Comments from Children In Need thread

A suggestion:

That this arguing and antagnostic behaviour stops now:

The post is here and the members can read it, if TruckNet UK members WANT to donate I am sure they will, If there is enough interest in the topic I am sure that TruckNet UK members will keep it close to the top of the forum.

It does not require other input, If the members of TruckNet, NOTE: not the admins or any one else, simply those who use this website deem it important it will remain an active topic, If it is spammed or the thread degenerates further it will be moved to a less used area of the website where hopefully the frankly embarrasing behaviour by some posters will be less in the public view.

This post descended once a member decided that we should be ashamed that we hadnt donated publically via Barries scheme.

This thread was a well meant post offering to help Children in Need.

We all have our favourite charities and those who chose to give to whatever are free to do so.
I think it a real shame that this thread deteriorated into a slanging match.

If anybody wants to donate - then donate. If anybody does not want to donate then simply ignore and go to another thread.

Rikki, I coukdn’t agree more.

If my earlier posts offend I apologise but I believe it to be a very worthy cause.

I would just like to quote a couple of lines from Barrie’s original post on T/W.

What do you think about a pledge from Truckers in the UK■■?

and also

I think it could sound good on the radio as a pledge from the truckers in the UK

It is for a general contribution from truckers in the UK with no particular emphasis on any single group.

As Henry’s Cat said, can’t we be ubited on even a good cause ?


Children in Need won’t suffer though as they all said they will still be donating. :smiley: :smiley:

The Silent donators :unamused: :unamused:

In Truth too tight and keep the money in the wallet :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Bunch of hypocrits, post has been on for ages and all of a sudden they are saying "oh I was going to donate"

At least be honest and say you never intended to.

I don’t care less it is the kids that need your help, so those wishing to donate and help the kids in the UK
Stop hiding and give just a little.

Hey Mewdar, i’m not a silent donator. I’ve never paid a penny to Children in need in my whole life, nor am i likely to. We have a welfare State which i contribute to, and every trip or extra my daughter has needed i had to earn it myself. Just which kids in the UK today need money?
I’m donating zilch !!! There ya go !!!

WELL SAID MIKE C :exclamation: couldnt have put it better myself,the only charities ive ever donated too,have been personal local cases otherwise IMPO if people keep throwing even more of our hard earned money (on top of extortininte taxes)were already ripped off for,then when-ever will ANY goverment start DOING what the vast majority of us WANT
:imp: :confused:

This thread was created when I split the off topic and in some cases frankly embarrassing and childish posts from the original in the Professional drivers forum. Due to the way the board works some posts in here do not fall into the above catagories but it is not possible to move them seperatly. If your post is in this thread it does not mean that it is one of the offending posts, just I have to split from a set point and yours was below that.

The Charity is:-
Children in Need

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hold your heads in shame

<----------- hello admin trucknet contributed :unamused: for some reason i wasnt given the admin title against my name ,check your list for jonboy, dont see mewdar on the list though which one are you :question:

if i knew it was going to turn into a inter site battle of who contributed the most or another have ago at trucknet thread i wouldn’t have bothered.

petty small and some folk should really grow up :unamused: :unamused:


The Charity is:-
Children in Need

OK so far. I’m sure that nobody would dispute that CiN is a respectable and deserving charity.

6000 members
235 viewings
2 Contributions

OK again. No argument there…

(Carefully worded :wink: ) This I don’t understand:

Admin Should set the example, then others might follow.
Admin T/W, Admin LDF, Admin OLT all contributed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

mewdar, I don’t doubt your enthusiasm for the cause, but could you please explain your logic??
WADR, do you know the above for a fact?? (Eg. does that mean all the Admin teams, or all the Admins (personally) from each Admin team??)
The part that I don’t understand is that IMHO, Admins are as human as any other tier of any forum’s membership. As Admins there are fewer of them per (any) forum, so why select them as the target for comment?? I fail to see the logic of “Admin Should set the example.” Please read my four points below, then could you explain that comment please??

  1. My reason for asking that is that an Admin may or may not choose to donate.
  2. An Admin may be minted or skint.
  3. An Admin may or may not choose to say publicly whether or not they’ve donated.
  4. I’d say that the first three points could equally apply to any tier of any forum’s membership, so would you agree that they’re individuals and as such, are entitled to their own beliefs/wishes/opinions??

Hold your heads in shame

I haven’t given any opinion or commented in any other way on you or your post, because I don’t understand it, could you please clarify, because I don’t know whether I agree or not?? :confused:

For my own part, I absolutely refuse to tell anybody how much I give, to whom I give or when I give. Quite simply, because it’s nobody’s business, except HMRC.

Finally, does it actually matter who begins the donations?? The most junior of new members might be the first to donate, and even do so with a large sum. Does any of this actually matter?? Isn’t it about CiN rather than inter-personal or inter-site rivalry as some have (correctly IMHO) already stated??

Hey Mewdar, i’m not a silent donator. I’ve never paid a penny to Children in need in my whole life, nor am i likely to. We have a welfare State which i contribute to, and every trip or extra my daughter has needed i had to earn it myself. Just which kids in the UK today need money?
I’m donating zilch !!! There ya go !!!

I completely agree Mike.

It is all just mawkish hand-wringing sentimentality operated by a Big Business that works in the same way as any other Big Business.

“Give us your money so we can all carry on driving around in Rolls-Royces” wouldn’t have the same appeal to the gullible though.

I give money to the bloke who sells the Big Issue outside Somerfield, having once been homeless myself, but I bet all of these sanctimonius po-faced do-gooders would give him nothing more that a load of bigoted truck driver gob about how it’s “his own fault”.

I’ve got time on my hands at the moment and i’ve justwasted 10 mins of it reading this thread. never before has it been so obvious why we cant get decent rates , pay ,conditions etc in this industry when a bunch of so called adults cannot even have a sensible discusion about whether or not to give to charity. As a so called adults you must surely realise its individual freedom of choiceto give or not. personaly i find the whole day /evening a complete embarresment as i also do red nose day. i will NEVER give money to either of these charities, MY choice. i will however give freely to heart and cancer charities.

Have any of you actually looked to see where the money goes for CIN? I think if you do your homework you will see that what I call CIN ie with terminal illness/disabilities/leukemia and other cancers and illnesses these are what I call IN NEED not Asylum seekers kids needing music lessons :imp:
And as for Wogan who takes expenses for doing CIN is that really acceptable if you wish to do charity work do it for FREE not just make a token effort to make yourself look good.Anyway for the record I will not be donating to this but I will be to the children’s charities that are what I believe truely to be in need.