
Bluey Circles:
fell over a chock ■■? may be the power washer was too powerful for you to handle and blew you off your feet - invest in a few more steak bakes and sticky puddings, build yourself up a good counterbalance weight

funny enough that’s what the judge did ask me,did the power of the washer do it,quite funny really

:laughing: :laughing: fell over walking back why not move the chocks before or if they are fixed chocks did you not know they were there in the first place only saying like :open_mouth: thats why helf and safety as gon mad :unamused: :unamused:


this post was in answer to another post I wrote about,it was aimed at the drivers in a similar situation who gave me some good advice,but then I would not expect someone with a child like brain too understand that,lets face it Adonis I don’t think you have ever put anything on here that is grown up,all you do is take the pxxs hoping to get cheap laughs,as I say grow up or stay off the site.

If I have a child like brain what’s yours like, since mine is capable of proper punctuation and grammar and also capable of not falling over.

I think I’ll stay on the site, Mr Internet Policemanofficer.


:sunglasses: yep im with you on this one mate

Bluey Circles:
fell over a chock ■■? may be the power washer was too powerful for you to handle and blew you off your feet - invest in a few more steak bakes and sticky puddings, build yourself up a good counterbalance weight

:laughing: or were bigger boots :laughing: :laughing:


Wait til you get the legal bill. Were costs awarded against you for the defence’s legal bill?

no win no fee,told by the barrister that I have nothing to pay,but bein g a pessimist I will wait and see

No win no fee means your barrister won’t send you a bill, doesn’t mean you can’t end up having costs of the other side to pay if they’re awarded against you.

Am I missing something here or what?? If so please tell me.

What’s with all the hostility towards this guy. :open_mouth:

He had an accident at work while doing his job, which could have happened to any of you/us, so he put in a claim, presumably because he works for a firm like mine who would neither back him or pay him while off recovering (presumably due to a cynical view towards their drivers) like other industries tend to do, but unfortunately lost, he hasn’t murdered somebody …ffs. :unamused:

Bad luck mate, I hope you are over the injury and fit for work again.

I know you don’t need me to stick up for you but I just think some of the comments were a bit out of order tbh.

Maybe because people are fed up with no one taking responsibility for themselves anymore.
HE fell over whilst walking backwards. How is that anyone’s fault but his own?

A few months back I knocked myself unconscious and had a gaping wound in my head.

It was MY fault as I didn’t look properly when I stood up from bending over and smacked my head on a steel bar.
Why do people think it’s acceptable to try proportion blame to someone else?
The steel bar should have had flashing beacons and bubble wrap on it?
NO, I should have been more careful…

So should this guy, don’t walk backwards without looking where you are going, it’s not rocket science.

Maybe because people are fed up with no one taking responsibility for themselves anymore.
HE fell over whilst walking backwards. How is that anyone’s fault but his own?

A few months back I knocked myself unconscious and had a gaping wound in my head.

It was MY fault as I didn’t look properly when I stood up from bending over and smacked my head on a steel bar.
Why do people think it’s acceptable to try proportion blame to someone else?
The steel bar should have had flashing beacons and bubble wrap on it?
NO, I should have been more careful…

So should this guy, don’t walk backwards without looking where you are going, it’s not rocket science.

No it aint, but it was done at work, in work time, doing his job.
That is why there is provision for employers liability insurance, for work related ACCIDENTS no matter how ridiculous, :bulb: to provide for us when out of work due to them, we all know insurance co.s are notorious for reluctance to pay out, but hey let’s all just stand on our own 2 feet and forget it eh? :unamused:

You can’t have your cake and eat it Rob. I know for a fact that you feel the same way as I do about how the job is dumbing down and the proliferation of numpties in our ranks, as you often vociferously point out. This is neither a dig at you mate, nor the OP, but we as people need to take our wellbeing as our own personal obligation and not expect someone else to pick up the tab when we ■■■■ up.

Once we start expecting that we merely open the door to the H&S nazis to jump in.

Yeah Rob, stop causing trouble :laughing:

the maoster:
You can’t have your cake and eat it Rob. I know for a fact that you feel the same way as I do about how the job is dumbing down and the proliferation of numpties in our ranks, as you often vociferously point out. This is neither a dig at you mate, nor the OP, but we as people need to take our wellbeing as our own personal obligation and not expect someone else to pick up the tab when we [zb] up.

Once we start expecting that we merely open the door to the H&S nazis to jump in.

I know what you mean Maost, but mixed feelings here.
Yeh the job has been dumbed down, but also all, or at least many of our rights and priveliges have gone too, so really I can’t see anything wrong with some back up facility there to back us up when we have an accident at work, especially when employers have insurance there to cover it.

As for numpties, again yeh, …but we all do stupid things, I don’t know about you but if I made a ■■■■ of myself and went arse over ■■■ while getting out the cab or something, my lot would pay me the thick end of Jack ■■■■, for however many weeks I was off, that would be a hardship to me, so if the provision is there in the form of insurance, why not take full advantage of it?

And as for you EagerB,… just keep the ■■■■ out of this. :wink: :laughing: :smiley:

Well I’ll chip in then Robroy! :smiley:

Personally I see a lot of this claim culture being to blame for all the H&S bollox we have to put up with in our lives today. :imp:
And who are the winners in all of this? The scum sucking ambulance chasing solicitors… :smiling_imp:

Maoster/Beaver/Beezle 1 Newcastle Utd 0 Final score

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Right, If you’re gonna start ganging up on me I’ll just mince off in a strop with my bottom lip stuck out and sulk. . :cry:
You all know how delicate I am.

I know what you mean Maost, but mixed feelings here.
Yeh the job has been dumbed down, but also all, or at least many of our rights and priveliges have gone too, so really I can’t see anything wrong with some back up facility there to back us up when we have an accident at work, especially when employers have insurance there to cover it.

As for numpties, again yeh, …but we all do stupid things, I don’t know about you but if I made a ■■■■ of myself and went arse over ■■■ while getting out the cab or something, my lot would pay me the thick end of Jack [zb], for however many weeks I was off, that would be a hardship to me, so if the provision is there in the form of insurance, why not take full advantage of it?

Firstly employers’ ‘liability’ insurance means exactly that.IE the claimant has to show liability on the employers’ part in the accident.Which includes complicated stuff like causation or that the employee’s actions didn’t result in the accident.

However income protection insurance covers the employee for accidental injury regardless of who was liable.In which case if you were to say that workers should unite to get sufficient wages to pay for decent private income protection cover that’s a different matter. :bulb: :wink:

I just hate these no win no fee ambulance chasers as they are basically crap and cling onto a hope of an out of court settlement and do very little to show negligence if their bluff is called.

Without knowing the details did you take out any ATE (After the Event Insurance), overpriced obviously and backhander paid to the bottom feeders.

Not to get hysterical but are you sure you won’t be landed with a big bill for the defendants costs.

Just guessing as I have no legal expertise whatsoever but this may not be over yet.

Did the judge award any costs to the other side in court.

Oh and No Win No Fee is a misnomer, it’s a Conditional Fee Arrangement.
In other words usual lawyer bollox.

I was told they took out a legal protection insurance policy on me which I assume will give them their money owed[i’m hoping anyway]

Am I missing something here or what?? If so please tell me.

What’s with all the hostility towards this guy. :open_mouth:

He had an accident at work while doing his job, which could have happened to any of you/us, so he put in a claim, presumably because he works for a firm like mine who would neither back him or pay him while off recovering (presumably due to a cynical view towards their drivers) like other industries tend to do, but unfortunately lost, he hasn’t murdered somebody …ffs. :unamused:

Bad luck mate, I hope you are over the injury and fit for work again.

I know you don’t need me to stick up for you but I just think some of the comments were a bit out of order tbh.

cheers robroy,back at work now thanks

Maybe because people are fed up with no one taking responsibility for themselves anymore.
HE fell over whilst walking backwards. How is that anyone’s fault but his own?

A few months back I knocked myself unconscious and had a gaping wound in my head.

It was MY fault as I didn’t look properly when I stood up from bending over and smacked my head on a steel bar.
Why do people think it’s acceptable to try proportion blame to someone else?
The steel bar should have had flashing beacons and bubble wrap on it?
NO, I should have been more careful…

So should this guy, don’t walk backwards without looking where you are going, it’s not rocket science.

the judge did say I wasn’t concentrating,can’t really disagree with that but when you listen to mates it escalates from there,as I said lesson learn’t

further to my last post on this subject I finally went to court this morning for my compo claim,as expected I lost,i went in expecting to anyway,all I can say is i’m happy it’s over,no more keep being bothered by my solicitors asking me to fill this in, fill that in,due to time constraints this must be sent in asap,etc,done my nut in and was very stressfull,i know I will never go down that path again unless it’s a serious matter,i lost because they said I tripped backwards over the rubber chocks and fractured my wrist because of lack of concentration while jet washing the unit,didn’t even feel upset I had lost because as I said i’m glad it’s over,now I can put it behind me and get on with my life,any others who have had the same thing will know how I feel [ie relieved]

“Thank you for sharing” as they used to say at the meetings I had to attend for a while.

Not too many around here would be man enough to tell that story which it an honest and truthful account of a process that many have or will consider taking.

Now thanks to you, they can do so much better informed because as you point out “mates” and legal advisers are too self serving.

Glad you are feeling better now and ignore the usual plebs and self righteous gits on here.