Crap drivers that can't drive economically

Please be aware that 'blipping is only needed at higher speeds :slight_smile: ‘Blipping’ makes for a nice, smooth down change and doesn’t take half ‘a mill off’ the clutch plate when it is being released onto an engine with very low revs. The ‘teaspoon’ (if that) of fuel that is ‘wasted’ can easily be clawed back simply by keeping the revs a tiny bit lower before an upchange or some extra ‘coasting’. I even ‘blip’ when in the car (especially when making that slick, quick downshift to accelerate past grandad in the middle lane and the guy behind has flashed me out) and when i had my motocrosser. Any others (apart from the obvious ones) here who ride a ‘sports’ bike? What do you do when your caning it about…emulate Lorenzo i guess :smiley: Watch Rossi and co to see if they do it…but if ‘blipping’ (to save some clutch face and make for smoother down-changes) makes me a crap driver then i gotta be really ■■■■ as when i’m approaching an exit slip and there is nothing behind me, i just let the old girl ‘coast’ a bit further (if downhill) which saves some of that precious fuel for when i need to get ‘up-hill’ but also saves my brakes if the lights are red at the top…keep it moving, lights change, quick blip, into desired gear and away we go whilst your struggling to find a gear cuz the revs are on the floor and isn’t that a good feeling when you engage and let the clutch out…look at that rev counter climb cuz you picked the wrong one cuz your speed was dropping as you ‘stirred it up’…luvvly jubbly :laughing: Next you’ll be saying that those that had V8 twin stacked Scanny 142’s in the 80’s/90’s didn’t blip when changing up :unamused: :laughing:

even with a synchro box matching the revs on downshifts takes the loads off the synchronisers and the driveline and prevents excessive braking forces at the drive axle which you’d get if you just let the clutch in with less revs than what match the road speed.

100% correct, but there is a difference between blipping then catching it at the right spot as the revs come back down & just matching the revs to road speed by gently applying some throttle.

The stacked Scanny drivers did it just “cos it sounds good.” (nobody can deny).

I even ‘blip’ when in the car (especially when making that slick, quick downshift to accelerate past grandad in the middle lane and the guy behind has flashed me out)

Sorry to say Actrosman, the perfect example of an ill prepared unplanned driver. Whilst looking for an over taking opportunity, with a manual gear box, you should already be in a responsive gear ready to go.

Had to “blip” today, as I was driving an old wagon with constant mesh (I hesitate to use the word crashbox as this offends some of our senior members :smiley: ), and for the record D1UK, I block changed and avoided using the clutch for some shifts :smiley: Increased the mpg from 6.3 to 6.7, used probably £90 worth of fuel today so not sure how much I’ve saved in £ but it wont show in my wages that’s for sure…


even with a synchro box matching the revs on downshifts takes the loads off the synchronisers and the driveline and prevents excessive braking forces at the drive axle which you’d get if you just let the clutch in with less revs than what match the road speed.

100% correct, but there is a difference between blipping then catching it at the right spot as the revs come back down & just matching the revs to road speed by gently applying some throttle.

The stacked Scanny drivers did it just “cos it sounds good.” (nobody can deny).

But most examiners would sensibly just say that trying to differentiate ‘blipping’ from ‘gently applying some accelerator’ is just splitting hairs when in real world conditions it’s speed in changing the foot application between brake and accelerator and back on the brakes is the most important thing and downshifting with a two stroke Detroit and a Fuller sounded better than any Scanny :wink: :smiley: … re=related

There’s not much point in saving a bit of diesel if you spend more than you’ve saved on brake and driveline wear and tear.

which is why on the American test you’d fail using block changing instead of the sequential changing method.

Still posting Crap then, curry…

Firstly, you would know this how, exactly?

Second, I block change all the time, and did so on my test. I didn’t fail…

Why are you such a …



which is why on the American test you’d fail using block changing instead of the sequential changing method.

Still posting Crap then, curry…

Firstly, you would know this how, exactly?

Second, I block change all the time, and did so on my test. I didn’t fail…

Why are you such a …

Did’nt know that you’d done the US test :question: .But had a similar discussion with newmercman where he said that he only uses clutchless changes and when I asked him if that would pass the American test he seemed to be saying that he did his Canadian licence :question: using an auto. :open_mouth: :wink:


He may have. I didn’t. I used a Fuller 13 speed. And the tests are comparable. Believe it or not, ‘American’ trucks are actually used in Canada as well…

But igloos do not seem to work well in Florida, which is a place slightly larger than Surrey about 8" away on the map.

as i was told by my instructor when learning the canadian way,by all means block change ,clutchless changes but if you screw the gearchange up you fail…
same as you would fail if you really screwed up sequential shifting.Just to be sure i used the cluch for the test ,rarely use it now though.
The other old boy that did their training/test the same time as i did used clutchless changes all through his test /training drove a farm truck for donkey yrs , drove the trainer daft…

in real world conditions it’s speed in changing the foot application between brake and accelerator and back on the brakes is the most important thing and downshifting with a two stroke Detroit and a Fuller sounded better than any Scanny :wink: :smiley:

A well planned driver should never need to rush gear changes.* Anticipation is the name of the game.

  • with the possible exeption of climbing hard when heavy, you wouldn’t want a lazy change then.

He may have. I didn’t. I used a Fuller 13 speed. And the tests are comparable. Believe it or not, ‘American’ trucks are actually used in Canada as well…

But igloos do not seem to work well in Florida, which is a place slightly larger than Surrey about 8" away on the map.

I know that American trucks are used in Canada but they’re usually driven by Canadian drivers (or sometimes ex pat Brits these days) who obviously don’t have to pass an American test to get a Canadian licence and it seems that the Canadians are’nt as bothered about the extra stresses which block changing puts on the driveline as the Americans.

If the tests are comparable in that context then I must be incorrectly informed because when I was asking questions over there (before you were even old enough to be driving trucks),about what would be expected on the US test,I was told exactly as I’ve usually done,(double declutched sequential downshifts).I must also be deaf and blind too because that’s how all of the trucks I’ve seen,and heard,were being driven there.

That video of a trainee driver under instruction also seems to show that nothing’s changed in that context because if block changing (or clutchless changes) were what’s required the instructor would’nt have been bothering to teach the driver to do it the right way :question: .

But driving a truck with a Fuller box here was’nt much different in that context to driving it in Florida and it’s ironic that the Canadian examiners seem to accept block changing because that’s how I was instructed when I was doing my class 2 and class 1.I ignored that instruction on the tests and used sequential downshifts and passed both first time,unlike a lot of the others on the same courses :open_mouth:


in real world conditions it’s speed in changing the foot application between brake and accelerator and back on the brakes is the most important thing and downshifting with a two stroke Detroit and a Fuller sounded better than any Scanny :wink: :smiley:

A well planned driver should never need to rush gear changes.* Anticipation is the name of the game.

  • with the possible exeption of climbing hard when heavy, you wouldn’t want a lazy change then.

If you’re slowing down it’s best to use the brakes as well as engine braking and it’s safest to be using the brakes and engine braking but if your foot is’nt on the brakes then the truck is’nt slowing down as effectively as if your foot is on the brakes.Taking less time to raise the revs on downshifts is’nt the same thing as a rushed gearchange although if you did a ‘lazy’ change with that Detroit and a Fuller you’d probably miss the gear anyway. :wink:

Ay up Carryfast is on the case again!

Thing is if you chaps worked for a decent company like I do they’d spec retarders, and you hardly need the brakes let alone the gears on ours. :laughing:

if your foot is’nt on the brakes then the truck is’nt slowing down as effectively as if your foot is on the brakes.

Wow, gosh, really? Who would have thought it?

Luke, it beats me why many more trucks aren’t fitted with retarders, coaches are. Excellent bit of kit. Free to use once fitted & saves acres of brake linings.


if your foot is’nt on the brakes then the truck is’nt slowing down as effectively as if your foot is on the brakes.

Wow, gosh, really? Who would have thought it?

Luke, it beats me why many more trucks aren’t fitted with retarders, coaches are. Excellent bit of kit. Free to use once fitted & saves acres of brake linings.

Yes I’m with you there. On mine like many coaches it has a hill descent button to set speed. Now I’ve an auto I set cruise control and set retarder and all I have to do is steer, it’s bliss.

i dont give a toss about fuel consumption or brake linings.the more fuel i use the boss dosnt give a toss about his employees so why would i try and save him money,he`s a [zb].i also try and use the most expensive truckstops too ha ha :laughing:

i dont give a toss about fuel consumption or brake linings.the more fuel i use the boss dosnt give a toss about his employees so why would i try and save him money,he`s a [zb].i also try and use the most expensive truckstops too ha ha :laughing:

Presumably you dont give a toss about having a job there or the income you earn from it either?
Because if you and perhaps your colleagues have that attitude there probably won’t be a company to work for before long.

Well I have a V8 Landrover Discovery auto and I get over 40mpg out of her… and then I start her up and take her for a drive and she drops to 12


if your foot is’nt on the brakes then the truck is’nt slowing down as effectively as if your foot is on the brakes.

Wow, gosh, really? Who would have thought it?

Exactly.So a fast blip of the accelerator is better than spending more time raising the revs slowly. :wink:

So to make sure we are clear, you asked someone over 20 years ago about the driving test here, curry, right?

Yeah, and that is sooooo relevent to today, isn’t it!! And of course, we need to be aware that you, as the font of all knowledge, are completely up to date with all the procedures over here…

Now listen, before you make even more of a ■■■ of yourself… Modern autoshift transmissions, derived from the constant mesh boxes used, also block change… Now get your stupid head working right. We, those of us that have traveled in Europe and North America as working men and women and not paying tourists like you, actually do know more about it than you do.

Get over it. And stop hijacking threads. You spout more crap than a field of buffalo… (those are big cows to you… google it if you need to. I spelled it right for you…)

I am sure you could be a nice man, but in very small doses… maybe 2 or 3 seconds a year.


i dont give a toss about fuel consumption or brake linings.the more fuel i use the boss dosnt give a toss about his employees so why would i try and save him money,he`s a [zb].i also try and use the most expensive truckstops too ha ha :laughing:

you wouldnt say that if you knew how much of a [zb] he is.hell always have the company because he just undercuts everybody then screws the drivers over ,so i`ll get my little bit back where ever i can