Cyclist vs Angry man (again)


Seems the fat

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…Oh sorry,did you say something? I got as far as “seems the fat” and I either fell into a coma at how boring and predictable you’ve become or my brain shut down in order to protect itself from more inane ramblings of the worst attempt at being a wind up merchant in the history of the internet. Either way,I couldnt be bothered going back to read it again.

but to be honest, he didn’t need any help…

To be fair though mate,he does make it really,REALLY easy to rip the ■■■■ out of him :laughing:


You do go on dear .

My thoughts on first vid are crystal clear . The individual concerned is best charactorised as a yoof , not a cyclist . why would i defend yoofs ?

The second video i havent watched but sounds exactly the kind of thing i love doing all the time . and futher i would advise everyone to try it .

Then they might not grow up to be such old misers

Well I think my work here is done. Once again you’ve tried to be a wind up merchant and made yourself look a pillock by having no choice but to avoid answering questions to justify what you say and instead only post nonsense in a pretty poor attempt at saving face. So im quite happy that after you giving it the big 'un and casting bait (with your second post in particular just oozing desperation for a response) that all you’ve done is make yourself look like a clown. Again.
But its getting boring now since your not even trying anymore. I can think of a half dozen quality responses to the videos which could have sparked heated responses but it was obviously too much for you to think of anything. Shame
You get 1/10 for effort again (all these poor marks must remind of your school days) since any half decent wind up merchant would have had people salivating and frothing at the mouth by now with their posts instead of what you managed. To get the ■■■■ ripped.
You should look at some other guys on here who are expert wind up posters (I think we all know the biggest one!) and the way that one,simple,subtle post can provoke about 7 other members into having a 12 page argument between themselves. Instead of your bull in a china shop approach which makes it too easy to counter.
I suggest you take some time,perfect your technique on the youtube comments (which are a troller/wind up merchants training ground) and then come back better prepared.
Ill see you the next time you want to shoot your mouth off.

+1 :smiley: :wink:


Good covering of the back brake there… wouldn’t want to fly over the handlebars… :wink: