another story in the news about a guy hounded by the CSA . Took his own life at home in Stoke on Trent. Absolute disgrace that the CSA have no shame

If I ever had the misfortune of being hounded by those scum, I’d go Ltd Co on agency. Bloke I used to work with got a 15k attachment of earnings. He had to pay it in 12 months. Nearly finished him. He’d just bought a new car and was trying to get by on £280 a week after they got their whack

I’m from Mars, I earned 240 last week and yet ur buddy had to scrape by on 280 a week

I would love £280 after the csa have their cut.

If you earned 240, I hope you were loading the lorry rather than driving it :open_mouth:

If I ever had the misfortune of being hounded by those scum, I’d go Ltd Co on agency. Bloke I used to work with got a 15k attachment of earnings. He had to pay it in 12 months. Nearly finished him. He’d just bought a new car and was trying to get by on £280 a week after they got their whack

Yeah, provide for my child/ children or buy a new car ? Tough one that.
Regards. John.

He bought the car before he got collared. I’m in agreement about paying for children, but the csa don’t give it to your kids, they put it in the benefits pot. If certain women weren’t twisted ■■■■■■■ hell bent on destroying their ex, they’d realise they could get maintenance on top of benefits rather than in lieu. They usually cut off their nose so the man has to pay double

women shouldn’t need to get maintenance on top of benefits. They should get enough maintenance that the kids have the same as others
if you produce kids you pay for their upkeep, not me and the rest of the taxpayers. Bloody simple!
if you don’t want to pay for kids keep your ■■■■■ buttoned up.
and it doesn’t matter if the woman is a ■■■■■ or not, its the kids that count.

Won’t somebody think of the children?

(Currently paying the csa over 450 a month. Which is not my main gripe. I have accepted that untill they are done with me, i have to remain financially a single man, and i dont (cant) live in a ‘home’ for which i need to pay rent. Its the thick headex, incompetent, arbitrary, tunnel visioned, stupid attitude and process that has done my head in for the last 15 years…)

Nope,driving artic got only 2 days work,living the bloody dream. Then CSA 20% cut. What I am trying to say is I agree children need paying for, however,each case is individual. Both parents situation should be included,however,the law says that if the mother is a millionaire and the father is homeless with no income,why the hell go for the father??

women shouldn’t need to get maintenance on top of benefits. They should get enough maintenance that the kids have the same as others
if you produce kids you pay for their upkeep, not me and the rest of the taxpayers. Bloody simple!
if you don’t want to pay for kids keep your ■■■■■ buttoned up.
and it doesn’t matter if the woman is a ■■■■■ or not, its the kids that count.

A very simplistic and idealist view. How far do you take it? If your ex cheated on you and marriage breaks down, do you pay her mortgage? Insure and maintain her car? All so the kids can have the same as others? What happens to you? How do you pay your mortgage or rent? What about when you find another woman and maybe want to start another family? I wouldn’t expect the tax payer to keep my kids. I’d expect to pay 50% towards them. Where she gets her 50% from is another matter

and thats whats wrong with the present way of life
YOU expect someone else to pay 50% of the cost of maintaining YOUR children.
Why the hell should I pay towards YOUR responsiblities?

Because marriages break down. You get married, have children, 10 years later she cheats on you with Raul, her yoga instructor. What do you do, stick around like a mug because del949 doesn’t want to pay towards other people’s kids in his tax? News flash, child benefit is universal. You’re already paying for my kids, even though I’m married and working. I don’t like paying towards the winter fuel allowance when it goes to wealthy pensioners in Spain, but that’s life, we all pay in and we all take something out. If I pay maintenance, you’re not paying for my kids. Your tax may go towards my exes job seekers and housing benefit, but that’s nothing to do with me. If you have a problem with taxation, either go self employed or leave the country, because if you want to live here you have to put up with it like everyone else

and thats whats wrong with the present way of life
YOU expect someone else to pay 50% of the cost of maintaining YOUR children.
Why the hell should I pay towards YOUR responsiblities?

I think his point was that he’s prepared to pay 50%…and expects his ex to do the same, apologies if I’ve read that wrong.

Spot on conan. And for the record, I have no ex nor any unfunded children. Just a dislike of the system. If the csa gave the exact figure taken at source, to your ex then fine. But it goes into the pot, which is now a “universal credit” because we’re all in it together :unamused: Ergo if you were doing alright for yourself and on say 50k a year, roughly a grand a month would be distributed amongst the Jeremy kyle type vagrants to spend on drugs. While your ex will get less than half that. Hardly a benefit to your children is it?

Conan the Librarian:

and thats whats wrong with the present way of life
YOU expect someone else to pay 50% of the cost of maintaining YOUR children.
Why the hell should I pay towards YOUR responsiblities?

I think his point was that he’s prepared to pay 50%…and expects his ex to do the same, apologies if I’ve read that wrong.

Nope, you read that right. I am getting out of this. It re-opens to many scars. I may get banned if I let rip…

Never had any dealings with the CSA but it’s my understanding that if they charge you (for example) £400 per month your kids don’t get that £400, they get a small percentage or whatever benefits the mother gets. Surely if this is correct then it is just another tax with little or nothing to do with a child’s welfare, which should be the primary concern surely?

Apologies if I’ve misunderstood this though.

the maoster:
Never had any dealings with the CSA but it’s my understanding that if they charge you (for example) £400 per month your kids don’t get that £400, they get a small percentage or whatever benefits the mother gets. Surely if this is correct then it is just another tax with little or nothing to do with a child’s welfare, which should be the primary concern surely?

Apologies if I’ve misunderstood this though.

no, you have not misunderstood. My son gets very little , if any, of the money the csa take of me. The csa have admitted that the money they take oc me, pays his mothers benefits. Which are half of what the csa take of me…
I’ll leave it now…

The csa was never about the childrens welfare. Only about punishing the ‘nasty, useless, feckless, father’ who had a job and was easy to take to the cleaners.

My son lost out. I still pay through the nose. Thanks csa.
My daughter is helped as and when needed. Without the meddeli g ■■■■■■■■ of the csa.

Because marriages break down. You get married, have children, 10 years later she cheats on you with Raul, her yoga instructor. What do you do, stick around like a mug because del949 doesn’t want to pay towards other people’s kids in his tax? News flash, child benefit is universal. You’re already paying for my kids, even though I’m married and working. I don’t like paying towards the winter fuel allowance when it goes to wealthy pensioners in Spain, but that’s life, we all pay in and we all take something out. If I pay maintenance, you’re not paying for my kids. Your tax may go towards my exes job seekers and housing benefit, but that’s nothing to do with me. If you have a problem with taxation, either go self employed or leave the country, because if you want to live here you have to put up with it like everyone else

So because some guy cant satisfy his wife and she ■■■■■ the yoga instructor,ive to pay tax towards their kids? :open_mouth: