Companys from North Manchester in the 70's

Great pictures Ron thanks for posting. Anyone pass their test at the manchester transport training group at peel st failsworth. I remember Tony Taylor a Londoner who taught me .Im sure he used to work for Reeves Also Jack Woods who set up the driving school, He could talk for England. Regards Foden 46

Was the reason for having Viewlines for training because they could easily be fitted with dual passenger seats, like the Mandator V8s??

The RTITB set up eventually moved from Peel St; in Failsworth up to Greengate, Middleton Junction and had the ATKI Viewline in use for many years and went on to put a lot of local guys on the road to becoming HGV Drivers. RTITB was right next to the Courtaulds Depot; and of course on the other side we had the Reeves Depot, which when I started for Courtaulds had just been taken over by Ralph Hilton Transport (RTS) a lot of guys tried their hand with Reeves/Ralphy, I suppose to get the chance to drive some new decent tackle. Courtaulds were running fibreglass cab Seddon’s for the artic fleet and their rigids spanned most of the spectrum of rigids available at the time?? Who in 1972 would have turned down the chance to get behind the wheel of a spanking new Scannia 110/141 possibly with a sleeper cab and even without they had the fold down passenger 3/4 couchette bed which meant you didn’t have sleep in doss houses, even the day cabs with couchette’s had factory fitted curtains, it’s no wonder we don’t have a British Truck manufacturing industry anymore :cry: :cry:

Dave Penn;

happy days went to peel st on a trip from school in the seveties took the course at greengate and me test at heywood with the famous mr harry start

Well done bob-lad :smiley: Them’s were the days never be the same again :slight_smile: :laughing: :wink: :wink:

Was the reason for having Viewlines for training because they could easily be fitted with dual passenger seats, like the Mandator V8s??

I’m sure it was a factor - after all, they didn’t actually need the thumping great V8 for running empty most of the time. The Viewlines
had 150 Gardners rather than the 180s then in full production.

Having said that, I know of certainly two examples of Mk.2 Atkinsons modified to accommodate a dual passenger seat.

holdsworth’ s a 5 motor outfit general haulage of rochdale worked there in the early 60s also there was rudmans quite a big outfit again from rochdale, thanks harry long retired.

The RTITB set up eventually moved from Peel St; in Failsworth up to Greengate, Middleton Junction and had the ATKI Viewline in use for many years and went on to put a lot of local guys on the road to becoming HGV Drivers.

After that, it was transferred to the Ribble Valley Training Group in Penwortham, Preston, and continued to help new starters
through their test until 1985, alongside Ribble Valley’s own Viewline that they’d had from new. It finally succumbed to being a
spares source for its mate.

What a shame to see CJJ408H in that state . Passed me test in that old girl christmas week 1973. Anyone remember Cusick, they had a yard in collyhurst. and Price from failsworth. with a red volvo f88 Regards Foden 46.

Just remembered who it was who took out the footbridge on the M62 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
It was Tommy Queghan Civil Engineers, they had a rough old yard on Shaw Rd; about 1/4 mile from Huddersfield Rd; Bet they’re not around anylonger. I’m going back to 73/74 time when this incident happened and they only ran the Volvo Heavy Haulage outfit and a couple of tippers and I think they got hammered by the authorities for it.
Now I’ve remembered the name of the company I can picture it White with Orange wings steps, chassis and roof and QUEGHAN in orange on the doors.

Should have checked on google first :blush: :blush: Queghans are still around at Queghan House in Oldham but it doesn’t look like they run any vehicles just civil engineering and plant hire :wink:

Dave Penn;

Queghan’s is now James Quinn Plant Hire



Hi is the Thorn/Fergusson factory still in Chadderton ? Nice people great canteen, I used to run there 2/3 times a week with TV’s from Gosport Hampshire and reload Johnson&Johnson baby soap out of Cussons in Manchester or trailer change at J&J’s at Gargrave in the late 70’s
Regards MaggieD

I think the place you mean was on Broadway near the stationary office .If it is its gone now .There is something there but not sure what .

The Thorn EMI Ferguson warehouse was on Drury Lane in Chadderton.

I worked there for Thorn trunking up to the Sunderland tube factory or to Strensham services for the Southampton change-over.

The transport was outsourced to National Carriers who then became Exel Logistics for about 5 years until Thorn shut the place and transferred it to Winsford.

The place is still there and is now being used by Barnes Logistics.

sound pics them mate used to see your kid about a lot when i worked for bennetts with etch , did he play in a band ? wern’t townsons in bell st mumps where h.hill builders were

Thats right halfway up on the right ,they had car park on left faceing their yard a few of ex Sammy Scotts drivers worked for them M.Milburn J Kershaw, G Woodcock, P Kenworthy, T Grindon all Oldham area drivers from the 70s

ex Sammy Scotts drivers worked for them M.Milburn J Kershaw, G Woodcock, P Kenworthy, T Grindon all Oldham area drivers from the 70s

Could that be the G Woodcock who has a haulage firm at Howarth bros. yard on Higginshaw lane?

Hi Dave Penn, thanks for the P.M. that you sent me, I am pleased to know that your health is improving :smiley: .
I thought that I would pass on a couple of photo’s that an old workmate of mine John Harrison kindly sent me, hopefully a few people looking at this thread may recall seeing some of these old companies and trucks going around in 80’s / 90’s.
Best regards Steve.

i started for g&f woodcock in 72 when i came out of the army his main motors were seddons,we used to do a lot of cotton from liverpool.i then went to sammy scots driving an old split screen mandator for george fitzhugh a mate of harry greens,from there i went to h&j at the swan mill,after that i spent 8 years at blue dart,from there i got itchy feet and worked over the water for 20 years m/e turkey,bulgaria romania.came back to uk did 3 years on ribble packaging for john etchells,now driving for ttx.saw billy whiz not to long ago still working for prescotts. :smiley: :laughing:

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I have noticed a company that I haven’t seen mentioned on this topic and that is Hipwood & Grundy, I worked for them out of the Edmonton deport many years ago, but I also used to get loads through their clearing house in Salford when I was tramping, mostly from Proctors back to London. Good company to work for.

I remember h&g well.Untill i retired 8yrs ago the firm i worked for had their base in hippys old yard.They ran dry freight and tankers,mostly green scanias but some of the old 8 wheeler tankers were old aec,s.They got rid of the dry freight in the 80,s[i think]and the tankers moved to stanlow,dont kno[w what happened after that.Their yard used to be in old hall st farnworth opp the clock face pub [nr.bolton].My old has its own yard and hippys has been developed and houses built.
regards dave.

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good old photos moomoo