Class 1 drivers think they are so superior

Stop feeding the ‘Troll’ :unamused: or we are going to have to put up with this rubbish all the way through the Easter break when school’s out for 2 weeks :exclamation: :wink:

Dave Penn;

Well done Dessy, you couldn’t have got more bites if you’d dipped your pecker in Marmite and lobbed it in the Amazon. Top trolling dude. :smiley: :smiley:

This thread is ace!! I have just checked my keep net after only 10 mins and I have caught a Nick2008.

Gonna let him go cos I like him.

the bit i dont dont get is that obviously class 1 drivers are superior beings in truckieland bar none…so that being the case,how come driving an artic is a doddle and driving a wagon and drag is a days work especially when trying to reverse,if your in an artic,then you can at least reverse out of the occasional ballsup whereas the easyest way for a w&d is a airlift with a chinnook…obviously class 2 rigid dosent come into the equation being the dinky toys that they are… :slight_smile:

Can anybody remember the knob who said he felt less superior when he was bobtail :unamused: [[thats unit on for the newbys]] :wink:

This thread is ace!! I have just checked my keep net after only 10 mins and I have caught a Nick2008.

Gonna let him go cos I like him.

you couldn’t afford to feed me fella :smiley:

well well - what an interesting thread… being a fairly old sort of git i did my time as a fitter(gaffer paid for my class1 so i could tek trailers to the test station…,then driving;…started on a-frame drawbars…,eventually got the hang of reversing them.,lol …then like a lot of us young glory boys in the 80s i went for the big pretty left hand drive scanias etc :unamused: continental for 14 years., then back in the workshop etc etc …,(and in reply to Radar19s photo…i will give you that 1 mate., i got sent out the other week on the spare wagon, 26 ton scan p94 tag axle…christ that ruddy overhang is naughty!) for gawds sake lets get it in proportion though as Coffee and others have said., its not rocket science desy everythings automatic these days and bear in mind there are a hell of a lot of guys like mself ,Juddian and a good few others on here who have been there and bought the t shirt and if called upon,will jump in any vehicle to bring the same money in…we are’nt bothered what we look like old pal. bit sad that this old chestnut is still doing the rounds no offence :smiley:

I’m confused now…
I’m a class 2 driver at the moment and was wanting to take class 1 because it would make me a ‘proper’ driver but having read this I’m not so sure I want it that bad…
Besides which, I changed a repeater bulb yesterday and was assured this was all I needed for my ‘proper’ driver status…
Is this true ?


Nah. Its not off a TRAILER.

Nah. Its not off a TRAILER.

Bah, must try harder :frowning:

I’m confused now…
I’m a class 2 driver at the moment and was wanting to take class 1 because it would make me a ‘proper’ driver but having read this I’m not so sure I want it that bad…
Besides which, I changed a repeater bulb yesterday and was assured this was all I needed for my ‘proper’ driver status…
Is this true ?

it might have been all you needed right up until you took a pic of yourself doing it… :unamused:

Lol-good sport mate. On a separate note,how many times have you clouted those Merc side repeaters/lights getting out of the cab??

Used to do it regular on the axors at my last place.

Page 3 of this thread is stretched and very wide on my computer.

Too many arctic rolls perhaps? Or Artic Trolls?

Or too much w*lly waving?? :astonished: :blush: :smiley:

Lol-good sport mate. On a separate note,how many times have you clouted those Merc side repeaters/lights getting out of the cab??

Used to do it regular on the axors at my last place.

That’s torn it, now you’ll have woken Pimp up from his evening nap and he’'l go into a anti axor rant… :wink:

Cant really ’ wave ’ mine. Its more of a ’ nod '.


Cant really ’ wave ’ mine. Its more of a ’ nod '.


Don’t get too deflated, I hear donkeys nod from time to time…


I’m confused now…
I’m a class 2 driver at the moment and was wanting to take class 1 because it would make me a ‘proper’ driver but having read this I’m not so sure I want it that bad…
Besides which, I changed a repeater bulb yesterday and was assured this was all I needed for my ‘proper’ driver status…
Is this true ?

it might have been all you needed right up until you took a pic of yourself doing it… :unamused:

Why so serious :stuck_out_tongue:
Took the pic purely for the comedy value of both this place and facebook where people are WAYYYY too highly strung :wink:

Anybody know where I can get some of the good wall’s ehh artick roll at this time its put me in the mood somehow … :frowning: :question: confused :blush: .

Anybody know where I can get some of the good wall’s ehh artick roll at this time its put me in the mood somehow … :frowning: :question: confused :blush: .

It isn’t Walls Arctic Roll it is Birds Eye and you’ll find it at the local Bejam frozen foods supermarket. :smiling_imp: :laughing:


Anybody know where I can get some of the good wall’s ehh artick roll at this time its put me in the mood somehow … :frowning: :question: confused :blush: .

It isn’t Walls Arctic Roll it is Birds Eye and you’ll find it at the local Bejam frozen foods supermarket. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Bejam■■? are they between Green Shield Stamps and Woolies just down the road from Fine Fare?