Class 1 drivers think they are so superior

When I’m in an artic I look into that mirror and think handsome chap.
When I’m in a 7.5t I look into that mirror and think handsome chap.
When I get in me car and look into the mirror I think TFFT home time :grimacing:
I don’t really give a toss what I’m driving as long as it’s
1, legal
2, I get paid.


i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

Ignoring for the moment that Class 1 and Class 2 don’t exist, and haven’t done for many years, what your saying is that ‘Class 2’ drivers don’t need flashing in and indeed leave an appropriate gap before completing the passing manoeuvre. Whereas ‘Class 1’ drivers aren’t so skilled and rely on being flashed in because they aren’t sure where the back of their vehicle is and don’t leave a safe gap before coming back over?

I see, very strange argument. :stuck_out_tongue:

the strange thing about your argument is that you want to ingnore a lot of things said and focus on something that you can try to turn around to suit yourself over

class 2 is a mick mouse type of truck compared to a class 1 hence we have different licenses that you seem to just want to ignore as you can not seem to understand, in your head there both large trucks so both the same

just to give you a clue one type of truck bends and the other doesn’t

one type of truck requires a great deal of judgement when reversing in tight spot and the other one any idiot can reverse with one eye closed in a tight spot as its stright and will not move from where your pointing it

if your asking me to give the same amount of respect to a dinky toy driver compared to an artic driver it will never happen as i have driven both and i know what the difference is

if you could be paid the same money for driving class 2 as for class 1 everyone would be only class 2 drivers trust me its easy compared to 40 odd footers

even trying to take a break on services or anywhere out on the road for bendys is a pain in the ■■■■ compared to a dinky that can get into all sort of tight holes with ease and no effort required from the driver

Lol a lot at this fella ^^^^^^. I suffer no ■■■■■ envy, in fact if someone were to match my wage to drive a Kangoo van around I’d snap his hand off.


Ignoring for the moment that Class 1 and Class 2 don’t exist, and haven’t done for many years, what your saying is that ‘Class 2’ drivers don’t need flashing in and indeed leave an appropriate gap before completing the passing manoeuvre. Whereas ‘Class 1’ drivers aren’t so skilled and rely on being flashed in because they aren’t sure where the back of their vehicle is and don’t leave a safe gap before coming back over?

I see, very strange argument. :stuck_out_tongue:

the strange thing about your argument is that you want to ingnore a lot of things said and focus on something that you can try to turn around to suit yourself over

class 2 is a mick mouse type of truck compared to a class 1 hence we have different licenses that you seem to just want to ignore as you can not seem to understand, in your head there both large trucks so both the same

just to give you a clue one type of truck bends and the other doesn’t

one type of truck requires a great deal of judgement when reversing in tight spot and the other one any idiot can reverse with one eye closed in a tight spot as its stright and will not move from where your pointing it

if your asking me to give the same amount of respect to a dinky toy driver compared to an artic driver it will never happen as i have driven both and i know what the difference is

if you could be paid the same money for driving class 2 as for class 1 everyone would be only class 2 drivers trust me its easy compared to 40 odd footers

even trying to take a break on services or anywhere out on the road for bendys is a pain in the ■■■■ compared to a dinky that can get into all sort of tight holes with ease and no effort required from the driver

I don’t mean to cause any offence, but you’re an ignorant ■■■■. Having a C+E does not make you automatically better than someone with a C licence.

The job is nowhere near what you are trying to make it to be. It’s a semi-skilled labourers job and whether driving a rigid or a rigid and trailer they are both large vehicles with different challenges depending on location and type of work. Rigid drivers often face more challenges than an attic driver simply because of where they get sent. I know I always preferred driving an artic because it was easy and didn’t require too much in the way of effort or thought. Rigid work seems too much like hard work for my liking.

Plenty of really poor C+E drivers out there and just because you have the licence it doesn’t make you a Superhero saving the nation and humanity on a daily basis.

if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao


if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao

Maybe it’s not rigid but it’s bendy and can’t get in tight holes, although he’s happy and feels superior. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

the strange thing about your argument is that you want to ingnore a lot of things said and focus on something that you can try to turn around to suit yourself over

class 2 is a mick mouse type of truck compared to a class 1 hence we have different licenses that you seem to just want to ignore as you can not seem to understand, in your head there both large trucks so both the same

just to give you a clue one type of truck bends and the other doesn’t

one type of truck requires a great deal of judgement when reversing in tight spot and the other one any idiot can reverse with one eye closed in a tight spot as its stright and will not move from where your pointing it

if your asking me to give the same amount of respect to a dinky toy driver compared to an artic driver it will never happen as i have driven both and i know what the difference is

if you could be paid the same money for driving class 2 as for class 1 everyone would be only class 2 drivers trust me its easy compared to 40 odd footers

even trying to take a break on services or anywhere out on the road for bendys is a pain in the ■■■■ compared to a dinky that can get into all sort of tight holes with ease and no effort required from the driver

Im kinda hoping your at the wind up coz otherwise this is car crash posting!


if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao

i only wish my ■■■■■ was bigger my friend, the only thing in common with an artic about my ■■■■■ is that it does bend, to the left if you must know

i guess i am a bit of a class 1 snob but i have done both jobs like i said and i know just how easy it is to reverse a ridgid anyone idiot can do it but not so easy with a bendy you have a lot to lean to be any good with a bendy thats for sure,
next time you end up on the services have a look at how many bendy drivers simply refuse to back inbewteen 2 other artics as there not happy about the room, it takes a dam good driver to bend one in

which of course i belong to that group as i can bend them in anywhere, so i am a bit of a big head i guess, now get in a dinky truck and look how easy it is to put it in between to artics on the services its a simple test, anyone can do and take notice of

class 2 are just learners waiting to move up to the real trucks in my eyes, the only hard thing about class 2 is that very often you have to handball and that to me is a no no as i was a lazy git i leave hand balling to class 2 drivers



if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao

i only wish my ■■■■■ was bigger my friend, the only thing in common with an artic about my ■■■■■ is that it does bend, to the left if you must know

i guess i am a bit of a class 1 snob but i have done both jobs like i said and i know just how easy it is to reverse a ridgid anyone idiot can do it but not so easy with a bendy you have a lot to lean to be any good with a bendy thats for sure,
next time you end up on the services have a look at how many bendy drivers simply refuse to back inbewteen 2 other artics as there not happy about the room, it takes a dam good driver to bend one in

which of course i belong to that group as i can bend them in anywhere, so i am a bit of a big head i guess, now get in a dinky truck and look how easy it is to put it in between to artics on the services its a simple test, anyone can do and take notice of

class 2 are just learners waiting to move up to the real trucks in my eyes, the only hard thing about class 2 is that very often you have to handball and that to me is a no no as i was a lazy git i leave hand balling to class 2 drivers

I’m sure there’s a spelling mistake in the red bit…just can’t put my finger on it.

What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Desserts, got ice cream in the middle?

tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ain’t they ice cream rolls :wink:

old 67:



if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao

i only wish my ■■■■■ was bigger my friend, the only thing in common with an artic about my ■■■■■ is that it does bend, to the left if you must know

i guess i am a bit of a class 1 snob but i have done both jobs like i said and i know just how easy it is to reverse a ridgid anyone idiot can do it but not so easy with a bendy you have a lot to lean to be any good with a bendy thats for sure,
next time you end up on the services have a look at how many bendy drivers simply refuse to back inbewteen 2 other artics as there not happy about the room, it takes a dam good driver to bend one in

which of course i belong to that group as i can bend them in anywhere, so i am a bit of a big head i guess, now get in a dinky truck and look how easy it is to put it in between to artics on the services its a simple test, anyone can do and take notice of

class 2 are just learners waiting to move up to the real trucks in my eyes, the only hard thing about class 2 is that very often you have to handball and that to me is a no no as i was a lazy git i leave hand balling to class 2 drivers

I’m sure there’s a spelling mistake in the red bit…just can’t put my finger on it.

WITH A CAPTIAL K :grimacing:

I don’t mean to cause any offence, but you’re an ignorant ■■■■.

:laughing: :laughing: Wouldn’t like to hear you when you DO mean to cause offence Coffee :laughing:



if dirving class 1 is the same as driving the dinky toys class 2 then we wouldn’t need to have 2 separate licenses, we have class 1 and class 2 for a reason

class 1 is so very different than a class 2 dinky toy, you can take a class 2 anywhere down any road and if its a dead end you can shunt about to turn around for example, were as if an artic had made that mistake there stuck and need a crane to get them to turn around hence you need to have some decent brains to make sure you dont end up in that sort of postion. let alone reversing in tight spots, you need to have a good knowledge that only comes with experience of course but still its a huge pain in the backside for most class 1 drivers who lack that experience hence many stay at class 2 as its an easy job

i dont flash class 2 drivers over on the motorway very often as it see it that they have to learn there size and not rely on being flashed and its amazing just how long they actualy think they are as they are to scared to pull back in and go on for miles before they think there clear, the only time flash them back in is if there is an artic behind them and there holding them up as they can not make up there mind can they come in or not

so its for the other artic driver that i would help out in that situation, as we do look out for each other.

You could have just said “Hello TNUK, I would like to make you all aware I have a small ■■■■■” and saved yourself writing all that guff lmfao

i only wish my ■■■■■ was bigger my friend, the only thing in common with an artic about my ■■■■■ is that it does bend, to the left if you must know

i guess i am a bit of a class 1 snob but i have done both jobs like i said and i know just how easy it is to reverse a ridgid anyone idiot can do it but not so easy with a bendy you have a lot to lean to be any good with a bendy thats for sure,
next time you end up on the services have a look at how many bendy drivers simply refuse to back inbewteen 2 other artics as there not happy about the room, it takes a dam good driver to bend one in

which of course i belong to that group as i can bend them in anywhere, so i am a bit of a big head i guess, now get in a dinky truck and look how easy it is to put it in between to artics on the services its a simple test, anyone can do and take notice of

class 2 are just learners waiting to move up to the real trucks in my eyes, the only hard thing about class 2 is that very often you have to handball and that to me is a no no as i was a lazy git i leave hand balling to class 2 drivers

I’m sorry but you come across as a bit of ■■■■■

I didn’t think there was any full time rigid drivers, any that I have met always go out of their way to tell me they usually drive artics :smiley:

Doesn’t matter what i drive i was at the back of the queue when ■■■■■ (and good looks) were being dished out and no number of axles or bendy bits is gunna make it any bigger.

Yep it doesn’t matter a toss what you drive so long as it pays well for the hours and effort you’re putting in.

I jacked in arctic :wink: work in 86/7 to drive a van and immediately raised my income by some £5k then for many less hours and no nights out, that put me in the right place for the best paid job i ever had when the company expanded its artic work, luck of the draw and my big break into the money.

I wonder if having the embarrassment of only driving a little van shrunk me ■■■■ back then or did the expanding wallet cause the circulation to me vitals to be cut… :unamused: .

tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They are those little cakes wrapped in sponge with ice cream in the middle.


tango boy:
What are arctics please■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They are those little cakes wrapped in sponge with ice cream in the middle.

Oh right ok :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The super artic driver on this post is definitely a class 1 something…