Complete cock on A9

where on the a9 did this happen please? and what time? a friend of mine is wanting to get in contact with the driver a large silver insignia type estate car towing a caravan that pulled out of the house of braur at 15.40 and brake checked him at the top of the hill

where on the a9 did this happen please? and what time? a friend of mine is wanting to get in contact with the driver a large silver insignia type estate car towing a caravan that pulled out of the house of braur at 15.40 and brake checked him at the top of the hill

I predict radio silence from the OP now. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What an utter lowlife.


So, it seems the consensus is that any perceived indiscretion by the public whether towing a caravan or not is to have a 44t truck 3 inches from your bumper? Contrary to opinion on here it is possible to drive said 44t truck without reacting to every provocation with a childish fit of temper. Is there anything more ridiculous than seeing a car shunted into a concertina shape by a tail-gating truck driven by some berk dishing out arbitrary justice to some perceived slight.
Those looking for answers to the rise in HGV road accidents need only read some of the responses on this thread. Get a grip. :angry:

That’s not the consensus at all.

Having only one side of the story which interestingly changed slightly half way through the thread means we have to try and look at it from the silent parties perspective.

The issue is compounded a bit by the OP saying they are a pro driver as reading between the lines the whole incident looks like a ‘must beat the truck’ scenario which is fine unless your in a vehicle combination or have a mindset that can’t beat said truck.

Of course any advanced driver worth their salt would just ease off and think oh another muppet hey hoo, but everyone ain’t as good as me.

Or just maybe the truck driver was gaining rapidly but saw no reason to ease off as the car and caravans acceleration levels meant he wouldn’t come close, unfortunately he was coming up behind some self appointed road commander.

3 sides to every story though.


where on the a9 did this happen please? and what time? a friend of mine is wanting to get in contact with the driver a large silver insignia type estate car towing a caravan that pulled out of the house of braur at 15.40 and brake checked him at the top of the hill

I predict radio silence from the OP now. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What an utter lowlife.


he probably has nothing to do with this incident but when the caravan brake checked him a car run into the back of him, as there was no numberplate on the caravan it hard to find.
he did say he was catching up with it and slackend off to leave a gap with the intention of passing after the bends if it was clear,
These sorts of incidents happen most days on the a9, i’v had it myself where they pull out thinking theres plenty time where in reality there wasnt really, yes some of the truckers that use the a9 know the road like the inside of their house as they travel it everyday (i used to as used it 4 times a week but not been on it for 4 years) so they know where they can pass, where to look further up the road unlike the tourist whom is looking at the scenery and is unaware of what is happening behind

Maybe there was a ■■■■ or two on the A9 but there are certainly far more on here.
Talk about bad attitude towards caravan drivers many of whom drive lorries by the way.
Why are caravan drivers hated so much?
Never towed a caravan but have towed a small box van on occasion and suddenly some truck drivers seem to take offence being aggressive and awkward. Anybody know why this happens?Do some just become ■■■■■ when they see a car towing something or what?

Dr Damon:
Maybe there was a ■■■■ or two on the A9 but there are certainly far more on here.
Talk about bad attitude towards caravan drivers many of whom drive lorries by the way.
Why are caravan drivers hated so much?
Never towed a caravan but have towed a small box van on occasion and suddenly some truck drivers seem to take offence being aggressive and awkward. Anybody know why this happens?Do some just become ■■■■■ when they see a car towing something or what?

You being possibly the biggest one.


where on the a9 did this happen please? and what time? a friend of mine is wanting to get in contact with the driver a large silver insignia type estate car towing a caravan that pulled out of the house of braur at 15.40 and brake checked him at the top of the hill

Wrong car. Wrong junction stupid thing to do

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk

Bored now, it’s going the usual trucknet way.

So my last comment is:

  1. I am possibly the ■■■■
  2. I drive all vehicles like a bell end
  3. I am a self appointed road commander
  4. No truck drivers other than me are bell.ends
  5. I impeded the lorry pulling out on him at 30 mph or slower brake tested him and then emptied my toilet with one hand on the wheel while planning a route to Skegness.
  6. The affore mentioned A9 ■■■■ is exonerated and now full within his rights to come within a bees ■■■■ of any vehicle if he so feels like it and is promoted to Driving God first class.

Gentlemen and ladies it’s been a pleasure to realise my position and when I resume driving on Wednesday after a couple of weeks in the Highlands I will rag about like a complete ■■■■ and earn some respect from my peers

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk

Going by his attitude, he probably drives like an utter ringpiece in an artic as well.

He just manages to be a bigger one when he pulls his mobile toilet.


April to August on the Autoroutes (as you’ll well know) is prime terrorising time, underpowered cars pulling two axle caravans and campervans loaded to the hilt (cw four bikes hanging off the rear) dont expect 44t+ going past them on the gradients :arrow_right: :grimacing: , a windy day makes it even better :arrow_right: - :arrow_right: - :arrow_right:


Dr Damon:
Maybe there was a ■■■■ or two on the A9 but there are certainly far more on here.
Talk about bad attitude towards caravan drivers many of whom drive lorries by the way.
Why are caravan drivers hated so much?
Never towed a caravan but have towed a small box van on occasion and suddenly some truck drivers seem to take offence being aggressive and awkward. Anybody know why this happens?Do some just become ■■■■■ when they see a car towing something or what?

You being possibly the biggest one.


What a wonderfully intelligent answer.
You must have used all your brain power to think of that one.

P Stoff:
Bored now, it’s going the usual trucknet way.

So my last comment is:

  1. I am possibly the ■■■■
  2. I drive all vehicles like a bell end
  3. I am a self appointed road commander
  4. No truck drivers other than me are bell.ends
  5. I impeded the lorry pulling out on him at 30 mph or slower brake tested him and then emptied my toilet with one hand on the wheel while planning a route to Skegness.
  6. The affore mentioned A9 ■■■■ is exonerated and now full within his rights to come within a bees ■■■■ of any vehicle if he so feels like it and is promoted to Driving God first class.

Gentlemen and ladies it’s been a pleasure to realise my position and when I resume driving on Wednesday after a couple of weeks in the Highlands I will rag about like a complete [zb] and earn some respect from my peers

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk


You probably realise how some on blame everyone else but themselves.

So, it seems the consensus is that any perceived indiscretion by the public whether towing a caravan or not is to have a 44t truck 3 inches from your bumper? Contrary to opinion on here it is possible to drive said 44t truck without reacting to every provocation with a childish fit of temper. Is there anything more ridiculous than seeing a car shunted into a concertina shape by a tail-gating truck driven by some berk dishing out arbitrary justice to some perceived slight.
Those looking for answers to the rise in HGV road accidents need only read some of the responses on this thread. Get a grip. :angry:

Being hourly paid I’m never in a rush to get anywhere, which is just as well because I normally run at max weight in an underpowered unit, going fast isn’t an option! I have had people pull in front of me, an outside observer might think I’m tailgating, but I’m actually trting to slow down and keep the load on the wagon.
Maybe my own experiences may have skewed my perspective in this instance, but if someone is deliberately using their lorry to intimidate other road users, that is out of order.

P Stoff:
I joined the A9 which is uphill I looked at the lorry coming and accelerated up the slip until I had reached 50/55mph. At this point the lorry in question was at least a quarter of a mile away as I had matched his uphill speed fairly quickly. ( I have a well matched outfit pulled by a decent diesel unit and have towed a caravan for 30 years and held a class one for 33 years) now bearing in mind the A9 is supposed to be 50 for a lorry and has average speed cameras he in theory shouldn’t have even caught me. I settled for 55mph as I know my car probably isn’t entirely accurate but at no time did I make him brake AND even if I did his response as a professional driver should have been to call me all the names under the sun but keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

If I’m honest some of the replies on here not only worry me but if they are genuine and not trolling beer infested goading then are indicative of the quality of some drivers currently on the road.

Tin hat on waiting for further abuse

Firstly as we know many caravan utilisers make up the definition ‘decent diesel’ and ‘well matched outfit’ to suit their own budget.In many cases that often means saving cash on the towing vehicle spec to spend more on a larger heavier caravan.IE some actual figures relating to towing vehicle weight and caravan weight and engine size/cylinders power/torque output and how stable is the outfit as part of that would be in order. :unamused:

As for merging why would you only want to ‘match’ the speed of a vehicle that you intend to pull out ahead of,as opposed to running faster than that vehicle to make sure of a decent seperation distance at the point of merging ?.While if you were supposedly significantly ahead of the vehicle running at 55 mph how and exactly where and when did he catch up with you relative to the entry slip bearing in mind the 56 mph limiter ?.

On that note yes we know that there is a lot of dodgy truck driving happening out there but equally there are a lot more caravan utilising muppets who haven’t got a clue than dodgy truck drivers.Only matching the speed of vehicles that you intend to pull out on and/or playing self appointed road captain by splitting hairs between 50 mph v 56 mph on that road and/or possibly blaming others for the limitations of a typical dodgy matched caravan outfit,fitting the definition of muppet.In which case if the cap fits.

I suppose the moral of the story is, it’s much better to sort these things on the road than be so emotionally charged that you have to take to the internet.

Not that venting isn’t good for the soul just it’s very rare the other party shows up to give their point of view.

Forums, groups etc aren’t like ones friends list on Facebook which is nothing more than a knitting circle of folks who will mostly likely agree.

Great thread for a catch up read on a Sunday though so massive thanks to the OP who I’m sure is the innocent party in all this.

Think most of the probs with the o/p started when he mentioned the C word. :smiley:
Most of us, (especially me) hate caravans and caravan drivers for all the crap they cause us
So, I reckon most of us are assuming this guy is in the same category with all the ■■■■ poor driving that cause us as truckers problems.
However he’s a driver himself, he too undoubtedly will have come across all the crap that caravanners cause while in his own truck, so why would his driving style suddenlly change from pro to [zb] terrible in one go when pulling his wobble box?? :bulb:

So bearing that in mind, that is why I am giving him the benefit of the doubt…and no,.I don’t know him from Adam, and yeh I could be wrong. :bulb:

Most proper caravan ‘enthusiasts’ would be all too keen to answer the questions related to the best possible power and vehicle weight combination that they’ve gone for and preferred anti snake device chosen.They’ll also be likely to apply proper truck driving logic even without ever having driven a truck.Which doesn’t mean entering that slip road ahead of a truck that’s approaching from behind in uphill mode,by at best supposedly ‘matching’ its speed.As I said in this case that means a 60 mph entry speed in the circumstances described.Or wait until the road is clear before starting to enter it.

I don’t think we’re getting the truth here, nothing adds up without him being a balloon knot.

^ This

How did the op know it was a bees ■■■■ off his bumper? Did he pull his out to compare against the bee? My guess is the bee would have the bigger appendage.

Dr Damon:
Maybe there was a ■■■■ or two on the A9 but there are certainly far more on here.
Talk about bad attitude towards caravan drivers many of whom drive lorries by the way.
Why are caravan drivers hated so much?
Never towed a caravan but have towed a small box van on occasion and suddenly some truck drivers seem to take offence being aggressive and awkward. Anybody know why this happens?Do some just become ■■■■■ when they see a car towing something or what?

As I read it more like a justified questions.Regarding what arguably seems like a botched merging manoeuvre and then blaming the innocent party for having the nerve to not happily give way to traffic entering from a slip road.That applies regardless of vehicle type. :unamused:

