further to my last post on this subject I finally went to court this morning for my compo claim,as expected I lost,i went in expecting to anyway,all I can say is i’m happy it’s over,no more keep being bothered by my solicitors asking me to fill this in, fill that in,due to time constraints this must be sent in asap,etc,done my nut in and was very stressfull,i know I will never go down that path again unless it’s a serious matter,i lost because they said I tripped backwards over the rubber chocks and fractured my wrist because of lack of concentration while jet washing the unit,didn’t even feel upset I had lost because as I said i’m glad it’s over,now I can put it behind me and get on with my life,any others who have had the same thing will know how I feel [ie relieved]
That’s nice, dear.
didn’t even feel upset I had lost because as I said i’m glad it’s over,now I can put it behind me and get on with my life,any others who have had the same thing will know how I feel [ie relieved]
Wait til you get the legal bill. Were costs awarded against you for the defence’s legal bill?
Tripped over chocks? Unlucky that fella
Every time I go on a choc trip, I end up with a Terry’s chocolate orange.
Lets hope you went no win no fee as if not the bill could be a large one…
didn’t even feel upset I had lost because as I said i’m glad it’s over,now I can put it behind me and get on with my life,any others who have had the same thing will know how I feel [ie relieved]Wait til you get the legal bill. Were costs awarded against you for the defence’s legal bill?
no win no fee,told by the barrister that I have nothing to pay,but bein g a pessimist I will wait and see
Lets hope you went no win no fee as if not the bill could be a large one…
I did
That’s nice, dear.A.
I expected nothing less as a reply from you,i prefer answers from grown ups
Sorry to hear you lost,but don,t let the zb zb,s zb,s get you down
There is no justice in this country, in case you didn,t know.
Learn from this experience and move on
Similar thing happened to me ,a few years back. I lost in court aswell,fortunately for me ,the area was covered by CCTV which the company LOST.The end result was i complained to the information commissioners office,who has unlimited fines.
Do a bit of research on the web,go an see your MP,and send a few emails.
I can,t wait to bump into the zb,s i used to work for,bunch of zb,s.
If you expected to lose, why did you do it in the first place?
And why cry when sombody doesn’t give you a hug and says “there there”■■
That’s nice, dear.A.
I expected nothing less as a reply from you,i prefer answers from grown ups
Maybe if you were as good at seeing what’s on the ground around you as you are at replies on the internet you wouldn’t be in tears about this.
That’s nice, dear.A.
I expected nothing less as a reply from you,i prefer answers from grown ups
Maybe if you were as good at seeing what’s on the ground around you as you are at replies on the internet you wouldn’t be in tears about this.
Why did you bother pursuing it all the way to court if you felt the way you did, you could have dropped it anytime.
del trotter:
Why did you bother pursuing it all the way to court if you felt the way you did, you could have dropped it anytime.
true,but never having done this kind of thing before I thought I would be over my head if I pulled out and would have to pay any costs,never looked into it properly,but lesson learn’t,never again
Sorry to hear you lost,but don,t let the zb zb,s zb,s get you downThere is no justice in this country,
in case you didn,t know.
Learn from this experience and move on
Similar thing happened to me ,a few years back. I lost in court aswell,fortunately for me ,the area was covered by CCTV which the company LOST.The end result was i complained to the information commissioners office,who has unlimited fines.
Do a bit of research on the web,go an see your MP,and send a few emails.
I can,t wait to bump into the zb,s i used to work for,bunch of zb,s.
cheers,but I will never do it again,too much stress
That’s nice, dear.A.
I expected nothing less as a reply from you,i prefer answers from grown ups
Maybe if you were as good at seeing what’s on the ground around you as you are at replies on the internet you wouldn’t be in tears about this.
this post was in answer to another post I wrote about,it was aimed at the drivers in a similar situation who gave me some good advice,but then I would not expect someone with a child like brain too understand that,lets face it Adonis I don’t think you have ever put anything on here that is grown up,all you do is take the pxxs hoping to get cheap laughs,as I say grow up or stay off the site.
this post was in answer to another post I wrote about,it was aimed at the drivers in a similar situation who gave me some good advice,but then I would not expect someone with a child like brain too understand that,lets face it Adonis I don’t think you have ever put anything on here that is grown up,all you do is take the pxxs hoping to get cheap laughs,as I say grow up or stay off the site.
If I have a child like brain what’s yours like, since mine is capable of proper punctuation and grammar and also capable of not falling over.
I think I’ll stay on the site, Mr Internet Policemanofficer.
I just hate these no win no fee ambulance chasers as they are basically crap and cling onto a hope of an out of court settlement and do very little to show negligence if their bluff is called.
Without knowing the details did you take out any ATE (After the Event Insurance), overpriced obviously and backhander paid to the bottom feeders.
Not to get hysterical but are you sure you won’t be landed with a big bill for the defendants costs.
Just guessing as I have no legal expertise whatsoever but this may not be over yet.
Did the judge award any costs to the other side in court.
Oh and No Win No Fee is a misnomer, it’s a Conditional Fee Arrangement.
In other words usual lawyer bollox.
fell over a chock ■■? may be the power washer was too powerful for you to handle and blew you off your feet - invest in a few more steak bakes and sticky puddings, build yourself up a good counterbalance weight
this post was in answer to another post I wrote about,it was aimed at the drivers in a similar situation who gave me some good advice,but then I would not expect someone with a child like brain too understand that,lets face it Adonis I don’t think you have ever put anything on here that is grown up,all you do is take the pxxs hoping to get cheap laughs,as I say grow up or stay off the site.If I have a child like brain what’s yours like, since mine is capable of proper punctuation and grammar and also capable of not falling over.
I think I’ll stay on the site, Mr Internet Policemanofficer.
I will stand by my original statement about you growing up,i will not reply anymore but will hold you with the contempt you deserve you moron,proves my point with your answer,hardly a grown mans reply.