to satisfy my now heightened interest in them.

Cyclist with cameras are fine its when they choose to use these cameras to intimidate other motorists that they open themselves up to minor dramatics or waking up in the middle of the night tied to the bed with me looking at them… :wink:

Joking aside, one day a cyclist will be killed from their self induced drama shenanigans, I just hope someone puts it on youtube…

Intruiges me why many professional drivers on this forum always reply with threats of violence or imply measures of violence if confronted with a cyclist with a head cam.

I’d be surprised if many professional drivers reacted the way we’ve seen some of the most recent videos go. I’d be more inclined like most to laugh or turn the baiting table around. Id say it’s better that way as someone who over the years who has had his fair share of idiots in cars have a go at me in the taxi (mainly just because there’s a taxi plate and sign)

It also intrigues me as I’ve seen in the truck when you come to slip roads and there’s nowhere for you to go, there’s trucks up your backside and then there’s the clown coming out who can’t get up to speed to get in front of you. Then he’s blaring his horn, flashing his lights and flashing his fingers. Why? Because you’re a big ignorant truck and you didn’t wipe out vehicles in the offside to let them out.

It’s similar battles…

Cars v Trucks
Cars v Taxis

Now we are getting a culture of

Cyclists v Cars

Small man syndrome and stereotypical views IMO cause these wannabe warriors to react the way they do to things that are bigger, slower or an inconvenience to them.

Haven’t watched the vid yet but sounds like the ‘incident’ in Reading…was talking about it to my BIL earlier and he said pretty much all of the above! Whoever invented helmet cams wants shafting with the rough end of a pineapple!

No doubt about it : cyclist at fault

Wot is he thinking about with his road positioning ■■ In a narrow road cycle down the center !
This avoids fat people squeezing past and gives escape route when parked car opens door/ pulls out without looking

As for the verbals : its a clear cut case of jealousy . fat man needs bucket of pills to ’ rise to the occassion ’ and imposes his frustrations on the visibly better man .

You could be onto something here. Now as a hobby cyclist myself Im probably above average in terms of fitness for my age and in this clip the car driver obviously feals his masculinity threatened when confronted by a better specimen of the male species.

Perhaps when watching it back he may deceide to take up cycling, it will certainly improve his balance.

He could have adopted the prime position a bit better earlier on as he was allowing the car driver to much room to pass, even if he wasnt passing any parked cars at the moment of perceived personal space intrusion, but thats beside the point.

Camera guy has been added to my watch list, cant wait for his next contrived adventure.

In an ideal world, the car driver would have hit and killed the cyclist. Whilst getting out to ensure the demise of the two wheeled terror, he would have fallen over, impaled himself on a railin hitting his head on the kerb and been run over by his own vehicle. Hopefully neither had chance to procreate before their (un) fortunate ends.
In effect, what a pair of ■■■■■■■■

At the end of the day the fat worzel goes home and punches his missus , cause thats all he can manage with her…
And hero cyclist makes beautiful passionate love to several of his girlfriends all thru the night til dawn breaks over their exhausted love nest

Oh look,boredwivtalkinsense has decided to post his waffle again.
You must have missed these two threads (well you were strangely quiet on them so I can only presume you missed them) so id like to hear your thoughts on these two pillars of the cycling community

Riding on a dual carriageway and hanging onto the back of a moving vehicle. Two violations in one. Thoughts and opinions?

Riding on the pavement,clatters into an innocent toddler then legs it without checking shes even ok. Whats your opinion of THIS stand up cyclist?

You goon about cycling superiority,making them innocent in all collisions,rabbit on about how far better and safer they are yet you failed to show your face in either of these two threads,the second one especially. Ive ignored all your other ■■■■■■■■ on the site since our last set-to as I cant be bothered lowering myself to your level and getting into another one with you since its similar to shoving my nuts in a fire,only much more painful. But you enter this thread and chuck your weight about about cycle superiority so id like to know your views

Id love to hear your thoughts on these two but since its you of the inane sarcastic drivel im guessing instead of answers all ill get is called snowtroll (in an hilarious dig :unamused: ) then a few insults followed by a comment something along the lines of “I will be ignoring you as I dont respond to troll comments” or something else equal to a pre-emptive strike to justify ignoring the questions that poke more holes in your arguments than a wedge of swiss cheese.

Oh look its my internet stalker .

Yes my love i have missed those interesting threads , by virtue of mtbing and hiking on moors and mountains , far from the reach of the internet .
Im sure you have posted endless quotes and oceans of simpleminded pointlessness that im far too low on energy to read them .

So dodging them then?

the maoster:
So dodging them then?

Yep, that’s a tenner I owe you maoster! :imp:

Maybe boredwivdrivin recognised himself as the cyclist refered to in one of those threads. :bulb: :bulb: :smiling_imp:

Anyone else thinks it’s ironic that the only person bleating on about wearing a helmet was the only one who ended up smashing his own head into the ground.

I strongly suspect that one of the threads SnowTroll is talking of concerns a yoof dragging a toddler up the road wiv his bicycle .
If so then the usual rules apply and the ''most vulnerable road user is ‘’ …
Ahem even the simplest boys on here can see that would be the toddler !!

I read from the old Trolls semisenile ranting that the other concerns hitching a lift up the dual carriageway !!

Honestly … It is me . i love it ■■