Companys from North Manchester in the 70's

That’s really sad news, I was only thinking a few days ago how T. Brierley’s was one of the few hauliers left now that use to also be around with Salford Docks.
Does that mean the last one to servive now is Austin Wilkinson’s.

A couple here especialy for Stanfield who mentioned a couple of weeks back that none of Bay Freight’s had yet shown up.


Thanks fella’s for all the responses, pics & memory’s :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
As I’ve said in some previous posts I’ve got a couple of health problems that stopped me driving and today is one of them days when I’m struggling to just drive the efing laptop and put a few sentences together, so I’ll get back to this thread as soon as I’m feeling back on top.
Thanks again guys :slight_smile:
Dave Penn;

Hi Dave,
I am sure that everybody at TruckNet hopes that you will get better soon and thanks for having the foresight to start what could become a really interesting thread. You may of opened up a lorry load of pleasure and a barrel full of monkeys :laughing: .
I know that there used to be loads of haulage companies around the Manchester area, so I am certain there must be loads of tales to share.
Anyway Dave I hope that your health improves over the next couple of days so you can let us all hear your stories.


Tizer to Scotland would have been Munro’s

B.T.W. what was the name of that company from Moston who ran up and down to Scotland with Tizer, I bet you remember drinking bottles of that stuff.
Regards Steve.

Smith of Maddiston North St Cheetham Hill?Remember loads of drivers during my days and nights for Smiths,Ted ?[Boots],Albert Horne,John Holt,Lodge Mooney,Jack Priddie,Cliff Poyser,Frank Murphy,Harold Gilmore,George Stockton,I could write a book,if I had the time!!!

hi stansfield,ya picture of the garsides brewery waggon at the royal george were the called garside and bents ?

Hi Kenny.I only know them has Garsides Brewery.Bents may have come later if they merged at sometime but I dont know about that.

I have tried to print copies of the john hills trucks, My dad drove the bedford, but it wont allow me to

Hi Rocky 7 Check your PM regards John Hills Pictures

sad stiller:

lee mat:
this is good to see some local haulage firms i no grasmere and prescotts remember them well any photos of brian prescotts or h & a the tanker company photos are good has anyone any photos of the chemical company in stalybridge

the one that ran out of stalybridge was MANRO,then a firm from shaw road called PROFESSIONAL TANKERS ran from there,think they ran from howarth bros yard.

as anybody got any photos of SADLER TANKERS,i worked there for years as wash man/trailer fitter they were in oldham on bell street,shame i didnt think to take any


Pic of a trailer i refurbished in the late 70s early 80s but not sure who owned it.

Sorry for the 3 month delay tipit but Alec is still a successful haulier in Salford, he just doesn’t have it written on his trucks anymore, he hasn’t done for years. I know he’s got an old photo up in his office.

Hiya 3300John, this story of yours caught my eye, hope you don’t mind me bringing it over from the Preston thread, it would probably start up a good thread of it’s own !!

Hiya Heres a little tail that might of happend to one of you lot !!
This is about 1976 I’ve loaded out of Avonmouth (Dalgety) 20 tons of animal feed in bags for Preston Whizz we’re there. The load was i think for storage ■■? and was to go to ■■? Ingram they had Orange trucks with a Red chassis British tackle. (Oswald Ingham’s ? - Newton Heath.)
Anyhow I am their no probs pull into the yard (Usual quarry stone) plenty of room. THEN out come the German shepherd OOPs get back in cab quick, Its ok mate hes all bark hmmmmmm ok move slowly put foot on stepring lower left leg out CHOMP the f… things got me.!!! But no pain yet, I see the yard men falling around peeing themselves. After a cup of very nice coffee iv’e been told a million tales about this happened, You see the stones flirted up from the truck tyres and the dog used to catch them and had worn his teeth down to the gums so you got more of a squeeze than a bite, the flaming squeeze was more than enough. I suppose thats another firm thats gone. I put this story on beacuse it seemed a light hearted place to work and you could match my experience. I did tip there a few times after that and always got a squeeze :laughing: .

All transport firms seemed to have a yard dog back in the 70’s didn’t they, Alec Sharple’s had an Alsatian locked away in an old tin garage during the day that would go mad on hearing anyone walk past. I’d only been there a couple of weeks when I came in mid way through one Saturday morning to find Alec and a few drivers all talking in another garage in the yard, as I walked in I came face to face with the beast for my first time, luckily it was ok if it wasn’t ■■■■■■■. A few weeks later the dog was fastened up to a work bench and I had to walk in with an old lorry sheet to store, keeping my distance from the dog I tripped over a trailing rope, and on my way down the dog had me by the arm of a thick padded coat.
■■■■ ■■? the driver of the ERF LV was the only driver who really got along with it, it would try and chew his front tyre as he left the yard, one morning after following his wagon out it never returned, but we later heard a report that it had been seen hanging around a butchers shop in Pendleton mugging customers as they came out. :laughing: The Alsatian was replaced by a Rottweiler with a bad hip, that wasn’t to bad as it could be out run and couldn’t get up onto the low loader. :laughing:

No problem TIPIT i had a smile at yours and by coincidence I was in a ERF LV The Dogs with 4 legs must be attracted to them.I could tell you a story
or two about a ERF A series I had but thats better left in the memory bank.And a 2100 DAF top sleeper don’nt even go there.

Does anyone have any old T.Brierley Piccies. And the ALec Sharples dog is just one of the many ales i could tell you about ‘Uncle’ Alec but i wont because i do like my balls and knees where they are thank you very much.

No need for the hi-viz jacket when that tidy S type was on active service.
thanks harry long retired.

Photobucket killed this post :frowning:


Tipit thanks for that. Thats my dads motor mr B himself. where did you take the photo was it Birch services at the start of the trans pennine?
Edited just to say i have just seen my dad driving it.

Hiya Ark-Angel, no it’s a photo I found searching the net, the ones I take never turn out that clear.

thank you the picture of the blue tanker was for manro products stalybridge have you any more .aurthur 2 when did you work there ?