Coach or lorry driver

im just wondering weither i should a lorry driver or coach driver
and please say why below and what you chose

How old are you, i see your a teenager like me i have not even planned what i want to do yet but hopefully depending on the climate when i leave school and that i want to be a driver but between now and then anything can happen :question:

I would suggest that you go for the bus option, providing you can get your training with a bus company, there is a job waiting for you and it won’t cost you. Then at a later date you can do a Cat C course (whilst on holiday!) and then you would have both licences.

Bus companies usually train you in an automatic, but providing you do your Cat C in a manual (unlikely that any training company would have an automatic anyway), you will then get both Cat C and Cat D manual.

With both licences you can then choose what you want to do.

The only downside is that you will have passengers giving you grief on stage work.

Buses are work of the devil so be a lorry driver.

Start on buses training free plus gauranteed job at the end of it. If you are just 21 difficult to get Truck driving jobs move on to your C & CE while you are driving buses then when 25 you will have more of a chance at Truck driving lots of firms wont insure under 25. Just read a few posts on here & you wil see what Im talking about.

As a young lad you are not likely to get on the coaches or for that matter lorries that leaves buses.Do your training with a large firm who will train you and GIVE you 2 chances at the driving test Hauliers take note.No codswallop about come back in 2 years.After you are settled you could try at your own expense to get your class 2 then tell employers that you have multi drop experience You must check out Bloodbus .com as well.Hope my post is of help to you.

Got to the stage that I was nearly in tears getting up to do the buses as I absolutely detested it.

Smack heads and old women drove me near insane.

Saying that I got my license for nothing and saved up for my lorry tests with the wages.

The crap you take on the buses is seriously disturbing but when I had no work a few months ago I phoned them up and asked for a job but unfortunately their records went back a few years and they remembered me. :laughing:

Would do it again the same way now only I would save £40 a week instead of £20. :wink:

There’s actually 3 choices here if you are lucky enough to get them.

a) Bus - Trogging around the same routes day in day out. You do get some nice peeps on them and its nice if you get a rural run, but there are alot of moaners out there that WILL hold you personally responsible for anything that goes wrong or failings that the bus co. may have. Also, most companies only get you a PCV with an auto gearbox restriction.

b) Coaches - Theres some good perks to this one. Free entry to most theme parks, meal vouchers included. You get to go all over the place and if you are genuinely considerate to your passengers, (Not brown nosing), you’ll get on ok, even with the drunk night clubbers. Some good extra cash in the form of whip rounds to be had too. The down side is you could get 100% school contracts, :laughing:, make sure you know the route BEFORE you drive it cos if you rely on the kids, you’ll be going everywhere and they dont consider low bridges and farmers access tracks. :laughing: Believe me, I know!! You’ll most likely need a FULL pcv though. (No restrictions)

c) The good 'ol trucks. Its nice to be in your own company if you like that sort of thing but can get very lonely and boring. You may strike lucky and get a boss who lets you get on with it or you may get a snotty nosed office waller who’s on the phone every 5 minutes asking stupid questions about how long you will be. You may get moaned at for any or all of the following:

Being late - Being Early - Load on front / side / back just cos it means shunting or various curtain operations - Having an incomplete load - Having the wrong notes…etc

All of the above are usually not controlled by you but you’ll get it anyway.

:laughing: hope you took something away with you on that little lot, but good luck in deciding what it is you want to do. You may want to reconsider after reading through this forum a bit.

Would do it again the same way now only I would save £40 a week instead of £20. :wink:

:laughing: only £40 a week? You weren’t doing it right mate, :laughing:

If you go the bus driver route, I’ll give you some skiving tips… :wink:

  1. If you break down dont call it in straight away - wait 10/15 minutes :wink:
  2. If you cant be arsed with the run, drive at 5mph less than the speed limit, wait for every passenger to sit down (young and old), have a chat with them and stop at every other bus stop for a ■■■ then blame it on the traffic… :wink:
    I may or maynot have tried any of the above… :wink:

Darby Flyer:

Would do it again the same way now only I would save £40 a week instead of £20. :wink:

:laughing: only £40 a week? You weren’t doing it right mate, :laughing:

Got to get your ■■■■,rolls and stuff. :laughing:

Had all that exact fare ■■■■ when I started or I would have jacked it in two months. :imp:

you have no chance of decent coach work right away. I have had my bus licence for 5 years and a hgv for just over a year and a half and I only just got the green light from the coach companys insurers and I’m 23. stick to buses like first, Arrive or Stagecoach. You will have good days and ■■■■ days but will be a good learning curve for you, especially if you’re in a big city. I done them in glasgow for over 3 years and that was a real eye opener

You must check out Bloodbus .com as well.Hope my post is of help to you.

Definately check out that blog - Bloodbus - Its had me in stitches for nearly an hour :laughing:

I think you should go for the bus/coach thing.

It means there is one less wagon driver that will apply for jobs that I apply for then hopefully :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously, do what you feel. if you want to do the buses to get the free licence and some cash in your pocket then do the buses,

if you want to be in your own company for a week and get treated like an animal at RDC’s and considered the scourge of the uks roads then be a trucker, also if you do become a trucker don’t forget you need a fat beer belly and some tracky bottoms…only joking fella’s

What’s been said about getting your bus licence free with a guaranteed job at the end of it, makes sense. Do the Bus driving and save up.
I started off the other way round, Trucks, then Buses, for 24 years when I came to Oz, then back on the trucks.
Now, the trouble is, the Bus driving sent me ■■■■■■■ mad. I used to be a placid enough sort of bloke, but I ended up dragging people out of cars, and a few other really stupid sort of things. I always came off best, because although I’ve never looked much, I was studying and instructing kung fu, which could have got me in serious trouble. The point I’m making is, if you go for bus driving, don’t let the arse holes, drunks, druggies, arrogant gits, whingers, winers, and moaners, get on top of you, and above all, don’t let the crap that comes down the tube from the company itself do it either.
I feel a bit better now. I’m really glad you asked that question. :slight_smile:

everyone im not bothered by the money my dad said hell pay so im not to bothered how much it costs
and im not a dads boy

everyone im not bothered by the money my dad said hell pay so im not to bothered how much it costs
and im not a dads boy

As you can often get a PCV paid for by a company (but you have to agree to work for them for so long), then I would save your dad that money and get him to put you through your LGV ‘C’ when you are ready.

I should point out that there are restricions on the PCV if you are under 21 but you can do the test at age 18.

There are no restrictions on the LGV if you do that at age 18 but insurance companies will hinder you as many will not insure such a young LGV driver. Insurance companies like to insure LGV drivers who are over 25.

PS - will he pay for the ‘B’ (car) lessons as well :question: - you will need that ‘B’ licence first which ever you do.


everyone im not bothered by the money my dad said hell pay so im not to bothered how much it costs
and im not a dads boy

As you can often get a PCV paid for by a company (but you have to agree to work for them for so long), then I would save your dad that money and get him to put you through your LGV ‘C’ when you are ready.

I should point out that there are restricions on the PCV if you are under 21 but you can do the test at age 18.

There are no restrictions on the LGV if you do that at age 18 but insurance companies will hinder you as many will not insure such a young LGV driver. Insurance companies like to insure LGV drivers who are over 25.

PS - will he pay for the ‘B’ (car) lessons as well :question: - you will need that ‘B’ licence first which ever you do.

he will pay for the car license

be a train driver - god i wish i was a train driver :sunglasses:

when i was growing up - all i wanted to be was a truck driver none of this bus nonsense your thinking about :laughing:

buses is the safe bet - they start em young at first bus - 18 i think :question:

One thing which I don’t think anyone’s mentioned about bus driving, particularly school runs; I would think it highly likely that you would have to submit a full CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check.

At your age that should not (hopefully) be anything more than a formality but just so’s you know.