Companies robbing drivers!


m.a.n rules:
williams9881, my mrs is a nurse and I showed her your op. I then asked her to write a response to which she replied what’s the point he’s obviously a man of some ignorance it wouldn’t mean anything to him. which I totally agree with. and this was after she had just finished a 13 hour shift looking after 42 people with severe dementure and 1 death.
she’s not a hero or a angel she’s just somebody who has commited her working life to looking after others and not moaning about the slightest thing 'and trust me there are real issue’s to moan about in her job.
and finally nurse’s don’t tend to wipe arse’s nowaday’s the carer’s do that and they are even more underpaid and under valued than nurse’s.
hth from a very proud man for what she and her colleague’s do. :slight_smile:

Now where did I say I don’t appreciate what they do■■? Someone mentioned he doesn’t understand why lorry drivers think they should earn more than nurses or teachers.

I came back with an ignorant reply and now the thread has turned into a driver vs nurse thread.

Nurses chose there under paid career just as we chose ours.

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I do hope you don’t get sick and need a nurse at any time FFs :imp: :unamused:
refer to your post yesterday by Williams9881 » 16 Apr 2017, 17:43 What’s the difference between lorry drivers and nurses? Since when was giving a few injections and wiping ■■■ a hard job? We have to put up with high stress isolation and no social life.
We also have the benefit of being able to go out work on shift and lose our licenses and go to prison… So what happens to a nurse if they give a wrong dose and kill some one ? a slap on the wrist ? no !career ruined life ruined and potently a prison sentence for negligence


Own Account Driver:
Ok, own up, who’s switched on the bell end magnet again?

Which member (no pun intended :smiley: ) are you referring to exactly??

Sorry, the OP, sick to death of hearing cleaners, shelf stackers, and the rest get paid more. Just go and get a job as a shelf stacker then FFS. I honestly think I’ve heard less about Stobarts.

Just checked out Nursenet UK.
Not one bloody comment about truck driver’s wages and conditions. :open_mouth:
What a load of selfish ■■■■■■■ eh? :unamused:
Just interested in themselves. :bulb:

my missus is always taking the p out of my wages compared to her’s. :open_mouth:

Just checked out Nursenet UK.
Not one bloody comment about truck driver’s wages and conditions. :open_mouth:
What a load of selfish ■■■■■■■ eh? :unamused:
Just interested in themselves. :bulb:

Not the same Nurses website I`ve been looking at then? Some are VERY interested in themselves, some want me as a friend.


Just checked out Nursenet UK.
Not one bloody comment about truck driver’s wages and conditions. :open_mouth:
What a load of selfish ■■■■■■■ eh? :unamused:
Just interested in themselves. :bulb:

Not the same Nurses website I`ve been looking at then? Some are VERY interested in themselves, some want me as a friend.

And do they wear Maid out fits as well :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

m.a.n rules:
my missus is always taking the p out of my wages compared to her’s. :open_mouth:

Reckon you’ll find most wives (that are not drivers themselves) take the ■■■■ out of their husband’s wages in comparison to theirs, I know mine does.
She works in a Transport distribution/traffic office.
She also takes it out of the guys that go in there and admit to paying for all their own spots and bars in conversation, by suggesting she’s saving up for air con in her office. :smiley: …but that’s another can of worms opened as to why maybe some are on a crap wage. :bulb:


Just checked out Nursenet UK.
Not one bloody comment about truck driver’s wages and conditions. :open_mouth:
What a load of selfish ■■■■■■■ eh? :unamused:
Just interested in themselves. :bulb:

Not the same Nurses website I`ve been looking at then? Some are VERY interested in themselves, some want me as a friend.

You mean this one?
I don’t think it’s sponsored by the NHS though. :smiley:


Well, this is Bank Holiday Fun - watching another OP go through the TNet meatgrinder. :smiley: :smiley:

Comparing truckers to nurses - that’s a zero surviveability situation for sure. (Not Recommended).

10.72 an hour with adr■■?!■■

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Don’t see why you think ADR earns you more

And as for ■■■■ riden laybys and services where did that ■■■■ come from

as for ■■■■ ridden laybys and service areas where did that ■■■■ come from ( not nurses )
its been said a thousand times if you don’t like this industry leave it and go do something you do like doing

How many drivers rob the company they work for booking non productive hours, stealing diesel, stealing from the load

as for ■■■■ ridden laybys and service areas where did that ■■■■ come from ( not nurses )

I don’t think there was any doubt about that tbh mate. :neutral_face:
As I said I did not see the point of the comparison between drivers and nurses in the first place, …but it looks like you’ve missed it completely. :smiley:

How many drivers rob the company they work for booking non productive hours, stealing diesel, stealing from the load

So the actions of a small minority justify low pay rates for everybody else :open_mouth: ?

Is this another meltdown in the making? :open_mouth: :laughing:

its a small minority of companies that don’t do right by their staff

its a small minority of companies that don’t do right by their staff

That depends wholly on how you personally define ‘‘don’t do right’’ in terms of employers to their drivers.

For a start I would say 50 hours basic and time and 2bob after 50 is ‘‘not doing right by their drivers’’
That type of firm is definitely NOT in a ‘small minority’ today.
Others accept it with ‘‘If you don’t like it find a job that you do’’ …a bit like you did previously.
My answer to that would be …Just because aspects of the job have declined over the years to being ‘‘normal’’ does not mean you have to readily accept it, with the only alternative being jacking it, and looking for something entirely different. :bulb:


Not many on here could wipe an old mans arse when he [zb] himself and clean up the bed like nurses do they deserv every penny and more

+1 nurses don’t get paid enough for the work they have to do

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Carers aswell imo.

Not a job I’d do or want to do.

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