Who nows names of companys that dit pulling for Frans Maas Manchester or Brownhills?
Regards, Bert Wolters
Who nows names of companys that dit pulling for Frans Maas Manchester or Brownhills?
Regards, Bert Wolters
Roadway international from aldridge did a lot from brownhills
Thanks Aidey,
Dow you now mybe wat time/year it was?
Bert Wolters
johnpirateHi is the Thorn/Fergusson factory still in Chadderton ? Nice people great canteen, I used to run there 2/3 times a week with TV’s from Gosport Hampshire and reload Johnson&Johnson baby soap out of Cussons in Manchester or trailer change at J&J’s at Gargrave in the late 70’s
Regards MaggieD
I think the place you mean was on Broadway near the stationary office .If it is its gone now .There is something there but not sure what .
I remember a story in the local paper about Albert, when a policeman in a panda car drove into Burtons yard to serve a summons on Albert for one of his wagons having a bald tyre. Albert came out of his office and walked around the police car and noticed the police car had a defective tyre. Albert made a right stink out of this and took the copper to court the policeman also got fined But that was the worst thing that could have happened to Burtons, because every time the local bobbies saw one of his wagons they stopped it and checked it over for defects. Albert overcame this by taking all the signwriting of his trucks. Has any trucknet members got any pictures of Burtons wagons. regards Foden 46.
Anyone remember TIF in Bury? they had a few of their own trucks but ran many subbies on UK Spain UK , I made a few good friends on there. It was run by Keith Raynor who’d been in transport for many years before starting TIF, a decent bloke who always paid, ah, the days of running money!!
Thanks for that, I remembered it was Thomas Burton after I had posted, they had an ERF 6 wheeler and I think, an AEC 8 legger running that slag stuff into what is now the Junction 17-18 area of the M60. I walked home from school at that time which would have been1969 and there was plenty of wagon spotting to do round there. The last one of theirs I saw, was an ERF B series 8 legger which used to park up in Whitefield , that must have been 7/8 years ago at least. As well as Radcliffe Paper Mill, now a housing estate, there was Crowthers Bricks from Little Lever with those orange Morris/BMC tippers, Woods Bricks from Outwood with Ford D series, Fred Snaylam from Bolton and a couple of more obscure ones were Riverpark Meat Transport and Barratts both working out of Manchester Abbatoir at Bradford. Louis Edwards also had a sizeable mixed fleet from around that area.
Your bringing some memories back here boden.I worked for nuttalls of clifton 69/74,i also worked in the 80s for haworth and wilsons,sheldons[these two became one com] run by the late harry roscoe who having moved from tottington to bury were b&q are then moved to little lever before finally closing in 1992.In the 70s i worked for parkers of bolton and snaylams.Another com. was bolton roadways who i never worked for.There was also pickups tpt and allens tpt.all from bolton.
Thanks for that, I remembered it was Thomas Burton after I had posted, they had an ERF 6 wheeler and I think, an AEC 8 legger running that slag stuff into what is now the Junction 17-18 area of the M60. I walked home from school at that time which would have been1969 and there was plenty of wagon spotting to do round there. The last one of theirs I saw, was an ERF B series 8 legger which used to park up in Whitefield , that must have been 7/8 years ago at least. As well as Radcliffe Paper Mill, now a housing estate, there was Crowthers Bricks from Little Lever with those orange Morris/BMC tippers, Woods Bricks from Outwood with Ford D series, Fred Snaylam from Bolton and a couple of more obscure ones were Riverpark Meat Transport and Barratts both working out of Manchester Abbatoir at Bradford. Louis Edwards also had a sizeable mixed fleet from around that area.
Woods Concrete Bricks …was the company from Outwood mate and everything they had was Leyland…all comets…they had a subcontractor who ran Fords and Bedfords but not in there colours
Thanks fellas for all the input on this thread
I remember a lot of the other company’s that have been mentioned and a load of the drivers but I’ve just made note’s at the moment and hope to do a longer post over the next week, still feeling a bit under the weather
Anyway a few other Co’s; that have been dragged from my fried memory banks
Oswald Inghams from Newton Heath (Container Work)
Charlsons of Rochdale (Container Work)
Trevor Todd of Rochdale, Owner Driver always had a top spec Scania on container work.
London Carriers on Pilsworth Ind; Estate
Makro’s Transport & Distrbution Whse; also on Pilsworth
Bayfreight from Stalybridge - still going I think ?
Broadhurst’s from Stalybrige - still going I think ?
Tommy Brierly’s from Swinton, put some (one?) bonneted type yanks on the ACT contract out of Trafford Park.
J & M Transport also ran about 6/7 units, all seconhand Mercs, on the ACT contract and the OCL spot work out of Trafford Park
Direct Sawdust Supplies from Newton Heath, they had 3 Merc 1418 bonnet type unit’s and one Dodge K500 series with a perkins V8 and the only one with power steering
And doe’s anyone remember the civil engineering company from Shaw Rd; Oldham who had a F88/89? and lowloader that took out the first footbridge on the M62 heading west after joining from what is now the VOSA checkpoint at the A627M / M62 roundabout. I think it was white with orange chassis & wings and was carrying some big piece of plant with an extra long grab arm that wasn’t folded low enough. I think it was seen as a big deal at the time and might have even made the National News.
I remember the Greenbooths trucks but what about George Dews they ran some massive own account heavy haulage outfits!! I’m sure they worked on a lot of the North Sea Oil stuff and IIRC had one or two articles in some of the “Truck” or “Transport” publications of the era. Think they also might have ran some of the last S24/26? Roadtrain type Scammells on some of the really heavy work also I’m sure they got involved in the internal side of work in Saudi, heavy civil engineering movements of course not general stuff, but you never know I’m sure some of the lads might have been able to fit a couple of extra loads in if the remuneration was ok.
Looking forward to catching up and adding more to this thread with the memories I have and hope it can maybe stir up a lot of other fellas memory’s.
Just got to master the secret art of posting pictures to the forum
That’s it for now folks the nurse is demanding I take my meds and get tucked up in my comfy bed for the night
Regards to all
Dave Penn;
What about Inter-County Express from Rochdale? I think it was the first parcel carrier to be taken over by TNT,in the 70s maybe?
Wasn’t Kaye Goodfellow from North Manchester,with his low-loaders?
Think the firm that knocked the bridge down was Buckton Construction, George Dews
were based on Featherstall Road South and were pile driving specialists mainly moved their own large cranes and Cat D8s and scrapers. D Mortimers took over a small family firm in Delph called Sandersons and had a depot just off the A62 opposite Compoflex.
I drink on Victoria St mainly .I dont wander round to many times as the pubs shut early midweek.Plus my daughter works there glass collecting.
Blue Club? Does Rack still drink in there?
Bayfreight are still in Stalyvegas bayfreight.co.uk/
Broadhurst do the Vita work from Midd
Cant think off the top of my head a civil engineers, I was up that way today aswell Q plant are up that way qplanthire.co.uk
Will have a word with my dad about Dews, he had a couple of mates who worked there.
Just remembered who it was who took out the footbridge on the M62
It was Tommy Queghan Civil Engineers, they had a rough old yard on Shaw Rd; about 1/4 mile from Huddersfield Rd; Bet they’re not around anylonger. I’m going back to 73/74 time when this incident happened and they only ran the Volvo Heavy Haulage outfit and a couple of tippers and I think they got hammered by the authorities for it.
Now I’ve remembered the name of the company I can picture it White with Orange wings steps, chassis and roof and QUEGHAN in orange on the doors.
Buckton Transport motors were green with white or silver lettering I think?
Should have checked on google first
Queghans are still around at Queghan House in Oldham but it doesn’t look like they run any vehicles just civil engineering and plant hire
Dave Penn;
Not altogether relevant. I worked for Roger Townson of Townson Tankers after he moved from Denshaw to East Yorkshire.Townsons had already been taken over by Sadlers and Roger worked for them too. There were a couple of his drivers moved over with him when he started a new company.
David Healey who had also worked for Alan Seville and Peter Kenworthy who was supposed to do 700 km a day every day when he worked for Townson
I remember the tales of the drivers coming back home and calling at the Floating Light
Jameson Europa of Heywood and Southampton mentioned earlier here are a couple of early pics courtesy of Bubbleman in his ‘Scrapbook’ thread
Thanks Marc
Regards Pat
Anyone remember Currys Shamrock express from pilsworth,Dews also ran a foden 6 wheel low loader which was featured in truck magazine around 89. Perhaps Dreva might still have it . About twelve months after the footbridge on the m62 was replaced, a yellow foden low loader from astley ,cant remember the name knocked the bridge of again. I dont know if this is true but a guy told me when it got knocked off the second time a scammel tipper was overtaking the low loader and a piece off concrete went through the scammels windscreen injuring the drivers arm .Someone went to see if the driver was ok and the driver told him that he had just stolen the truck and then drove off before the police came. Regards Foden 46
Dave Do you remember Reeves transport next door to courtaulds on greengate. They ran one of the first scanias in the country,I think they were green and red before being taken over by Ralph Hilton HTS. Also Harrison and Jones (foam) George Dew . COOP soft drinks Bullits wifes uncle Stan Wormbold used to work for Scotts in the late fiftys Regards Foden 46
my farther used to work for w reeves many years ago but was based at southampton
Great pictures Ron thanks for posting. Anyone pass their test at the manchester transport training group at peel st failsworth. I remember Tony Taylor a Londoner who taught me .Im sure he used to work for Reeves Also Jack Woods who set up the driving school, He could talk for England. Regards Foden 46