
Because marriages break down. You get married, have children, 10 years later she cheats on you with Raul, her yoga instructor. What do you do, stick around like a mug because del949 doesn’t want to pay towards other people’s kids in his tax? News flash, child benefit is universal. You’re already paying for my kids, even though I’m married and working. I don’t like paying towards the winter fuel allowance when it goes to wealthy pensioners in Spain, but that’s life, we all pay in and we all take something out. If I pay maintenance, you’re not paying for my kids. Your tax may go towards my exes job seekers and housing benefit, but that’s nothing to do with me. If you have a problem with taxation, either go self employed or leave the country, because if you want to live here you have to put up with it like everyone else

So because some guy cant satisfy his wife and she [zb] the yoga instructor,ive to pay tax towards their kids? :open_mouth:

You are young, lacki g both experience and manners. We will let you off, because you will find yourself on the wrong side of a spitefull woman one day. Than we will show you our harx earned courtesy, nod , and you will understand.

If the csa gave the exact figure taken at source, to your ex then fine. But it goes into the pot, which is now a "universal credit


not according to what I understand from reaing the CSA site
If you make “agreed payments” the money goes direct from you to her directly
If you make managed paymenrts ditto except the CSA take a hefty “handling fee” 20% from you and 4 % from her.
There may be a difference if an attatchment order is used , the CSA site doesn’t mention that.
It certainly doesn’t seem to go into the general exchequers pot.

CSA only become involved if you HAVE NOT been making payments
In my case 1 of the exs contanted them and i showed a direct debit of £100 a week to her account .
Never heard from them since

in that case it would be reasonable to assume that the guy in the OP had NOT been making payments.
Of course there may have been many fair reasons why not, but if the choice is between the state picking up all the debts or the absent fathers being pursued for their fair share , I know where I stand.

So because some guy cant satisfy his wife and she [zb] the yoga instructor,ive to pay tax towards their kids? :open_mouth:

The fact that she seemed happy enough to marry him and have his kids and bearing in mind that the marriage ‘contract’ under the present regime means that it takes two wage earners to run a household.That example is obviously a case of desperate home wrecking zb moving in on someone else’s wife.In which case it should be the wife gets custody of the kids and the home wrecker pays to keep them.Not the victim in the form of the dumped father. :unamused: IE maintenance should be based on the issue of fault for relationship breakdown assuming adultery is involved. :bulb:

As for the CSA it seems strange how they want more money from dumped fathers,for the privilege of losing their family in such cases,to pay for ‘the children’.Than the realistic expected type of proportion available to be spent on the children if the family had stayed together.

the csa are the worst organisation I have ever dealt with, I have and do pay for my kids however what I would tn do was give my ex money to run around blowing on ■■■■ for her ( the money was very rarely used for my children ), the worst thing I have found is when she remarried and the new pleb decided he wanted to be daddy to my own children she stopped me seeing them ( so after 25k on courts/solicitors etc, I have all the ‘rights’ ) what tended to happen was like clockwork they were always ill on the weekends I should have had contact (nothing the courts can do about this).

so I stopped payment until I saw my children - the csa answer was we don’t get involved in this!

I now pay a set amount still don’t see my kids and due to this it works out me and my partner both work full time but have less income (if you can call it that) than 2 people who don’t work.

what a ■■■■■■■ brilliant system it is! to me the csa forms should have do you see your children yes/no? and if its a no then to me the next question should be do you want to y/n

if its a yes they should refuse to get involved until access is sorted this will stop women using children as a means to not work/weapons.

IE maintenance should be based on the issue of fault for relationship breakdown assuming adultery is involved.

you frequently post garbage but this has got to be your best effort so far!
Regardless of who is at fault it is almost certainly not the children and they deserve to be looked after by the people who produced them.

I had the unfortunate experience of dealing with these incompetent ■■■■! Never had any problem at all with paying maintenance, that was my responsibility. However, when the CSA upped my payments from £320 pm to £540 without even informing me, hence falling behind to the sum of £2400 i got a bit miffed! Me and the ex still weren’t talking at this point, i was under the assumption that it was her who asked for the increase, cue the many tense phone calls!
The last straw was whilst i was serving in Afghan, AGAIN, they upped the payments to £750pm!!! Again i had no idea as this was taken out as a deduction of earnings order!
Only found out when i finally got some mail from the bank, car insurance, loan company etc etc etc that i was behind on payments.
Got back to UK, wrote half a dozen letters, complaints, phone calls, and asking for an explanation as to what the hell was going on! This inevitably, though stupidly, led me to the bar almost every night!
Finally got to chat to the ex and showed her all the letters from myself and the CSA only for her to say that she was still getting the original £320pm!!!
And still to this day the CSA still won’t give me an explanation! However, on the plus side, the ex agreed to ditch the CSA once and for all, we are both quite happy with the way things are now. If she needs money, ill happily give some, if I’m short for whatever reason, she’s happy to wait. This way i have a full and happy relationship with my daughter and dare i say the ex!
To date i am £8,500 in “arrears”, but the ex has repeatedly informed them that she has no interest in the CSA as things are perfectly fine as they are, despite her getting letters and phone calls that she is entitled to X amount each month and that she could take me to court for back payments.
As to where all the extra payments i made went to, i can only guess!!!

nodding donkey:
The csa was never about the childrens welfare. Only about punishing the ‘nasty, useless, feckless, father’ who had a job and was easy to take to the cleaners.

My son lost out. I still pay through the nose. Thanks csa.
My daughter is helped as and when needed. Without the meddeli g [zb] of the csa.

What about the slags that get pregnant and then disappear leaving the children behind?

When the CSA catches up with them, they change jobs.

Still, the £180 per month is funny everytime I check my bank account to ensure it’s paid now. :smiley:

In other words, that are not all useless, feckless fathers.


IE maintenance should be based on the issue of fault for relationship breakdown assuming adultery is involved.

you frequently post garbage but this has got to be your best effort so far!
Regardless of who is at fault it is almost certainly not the children and they deserve to be looked after by the people who produced them.

As I said assuming a relationship breaks down because of the type of adultery involving someone running off with someone else’s wife ( and obviously family ).Then why the zb should the victim,in the form of the dumped husband/father,have to pay for,what we all know,is all about the living expenses of that ‘new’ step family and household.When it is up to the new ‘step Father’ to keep ‘his’ new ‘step family’.IE it’s all about ‘who pays’ and nothing whatsoever to do with ‘no one paying’ to keep the family or therefore kids suffering.

What you’re describing,is just the typical home wrecker’s charter that the CSA is really all about,without reform along the lines of the home wrecker pays which I’m describing.As it stands it really pays for any single bloke and dodgy wife to wreck a marriage in the knowledge that they can both financially benefit from it.Especially in the case of the type of home wrecker who’s got zb all.But who can end up taking over another’s family and possibly even mostly paid for house,at that the dumped husband and father’s expense. :unamused:

the maoster:
Never had any dealings with the CSA but it’s my understanding that if they charge you (for example) £400 per month your kids don’t get that £400, they get a small percentage or whatever benefits the mother gets. Surely if this is correct then it is just another tax with little or nothing to do with a child’s welfare, which should be the primary concern surely?

Apologies if I’ve misunderstood this though.

No, this is absolutely right, the money does not go to the children, it goes into the general taxation pot to fund the M.P.‘s 10% pay increase and the local Council’s middle managers’ £30,000 a year pensions.

nodding donkey:


Because marriages break down. You get married, have children, 10 years later she cheats on you with Raul, her yoga instructor. What do you do, stick around like a mug because del949 doesn’t want to pay towards other people’s kids in his tax? News flash, child benefit is universal. You’re already paying for my kids, even though I’m married and working. I don’t like paying towards the winter fuel allowance when it goes to wealthy pensioners in Spain, but that’s life, we all pay in and we all take something out. If I pay maintenance, you’re not paying for my kids. Your tax may go towards my exes job seekers and housing benefit, but that’s nothing to do with me. If you have a problem with taxation, either go self employed or leave the country, because if you want to live here you have to put up with it like everyone else

So because some guy cant satisfy his wife and she [zb] the yoga instructor,ive to pay tax towards their kids? :open_mouth:

You are young, lacki g both experience and manners. We will let you off, because you will find yourself on the wrong side of a spitefull woman one day. Than we will show you our harx earned courtesy, nod , and you will understand.

Sublime… :stuck_out_tongue:

No, this is absolutely right, the money does not go to the children, it goes into the general taxation pot

I have to having no experience of the CSA, but according to their website the money IS paid to the claimant and not into the taxation pot.

Only when it’s a maintenance agreement. If you can’t meet on the figure, the csa take a large whack from you, put it all on the new universal credit pot, then give her a small portion of it

according to their site that is not the case.
If you don’t agree to direct payments they collect and distribute the monies and take 25% of one and 4% off the other. the remainder is then paid . No mention of it going into the general pot.

Pay direct if you can.I do £100 per week for 2 kid’s. If you pay the CSA won’t this hamper your borrowing potential?

according to their site that is not the case.
If you don’t agree to direct payments they collect and distribute the monies and take 25% of one and 4% off the other. the remainder is then paid . No mention of it going into the general pot.

Direct payments are what I mean by maintenance. And where do you think the 29% goes if not into the government coffers?

I had an agreement with my ex it worked for us but yep the CSA do & can take some of the money from you as there wages have to be paid as well as there office space etc

Not all us women are ■■■■■■■ it was of no benefit to me to go to the CSA I might have got a little more form him but I was not bothered just wanted a little for him if our kids were going on a school trip that was going to cost he would pay half when I took them on hol abroad he had no objections even sometimes give them a little spending money we still have a good relationship

It was the case that the CSA would give the mother most of the money so they couldn’t claim any benefits apart form child benefit which as we know is paid to all when it 1st started it would take most of the money from the father & leave him just above the rate of claiming any benefit but they did change the rules it was also set to try & trace the missing fathers who did not make any payment & had tried to disappear not those already paying & a lot of us women did not go to the CSA it was forced upon us

Reading post some things are different to my case

Yes CSA can be absolute nightmare, but with help they can be sorted

On the MSE forum a CSA worker gave me valuable help, (she was owed a lot from an ex who totally refused to pay for anything), with my ex not being understanding at the time , and no she was not on benefits, and she was getting everything i was paying via CSA. and now i think it was the fella she was with at the time put her up to it, as we had an agreement.

Get your local MP involved.
Don’t swear and shout and rant at them on phone, no matter how you feel.
I was some times dealing with a cold hearted ■■■■■ at times (CSA not ex lol)

I tried agency work, PAYE at time
Then got a job with low basic but lots of tax free payments :wink:
Now Ltd co and assessed at £5 a week… but paid more.

I was on the original CSA system, where there are so many problems.

But when my daughter wanted to live with me the CSA where brilliant with every thing regarding arrears and payments, but my daughter stayed at her mum’s as we agreed it was best for her .

Now my kids are grown up and working the stress is gone. although i have £200 arrears i don’t pay anything
my kids are 21 and 24, daughter was in education (part time collage) till 19 meaning i was liable for payments and son at 16 went for apprenticeship. But going from 2 dependants to 1 made no difference on original system.

And although it may seem i was trying to dodge the system i wasn’t, just paying what i could afford.and also wanting to treat my kids as best i could.

And CSA have nothing to do with access :frowning: