Comments from Children In Need thread

The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow

Hold your heads in shame.

Which charities (if any) I or any other person using these boards contibute too is non of your ā– ā– ā– ā–  business.

As is the financial situation of myself or any other person administering these boards, for all you know some people may not be in a situation at present to make a contribution however small.

I find your attitude in the above post extremely offensive, and if I was considering making a contribution via Barries scheme your comments virtually guarentee I wont. If any contributions are made to Children in Need from my household they will be made anonymously :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

I for one have no need to hang my head in shame, I will be contributing to Children in Need in the exactly the same way I have on every single occasion since it started. That will be quietly and without a fuss, i thought it was about the giving and not trying for some random name check to make you feel rewarded for your donation. :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

Hit a nerve, or something. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Probably better with the silence is golden attitude :wink:

:imp: Indeed , myself and my fellow drivers are doing something but not for the smug self satisfaction and a cheap mention from the Togmeister. I always have contributed and always will.

Perhaps you sir should hang your head in shame for such narrow minded and offensive behaviour. If you want to campaign for something we all know which site you should be on ( if of course you can muster enough of you to do it ). Give it a break and grow up :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I for one have no need to hang my head in shame, I will be contributing to Children in Need in the exactly the same way I have on every single occasion since it started. That will be quietly and without a fuss, i thought it was about the giving and not trying for some random name check to make you feel rewarded for your donation. :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

me too !!!

the worst thing about CIN is the auction that Wogan does the week before :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: overpaid gits using company expense budgets to pay up to Ā£40K IIRC to have a few celebs ā– ā– ā– ā–  up to them so they feel important :imp: :imp: :imp:
Nearly puts me off the whole thing !

Probably better with the silence is golden attitude :wink:

You might be better adopting that policy yourself. In the last 30 or so minutes I have received 3 PMā€™s and all of them, in one way or another, were saying they would not now be contributing via Truckers World due to your offensive post. If each of those was donating Ā£5 - Ā£10 thatā€™s Ā£15 to Ā£30 or even more you have just wiped of the Truckers total. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: Children in Need wonā€™t suffer though as they all said they will still be donating. :smiley: :smiley:

Children in Need wonā€™t suffer though as they all said they will still be donating. :smiley: :smiley:

The Silent donators :unamused: :unamused:

In Truth too tight and keep the money in the wallet :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Bunch of hypocrits, post has been on for ages and all of a sudden they are saying "oh I was going to donate"

At least be honest and say you never intended to.

I donā€™t care less it is the kids that need your help, so those wishing to donate and help the kids in the UK
Stop hiding and give just a little.

Personally, I give to the charity of my choice by Direct Debit every month, therefore have no need to be ā€œhustledā€ by stunts like CIN.

Bunch of hypocrits, post has been on for ages and all of a sudden they are saying "oh I was going to donate"

You really are trying to put people off from donating arenā€™t you? There was no reason for people to post and say they were intending to donate until you started aiming abuse at them and asking why they hadnā€™t signed up on Truckers World. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I donā€™t care less it is the kids that need your help, so those wishing to donate and help the kids in the UK
Stop hiding and give just a little.

As I said before I will be donating in the same way and the same amount as I have always done, via a debit card and the equivalent of 1 days pay. Not a lot compared to some but as mentioned before every little helps. Whether you believe that or not matters not a jot to me as all your post has done is confirm I donā€™t wish to donate via TW.

BTW the number of PMā€™s saying no to donating via TW because of your post is now at 4. :imp: :imp: :imp:

At least be honest and say you never intended to.

I have never contributed to Children in Need - and never will.

Any charity I contribute/work for I do direct - and without shouting about it.



Stop trying to do a very poor job of ā– ā– ā– ā–  stirring :frowning: :blush: :frowning: :frowning:

until you started aiming abuse at them and asking why they hadnā€™t signed up on Truckers World.

Tell me where I have evened mentioned another site. :unamused: :unamused:

BTW the number of PMā€™s saying no to donating via TW because of your post is now at 4.

I thought PMs were private (Rules)
So 4 out of 6000 have said no, so at least that is admin out of the way, lets hope the true Drivers have more consideration for the kids.

There choice.

I tried to spurt a reaction and it has worked but funny how it is Admin that seem to be complaining.


Bunch of hypocrits, post has been on for ages and all of a sudden they are saying "oh I was going to donate"

You really are trying to put people off from donating arenā€™t you? There was no reason for people to post and say they were intending to donate until you started aiming abuse at them and asking why they hadnā€™t signed up on Truckers World. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I donā€™t care less it is the kids that need your help, so those wishing to donate and help the kids in the UK
Stop hiding and give just a little.

As I said before I will be donating in the same way and the same amount as I have always done, via a debit card and the equivalent of 1 days pay. Not a lot compared to some but as mentioned before every little helps. Whether you believe that or not matters not a jot to me as all your post has done is confirm I donā€™t wish to donate via TW.

BTW the number of PMā€™s saying no to donating via TW because of your post is now at 4. :imp: :imp: :imp:

I think it is YOU sir that ought to get off his high horse,and stop bandying figures about re other members.

if you wish to donate a days wages as you pointed out then do so withthout shouting about it.

it is you sir that has made this post degenerate into what it has now become.

Any chance the mud slinging can stop. Some onlookers would see this as another reason that we canā€™t work together, itā€™s for charity for christā€™s sake( sorry for the blastformy)

Iā€™m sure there will be no problem with this post being bumped a few times to keep it in peoples minds, but if they donā€™t want to give thats their descision.

And for the record, yes I have made a donation.

The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

what you seem to forget is that trucknet admin/ahem previous owners think they are above the averadge truck driver. and that most drivers on here just trail in there wake lapping at every word,so anything rikki or lucy says will be gospel to there little gang/clickā€¦


This post descended once a member decided that we should be ashamed that we hadnt donated publically via Barries scheme.

Well I am not ashamed, I am more ashamed that drivers yet again prove drivers are our own worst enemy. A request was politely made for drivers to unite in donating, we did not have a problem with that request and I personaly changed the link so it went to th.e correct part of Barries website so everyone who maybe intersted can join in.
I did not expect anyone to try to guilt trip anyone else into making a donation if they dont want too, which is what the member tried to do.

As I have said before , if you are trying to persuade someone to join in something, calling them names and attacking them is one way to ensure the majority tell you where to get off.


The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

what you seem to forget is that trucknet admin/ahem previous owners think they are above the averadge truck driver. and that most drivers on here just trail in there wake lapping at every word,so anything rikki or lucy says will be gospel to there little gang/clickā€¦

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Itā€™s just tooooooo predictable, isnā€™t it. :wink:


Stop trying to do a very poor job of [zb] stirring :frowning: :blush: :frowning: :frowning:

Mr Pot meet Mr Kettle. I am merely answering the accusation in your first post that TN Admin are not donating.


until you started aiming abuse at them and asking why they hadnā€™t signed up on Truckers World.

Tell me where I have evened mentioned another site. :unamused: :unamused:
You posted on a thread linking to the Truckers World CiN donations forum and complained about the lack of TN members who were donating, pointing out that so far only 2 are listed on the TW donations page. That pretty much means you were trying to encourage TN members to donate on TW but that is a personal choice for the individuall members.


BTW the number of PMā€™s saying no to donating via TW because of your post is now at 4.

I thought PMs were private (Rules)

They are, which is why I mentioned no names or copied the contents here.

So 4 out of 6000 have said no, so at least that is admin out of the way, lets hope the true Drivers have more consideration for the kids.

None of the PMā€™s were from Admin. Of the four Admin who have posted on this thread two have said they will be donating, one is a maybe and one is a no. 50 or possibly 75% is not a bad return. For every 4 people who pass a charity collector in the High Street you would be lucky to get one donating.

I tried to spurt a reaction and it has worked but funny how it is Admin that seem to be complaining.

Could that have anything to do with the fact you singled out the TN Admin in your first post? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: You have got a reaction but judging by posts on this thread and yes PMā€™s it is a negative reaction and has done more harm than good to the Truckers Donations. :imp: :imp: :imp:



The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

what you seem to forget is that trucknet admin/ahem previous owners think they are above the averadge truck driver. and that most drivers on here just trail in there wake lapping at every word,so anything rikki or lucy says will be gospel to there little gang/clickā€¦

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Itā€™s just tooooooo predictable, isnā€™t it. :wink:

yes. but once again right on the moneyā€¦

I think it is YOU sir that ought to get off his high horse,and stop bandying figures about re other members.

if you wish to donate a days wages as you pointed out then do so withthout shouting about itā€¦

I had no intention of shouting about it but against the accusation that TN Admin were doing nothing I chose to correct that bit of misinformation. This is more than a little ironic when the whole point of the forum on TW is to shout about the donation. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

it is you sir that has made this post degenerate into what it has now become.

So one poster can bandy figures about and make claims but another cannot answer them. Funny thing is you complain in your other post that people cannot hold a different opinion on here yet when someone disagrees with another post you complain about that as well. Make your mind up.