A few photos sent to me by kenhulmes who asked me to put them on for him + one I already had…Sunlight are based in Mossley & Ashton under Lyne
Parked on Stanedge
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Cheers Paul…excellent pics as always.I could (and have!) spend hours on your site looking at the really great pictures.I don’t suppose you have any pics of Bowater scotts of oldham or Compoflex (Tube investements) that were based in Delph??
Cheers mate…Al
Hi Al.
Here’s one like the one’s we had at Milk Marketing Board Cobden St Chadderton in the 70s.
Aye i remember them John but can you find any like my Dad drove?..they were the ones that picked up churns and they were D-series fords if i remember correctley?
I have asked him if he has any photo’s of the lorry’s he used to drive but he says “i was too bloody busy to be taking pictures”…
Hi Al—They still had one or two of these Traders (livery green)at Wilmslow & Clitheroe when I started,but same as you I am unable to find any pics of the D series (livery light blue).
Picture by P Davies
Carpenters have quite a big fleet of Volvos,Company based in Glossop and Shaw Road Shaw nr Oldham anyone know much about this outfit.
Is Carpenters the old Kay Metzeler company that made foam rubber in Glossop or are they just hauliers? Or am I thinking of Draka foam? All very confusing
Hi Chris.I am not to sure about that but they are definately from Glossop and the factory they do their work out of is the foam place at Dinting glossop the vehicles are there own fleet.Kay Metzeler was taken over in 1987 by British Vita.Carpenters are quite a big outfit in America & Canada
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can anyone remember a smallish heavy haulier from he Oldham area i think they was Rochdale rd area on the way out of town but the location escapes me they had a couple of ballast tractors one certainly a Scammell the other maybe a Foden and i think they did a bit of general stuff as well, i moved an old steam loco from Newton Heath to Barry south wales for them once when on holiday from my regular company cash in hand, wink wink, can’t remember the name of the outfit but pretty certain it was in the Oldham area i know i travelled there on my motorbike it would have been about 1968, i must have been OK got offered a permanent job, when told the rate of pay they could’nt afford me, fairly certain i used the scammell to do the job i could have walked faster.
thanks harry long retired.
At long last a few photos of Broadhurst Transport from Stalybridge.My thanks to Steve for allowing me into his depot to take these photos.
Three here of Edward Becks the heavy haulage specialist from Gregg Street Redish nr Stockport.(pictures from the august Heritage Commercials magazine)
These motors in there bright yellow livery were a regular site around Manchester during the 60s
can anyone remember a smallish heavy haulier from he Oldham area i think they was Rochdale rd area on the way out of town but the location escapes me they had a couple of ballast tractors one certainly a Scammell the other maybe a Foden and i think they did a bit of general stuff as well, i moved an old steam loco from Newton Heath to Barry south wales for them once when on holiday from my regular company cash in hand, wink wink, can’t remember the name of the outfit but pretty certain it was in the Oldham area i know i travelled there on my motorbike it would have been about 1968, i must have been OK got offered a permanent job, when told the rate of pay they could’nt afford me, fairly certain i used the scammell to do the job i could have walked faster.
thanks harry long retired.
Could have the wrong location the above job was only a one off but it does niggle a bit when you can’t remember names and places, any ideas Stanfield??.
thanks harry long retired.
Hey Harry, could it have been ‘George Dews’ They had a big place on Featherstall Rd; They were civil engineers and used to move their own kit and then went on to do third party work.
Dave Penn;
Hey Harry, could it have been ‘George Dews’ They had a big place on Featherstall Rd; They were civil engineers and used to move their own kit and then went on to do third party work.
Dave Penn;
That could well have been them Dave if they was about in the early 60s, seem to remember all sorts of plant lying about and various coloured motors as if they did’nt standardise on a colour scheme just used the motors as they bought them and i think none were lettered, did’nt hang about in the yard got the motor and lowloader did the job returned the motor tucked the brass in my back pocket on the motorbike never to return, no phones in houses in those days so no chance of being contacted to drive for him again, was offered permanent job before leaving said i was happy were i was at plus a better rate of pay.
thank harry long retired.
Hi Harry.I dont think it would be G Dews all there motors were painted in a maroon livery and were also signwritten.Dews in the 60s also had quite a large fleet of Thames Trader tippers which they ran from a quarry they owned over in Buckton Vale Stalybridge they were a very big outfit at one time and they still exist today has cival engineers but do not have any of there own transport these days.It could have been Quegans from Oldham.
Hi Harry.I dont think it would be G Dews all there motors were painted in a maroon livery and were also signwritten.Dews in the 60s also had quite a large fleet of Thames Trader tippers which they ran from a quarry they owned over in Buckton Vale Stalybridge they were a very big outfit at one time and they still exist today has cival engineers but do not have any of there own transport these days.It could have been Quegans from Oldham.
Thanks John that seems to rule Dews out the firm I did the one off for was a bit on the higgledy piggledy side all i can really remember is there was odds and sods of plant lying about and there seemed to be little uniformity in the colour scheme the very old Scammell i used was dark blue a la Pickfords, it would pull a house down but was it slow it was a good thing i was on a two week break from my then company to do the job and get over doing the job, the two second men i used and needed were both general haulage four wheeler drivers so did’nt have a clue what they was getting into, the loading transporting tipping took about 8 days and the helpers was both local drivers and had never stayed in digs before so as well as doing my job i had to wipe a few tears away as well.
thanks harry long retired.
One of Sadler Tankers DAF 2800 based at Bell St Oldham and driven by Tony Wallace(TC) reg D280CHN.Sadler took over J L Townson Tankers in 1980 and kept a depot in Oldham until 1998 when they sold to CPL industries(British Fuels) who eventually sold to the Stiller Group in 2000.