Class 1 drivers think they are so superior

Here he is then,desypete,our hero ! … erman1.jpg

Well I drive artics to compensate for my small todger…

That’s why my car is a Peugeot 206 [emoji4] [emoji4] [emoji11] [emoji3]

I didn’t think there was any full time rigid drivers, any that I have met always go out of their way to tell me they usually drive artics :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Yes,‘It’s in for test’,or ‘I’m just helping the gaffer out today’ seem to be favourite.

i see i seem to have upset the odd class 2 driver with my comments, oh dear !!!

if you can not stand to hear the truth or what some class 1 drivers really think about the class 2 then dont ask the question

it is true driving class 2 are considered dinky toy drivers by class 1 drivers with good reason, there much smaller than us, there easier to drive and far far easy to reverse, the only down side to them is hand balling. but then like i say i leave that sort of work to those who dont have much brains in the first place to end up having to handball loads

also i have always been a lazy git when it comes down to that sort of thing

oh i must say sorry for any spelling mistakes as i would hate to offend those who are hooked in spelling so please accept my sincere apologizes for any spelling mistakes as i really would hate to offend

Just to be pedantic Class 1,2 & 3 licences have not existed since 1990…C, C+E ring a bell :slight_smile:

Oh and it’s a licence not a license as in driving licence, I will license my car :slight_smile:

Full time dinky toy driver here. Have been for years, and couldn’t drive a nail into a block of wood. If it bent going backwards I would definitely put into the nearest inanimate object.

But I just don’t care.

Send me some truckers “L” plates please desypete as I want to be flashed in :laughing:

I too believe what you drive is an inverse proportionally of your ■■■■ size. Ladies, I drive a Smart car :sunglasses:

By the way cupcake, you don’t upset anyone, we all love hearing how you would be the saviour of the haulage for drivers, if only we all had your 26 years of experience, and didn’t take the CPC, and grew some balls like you.




if you could be paid the same money for driving class 2 as for class 1 everyone would be only class 2 drivers trust me its easy compared to 40 odd footers

Im a class 1 holder yet I drive a 8 wheel HIAB rigid…the reason being is I earn £12 ph driving the dinky toy as compared to the £10 ph I got driving the bendy.
Therefore my willy is considerably larger than your’s sir!

tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sponge roll filled with ice cream yum yum.

Just to be pedantic Class 1,2 & 3 licences have not existed since 1990…C, C+E ring a bell :slight_smile:

Oh and it’s a licence not a license as in driving licence, I will license my car :slight_smile:

thank you for not being a bit pedantic, and for correcting any or all spelling mistakes, but as you can tell or maybe you can not tell as you might just be a stobbart photographer fan for all i know ?
but i am a bit of an old school driver, so i tend to use old lingo.
Eton twin split will sound like an ice cream serving i guess to you ? but to a bendy driver they will understand what i am on about. ( i will let you Google the answer if indeed you dont know what it refers to ? )

can you tell me what a digi card is for please ? as i keep on putting a pound coin in the slot and it keeps on flashing me something about wrong type inserted oh and where have they put the starting handles in these new trucks anyone know
thanks for any help

if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

By that logic ‘proper’ wagon and drag drivers would have every right to look down on those silly short little artics with their silly single points of articulation and weird weight transfer issues.While inconveniently a wagon and drag is more like a rigid going forwards but which really could get tied in knots if taken down a blind end and need to be reversed out assuming a driver who doesn’t know what they are doing.

While remembering that before the EU we had the sensible idea of realising that an artic licence meant just that because it is a seperate totally ‘different’ type of outfit and unless it is an indivisible load an inferior one in terms of load deck space,stability and ability to handle heavy weights.

While realising that there is no connection whatsoever between driving an artic v a drawbar.In which case it was then ( rightly ) considered better for a decent rigid driver to learn how to drive the larger,superior,more difficult to reverse,outfit on the job and not rely on a piece of paper. :smiling_imp: :unamused: :laughing:

I’m getting a sense of deju vue here, about a million years ago in the fair town of Wisbech a big juggernaut low loader driver (Ford D1000 tractor unit) told me to move my puddle jumper cos he’d hate to hit it and flatten it…no he didn’t get the irony of his bravado nor did the web footed monkey co pilot he had with him either…wasn’t you Desy was it?

i see i seem to have upset the odd class 2 driver with my comments, oh dear !!!

if you can not stand to hear the truth or what some class 1 drivers really think about the class 2 then dont ask the question

it is true driving class 2 are considered dinky toy drivers by class 1 drivers with good reason, there much smaller than us, there easier to drive and far far easy to reverse, the only down side to them is hand balling. but then like i say i leave that sort of work to those who dont have much brains in the first place to end up having to handball loads

also i have always been a lazy git when it comes down to that sort of thing

oh i must say sorry for any spelling mistakes as i would hate to offend those who are hooked in spelling so please accept my sincere apologizes for any spelling mistakes as i really would hate to offend

I’d like to see you try and negotiate some of the places I have to go to with this.

Get your head out of your arse for two seconds buddy.

Thank kf something put a smile on my face this morning…so following desypetes line o thinking myself,jelliot, NMM and others on here must be superhero gods looking down on everyone else with distain because we pull multi trailers!!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: . GTF .as long as im getting paid the same money the less wheels the better,hell ive volunteered to take the works pickup intae the city for spares many times . 2,3,4,6,8,11 axles who the hell in there right mind cares as long as you are happy in what you do.
jimmy …shaking his head in dispare at what the job has become!

Crikey that’s opened a can of worms. Anyway had a great day really enjoyed the little 7.5t darling. Had to go hunting for a delivery address down post winding lanes and had no “can I get out of here” panics I would normally have in the artic. Even asked directions from a bloke and he turned out to be Jamie Oliver’s dad.

I must admit though had to have a break at Huntingdon services and parked among the artics I felt like ivshoukdnt be there… as someone said I don’t give a crap what I drive as long as the pays right. End of

Personally think desi pete needs to go have a long look at guys who drive puddle jumpers.
We are the guys who go where you fear to tread.
Quite a few of us 7.5 drivers are ex class 1 coach drivers who just wanted to see home!!!

If your such a great driver just think about this…
I used to run from richmond nrth yorks via muker to nateby 4 days a week in an old b10m with a splitter.
Was great fun showing the punters just how tight those bridges are…
Then you will realise just how easy driving an artic is.

I’m getting a sense of deju vue here, about a million years ago in the fair town of Wisbech a big juggernaut low loader driver (Ford D1000 tractor unit) told me to move my puddle jumper cos he’d hate to hit it and flatten it…no he didn’t get the irony of his bravado nor did the web footed monkey co pilot he had with him either…wasn’t you Desy was it?

To be fair its only really a ‘juggernaut’ when its a road train pulled by a 5 axle rigid. :smiling_imp: :laughing: … -train.jpg


I’m getting a sense of deju vue here, about a million years ago in the fair town of Wisbech a big juggernaut low loader driver (Ford D1000 tractor unit) told me to move my puddle jumper cos he’d hate to hit it and flatten it…no he didn’t get the irony of his bravado nor did the web footed monkey co pilot he had with him either…wasn’t you Desy was it?

To be fair its only really a ‘juggernaut’ when its a road train pulled by a 5 axle rigid. :smiling_imp: :laughing: … -train.jpg

I’ve slipped that pic in with with me secret collection of Alexandra Bastedo prints, phwoar… :laughing:

I’m getting a sense of deju vue here, about a million years ago in the fair town of Wisbech a big juggernaut low loader driver (Ford D1000 tractor unit) told me to move my puddle jumper cos he’d hate to hit it and flatten it…no he didn’t get the irony of his bravado nor did the web footed monkey co pilot he had with him either…wasn’t you Desy was it?

no i was the web footed monkey he had with him.

i can not honestly believe class 2 drivers think there just as good as a class 1 drivers and indeed some even think they have a harder time of reversing there trucks than an arctic would etc

i would of thought it was a wind up if i hadn’t read the comments made by some in this thread

i guess these same class 2 drivers go to work in a cheese cloth shirt, wear the big cowboy boots have a cb radio and one of those stupid name plates in there window ? god knows who on earth they think reads there name on the truck but i guess because they sit up high it must have that sort of effect on them ? i dont know maybe one of you guys could explain it ?

but seriously, how can anyone compare the 2 different jobs we even get paid different rates and the harder job gets the higher rate what more proof is there to be had ? class 1 gets the higher rate but maybe class 2 should get the higher rate ? maybe i am totaly wrong and you guys are right ?

tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think they are frozen puddings, sponge on the outside & ice cream in the middle