More Ale:
I agree with the chilly gentleman, this is another trolling effort.
If it isn’t I hope you get sent down, and make friends with ■■■■■■■■■ Winston.
Seeing as this is the first time that everyone’s favourite walking (driving…) disaster area is actually responding to the responses, I think that this time our dozy is really in the doggy doodoo. There is a salutary lesson in here for all drivers. Don’t pull your card. Going over your hours for a few minutes, heck even tens of minutes, will at worst be a slap on wrist and simple fine. Pulling your card, even for a minute, is falsifying records.
If this is a relative one off, dozy, go to court, wear a suit, and plead guilty and be apologetic. Tell them you were stressed and made an mistake. Do not, do not argue with them.
Get yourself a solicitor Dozy. Its all very well rep yourself in court but a decent lawyer used to motoring offences will know every loop hole and grey area in the law. Do not just turn up and plead guilty without consulting proper professional advice first. Its quite possible a solicitor will advise going guilty but can sometimes dumb it down for you with mitigating circumstances. Ive been hauled in before with drivers hours and overweight offences , once going in when thinking its black and white guilty but having a good solicitor got off scot free, another was advised to go guilty for a lesser fine. Knowing the law is what its about, go in yourself unarmed and sometimes things can go badly wrong…
Is there a real reason the OP deserves all this stick?
We’ve all broken the law somewhere along the line (some more than others) and hes only asking a legitimate question. Ill clean my truck and shunt off the card… so what??
Dozy the judge will want to be firm but fair, if your straight up with him or her he will be straight up with you.
So many factors can sway the outcome that a solicitor is almost essential, but one must factor in the cost of this vs any fine reduction.
Expect the fine to sting but not to the point where it’s life changing, unless your sitting on a fortune in savings I don’t believe they will be a relevant factor in how the fine is calculated, stating they are joint savings is important.
The fine will be calculated based on income and outgoings vs a need to be relative to the laws broken in the framework of the fine limits.
Showing remorse and mitigating circumstances will help but based on the offences you’ve mentioned I would estimate your looking at around a grand.
But that’s a layman’s guess, factoring how deep the rabbit hole goes and external factors like the judge was cut up by a truck in the way into work etc can have an effect.
It’s so difficult to get money out of people like brudders these days that the courts will often negotiate “paying in installments” as at least an agreement from the fined to actually pay up at all.
“A court requesting the fined person makes a statement of financial circumstances” or a “statement of means” tends to be aimed at middle class people who try to plead poverty, but of course drive a 4x4, live in a decent house etc. and show no outward signs of being skint whatsoever. In other words - people that are trying to take the ■■■■.
If you’re living in a cardboard box in middle’t of road already - chances are you can offer installments without having to fill the form in at all.
Bluey Circles:
Fines can be related to wealth, or at least they can be related to ‘weekly income’. There was a footballer recently fined £54,000 in relation to drink driving. (one weeks wages!). … ntionally/
Fixed penalty notices are not wage related as they are not fines.
I’m not sure this will be a fixed penalty , my understanding is as Raymond says elsewhere , up too £2500 ( I originally read it as up to £5000 and a possibility of 2 years in jail .
But my issue is our saving our joint saving , now fair enough fine me , but it seems unfair too fine the Mrs as well as she has no involvement in this .
Strange thing is it was only the other week I / Mrs were saying too our girl if your in a relationship that saying That’s my bill , that’s your bill , halves on meals , holidays , separate saving was not how it should be , it should be like we do just chuck our wages in pot and savings ours , holidays are paid joint elegy
But now I’m thinking separate savings accounts would be a better idea .
There even asking what Mrs earns , what revels lance has that got to do with me being fined
What happens if she earnt £700 pw and I earnt £200 , surely it should be just on my wages not hers
Can’t you tell I’m getting worried about her reaction if it’s a £2500 fine !! , ta anyway
If £2,500 is the max penalty for whatever offence it is that you have committed then I wouldn’t worry too much about getting hit with the full amount (unless of course there is exceptional circumstances or you have already been fined a few times before for the same offence) I had a few difficulties with overloading and they never went anywhere near the max punishment, but it was clear I needed to be a lot more careful. If it is a first offence then think 10% - so £250.
anyway good luck mate. Be as open and as honest as you possibly can be towards the courts, they really don’t tolerate folk trying to take the pish, fines for contempt are often a lot harsher than what ever crime you have done.
Do they check / can they check your statement of financial circumstance , not really intrested in bills etc ,wages etc , I’m intrested can they check your savings , how would moving large sums of money into a relatives account be viewed , would they be able to check this .
I’m a bit baffled by this form as I’ve just been fined before , bound over for so much , never filled in a personel circumstances form before ., surely a fine should be a set amount , not how much you’ve got in isa ,s , bonds etc ta
Basically the courts are all powerful - they can demand whatever data they want. If you do the things you have suggested, you can add perjury, plus perverting the course of justice to you list of potential charges, these will likely end you up in prison.
Also, the police can obtain a court order that demands trucknet provide all the details they have about you. In short… you’re a bit thick!
Jingle Jon:
Also, the police can obtain a court order that demands trucknet provide all the details they have about you. In short… you’re a bit thick!
Never likely to happen, proving in a court of law who was actually posting would be impossible, it could be anyone with access to a particular computer ISP address. Re the insult, not really needed, not everyone has a degree in law, the guy only asked a question…
Jingle Jon:
Also, the police can obtain a court order that demands trucknet provide all the details they have about you. In short… you’re a bit thick!
Never likely to happen, proving in a court of law who was actually posting would be impossible, it could be anyone with access to a particular computer ISP address. Re the insult, not really needed, not everyone has a degree in law, the guy only asked a question…
I would have to disagree on all counts. North Yorks Police have recently prosecuted 2 drivers for perverting the course etc.
Obtaining the evidence and matching it to the user might not be that difficult - given his detailed posts.
And he didn’t just ask a question - he asked for advice on how to commit crimes - might even phone the cops miself - don’t like criminals.
Jingle Jon:
Also, the police can obtain a court order that demands trucknet provide all the details they have about you. In short… you’re a bit thick!
Never likely to happen, proving in a court of law who was actually posting would be impossible, it could be anyone with access to a particular computer ISP address. Re the insult, not really needed, not everyone has a degree in law, the guy only asked a question…
I would have to disagree on all counts. North Yorks Police have recently prosecuted 2 drivers for perverting the course etc.
Obtaining the evidence and matching it to the user might not be that difficult - given his detailed posts.
And he didn’t just ask a question - he asked for advice on how to commit crimes - might even phone the cops miself - don’t like criminals.
Dozy is many things, but I would not call him a criminal. And I have called him some names in the past…
You don’t like criminals. Fair enough. I don’t like snitches…
Jingle Jon:
Also, the police can obtain a court order that demands trucknet provide all the details they have about you. In short… you’re a bit thick!
Never likely to happen, proving in a court of law who was actually posting would be impossible, it could be anyone with access to a particular computer ISP address. Re the insult, not really needed, not everyone has a degree in law, the guy only asked a question…
I would have to disagree on all counts. North Yorks Police have recently prosecuted 2 drivers for perverting the course etc.
Obtaining the evidence and matching it to the user might not be that difficult - given his detailed posts.
And he didn’t just ask a question - he asked for advice on how to commit crimes - might even phone the cops miself - don’t like criminals.
Dozy is many things, but I would not call him a criminal. And I have called him some names in the past…
You don’t like criminals. Fair enough. I don’t like snitches…
Thing is, doesn’t matter what you think, perverting justice & perjury are both serious criminal offences. I don’t care if you don’t like snitches, this isn’t school yard politics, people who commit crime are not sentenced by you, nor me. This comes down to one simple issue - either you ignore crime because you are intrinsically wrong, or you stand against it. Crime costs everyone!
More Ale:
Dozy’s not having any joy with Courts at all…
Maybe he should try IKEA or Oak Furniture Land or any furniture store that hasn’t ceased trading.
God NO. not Oak they were in the courts not long back , talk about giving poor dozy some string
Jingle Jon:
And he didn’t just ask a question - he asked for advice on how to commit crimes - might even phone the cops miself - don’t like criminals.
Dozy is many things, but I would not call him a criminal. And I have called him some names in the past…
You don’t like criminals. Fair enough. I don’t like snitches…
Thing is, doesn’t matter what you think, perverting justice & perjury are both serious criminal offences. I don’t care if you don’t like snitches, this isn’t school yard politics, people who commit crime are not sentenced by you, nor me. This comes down to one simple issue - either you ignore crime because you are intrinsically wrong, or you stand against it. Crime costs
Listen to mister policeman here! Never ever broken the law in any shape or form? You no doubt think washing your truck with your card out/ a few minutes over your time/ speeding ect is a crime. By your reckoning everyone that exceeds the limit by 1mph is a criminal. What possible pleasure could you get from phoning bib to drop Dozy in it, that really is the lowest of the low!
Bet youre a right bundle of laughs to go on the lash with…
Jingle Jon:
Thing is, doesn’t matter what you think, perverting justice & perjury are both serious criminal offences. I don’t care if you don’t like snitches, this isn’t school yard politics, people who commit crime are not sentenced by you, nor me. This comes down to one simple issue - either you ignore crime because you are intrinsically wrong, or you stand against it. Crime costs everyone!
Without knowing the facts of what he (or his mate) has done, it’s a bit harsh to be judging him. Has he just dropped a bollock or has he deliberately and knowingly committed a serious offence? I don’t know, and neither do you.
As for hiding his assets, he asked if it could be done (leaving us to assume he didn’t know) and was told unequivocally he couldn’t.
Now whilst ignorance is no defence in the law, it is at least a mitigating factor.
Let’s not pass judgment on the guy and leave that to the courts.
Listen to mister policeman here! Never ever broken the law in any shape or form?
I have never deliberately or knowingly committed any crime.
You no doubt think washing your truck with your card out/ a few minutes over your time/ speeding ect is a crime.
Doesn’t matter what I think, speeding is a crime as is working without your card in… both are stupid and working without your card in is unpaid stupidity. You might not think so, but you’re the brains here.
By your reckoning everyone that exceeds the limit by 1mph is a criminal.
Not my reconning… I don’t make the laws…
What possible pleasure could you get from phoning bib to drop Dozy in it, that really is the lowest of the low!
It’s a very complicated mathematical equation. But basically I’d rather have my money spent on my children, health care, education and holidays - rather than funding a legal system that would not exist if criminals didn’t commit crimes. That’s probably too deep for even your massive brain capacity.
Bet youre a right bundle of laughs to go on the lash with…
I don’t drink. And it’s not me that’s the lowest of the low… you’re much more likely to find people matching that description in court. The only thing lower than those scum are those who stand up for them, defend them & claim the moral high ground. Notwithstanding lawyers doing their professional duties.
Read between the lines and what I’m saying is: you are a ■■■!