Coffee to Go - The Book

recieved mine yesterday,just in time for my birthday.havnt started reading it yet.too busy yesterday celebrating,feeling too ill today.

recieved mine yesterday,just in time for my birthday.havnt started reading it yet.too busy yesterday celebrating,feeling too ill today.

For Gods sake don’t read it, it will only make you feel worse. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Glad you finally got it, did you order from Lulu or Amazon?

i have just ordered one from amazon :smiley:

their will be a copy winging its way to my house soon,your storys have always made great reading
well done neil

Mines turned uptoday cant wait to get home

I enjoyed the diaries so I have too just order the book from Calvs link :smiley:

my misses is filing for devorce

if im not reading the forum im reading the bloody book :smiley:

never mind more room in bed for me at night :wink:


Finally got round to ordering mine tonight… only hope it arrives before Saturday so I can take it on holiday with me

I’ve just realised Bear, I could have sold you a copy last Sunday when I bumbed into you in Belgium and saved you the postage.

:smiley: Neil, i expected to enjoy ya book. And i did. :smiley: Cheers for a great, interesting read. Like yer style. :sunglasses:

:smiley: Itching to write another one :question:

How did you decide Lulu was the chosen one to publish it :question:

:smiley: Neil, i expected to enjoy ya book. And i did. :smiley: Cheers for a great, interesting read. Like yer style. :sunglasses:

Thanks Jacqueline, I like your style too :blush: :wink: :laughing:

Itching to write another one :question:

I have so far written four diaries for another one, but whether they will see the light of day I have yet to decide.

How did you decide Lulu was the chosen one to publish it :question:

Doing it through Lulu was the quickest and easiest way.

Mine will be here by 19 sept.

Now I’m told it’ll be 10 October. :imp: :imp:

Hope it’s worth the wait :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

It is well worth the wait Kate.I got mine last week and I’ve read it from cover to cover.My son has now started on it so I need to keep a close eye on it .
A very good read Neil.I’m looking forward to the next one. :smiley:

Got back from holiday tonight to find mine had arrived…so at least I will have something to read next week

and the family are complaining about the lack of toilet facilities in the house.

:bulb: How would it be if you would stand a bank or a swing chair into the garden?


There I was skimming thro and found meself on Page 155 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ladytrucker beat you though Bear, she is on page 66 (I think.)

Are there any on Ebay yet? :laughing:

Not yet, but Amazon do have it in a special deal with the AA Truckers Atlas so if you need a new one… :wink: :smiley:

I have also had a couple of nice reviews left on Amazon, no idea who they are from but if it was anyone on here thank you.

Neil ,just athought what about putting your book and also your films on
the other two trucknet sites as I am sure that the intrest would be their
and why not export your talents as a rival for steven splielberg,