Clarkson vs Cyclists + Boris

Jeremy Clarkson ‏@JeremyClarkson
But never mind that. BBC London just said the mayor is thinking if banning lorries to make life safer for cyclists. Did I hear that right?

Jeremy Clarkson ‏@JeremyClarkson
Because what’s the point of cycling to the shops when there’s nothing in them?

Jeremy Clarkson ‏@JeremyClarkson
Will the lorries taking the bicycles to the bicycle shop be banned as well?

:laughing: :laughing:

And according to a reply to a tweet there might be another Top Gear featuring HGVs.

Rate of cyclist injuries on London's roads on the rise - BBC News

quote taken from the above link

The lorry was indicating that he was turning left and its audio warning was sounding, the inquest was told.

The coroner recorded a verdict of traumatic road death.

why record it as that?

why not tell the truth, the woman died because she was stupid!

until they teach the cyclists that they are not invincible, they will keep dieing under trucks FACT!!!

if they seriously want to do something to the incidents between cyclists and road vehicles, make the cyclists accountable for their actions

make them pay for RFL and insurance, fine them and give them points on their driving licences for every time they commit a traffic offence, such as jumping red lights

when they start doing that, maybe, then they will learn to integrate in to the society of the road, and possibly, even survive another year


Rate of cyclist injuries on London's roads on the rise - BBC News

quote taken from the above link

The lorry was indicating that he was turning left and its audio warning was sounding, the inquest was told.

The coroner recorded a verdict of traumatic road death.

why record it as that?

why not tell the truth, the woman died because she was stupid!

until they teach the cyclists that they are not invincible, they will keep dieing under trucks FACT!!!

if they seriously want to do something to the incidents between cyclists and road vehicles, make the cyclists accountable for their actions

make them pay for RFL and insurance, fine them and give them points on their driving licences for every time they commit a traffic offence, such as jumping red lights

when they start doing that, maybe, then they will learn to integrate in to the society of the road, and possibly, even survive another year


Road Fund Licence is based on emissions, a Prius, a BMW 118d and a host of other vehicles pay exactly the same amount in RFL as a cyclist, ie £0.

Also, I think you’ll find the majority of cyclists who use the road have insurance, I know I do and I rarely use mine on the road, because it comes free with membership to most cycling bodies.

As I’ve said previously, I agree with the requirement for some kind of identifier system, clearly a number plate wouldn’t work, but some sort of microchip with sensors in traffic lights etc would be fine.

BUT, I can go my mates house, and then think ‘I need to nip the shop’, I can dive in my car, his car, on his motorbike or on his pushbike, the problem is any identifier of the vehicle only identifies the vehicle and not the driver.

Since there’s now so few police and so many camera’s, this is where things start to fall down, if you want to run illegally or commit a crime, just use someone elses number plate, doesn’t even need to be off the same type or colour vehicle anymore as there’s no police to say ‘that’s not a Rolls Royce, it’s a bloody Fiat Cinquecento with 4 youths in hoods and ski masks…’

Good on Clarkson. Its nice to have someone people listen too standing up for us for once.

As for the problem of taxing bikes, priuses and the like. Bring in road charging. You don’t pay for how much co2 you emit, because a prius doing taxi work in London would emit more C02 than an Astra VXR going from London to Edinburgh. (Just a guess but seems right as the Prius would never get our of the stop start that kills Hybrid batteries.) Instead you pay for how much road you use and It’s fairer on everyone. I don’t know about you but I get royally ■■■■■■ off when I am out in the car on the motorway, crusing at 75 and get overtaken by a hybrid as If i was chained to a post.

Good on Clarkson. Its nice to have someone people listen too standing up for us for once.

As for the problem of taxing bikes, priuses and the like. Bring in road charging. You don’t pay for how much co2 you emit, because a prius doing taxi work in London would emit more C02 than an Astra VXR going from London to Edinburgh. (Just a guess but seems right as the Prius would never get our of the stop start that kills Hybrid batteries.) Instead you pay for how much road you use and It’s fairer on everyone. I don’t know about you but I get royally ■■■■■■ off when I am out in the car on the motorway, crusing at 75 and get overtaken by a hybrid as If i was chained to a post.

Exactly, this is what people don’t understand.

I pay £260 a year and drive a 20yr old Volvo, it puts more emissions that the space shuttle yet i only drive 3 miles to work every day and the local supermarket. Someone in a low emission car doing 50k miles a year will produce sooo much more yet pay £20 a year

I’ve always said this,

Cyclist plays a part in all accidents. All I have seen is cyclists getting all the attention they seek and what ever they want, they get. Now BAN lorries in rush hour, but when is rush hour? Every time I’ve been in London I never been able to go faster then 15mph :smiley: and always sitting at red lights :smiley:

Lets force cyclists to get taxed, registered and insured, because doing the same for drivers has all but stopped bad and illegal driving.

The problem can only be solved when everybody stops trying to blame everybody else and starts looking at the problem as a whole.

By the way I’m pleased to see some normal down to earth statements from Clarkson, somebody who doesn’t worry about the political correct view and says what many ordinary people think.

I’ve always said this,

Cyclist plays a part in all accidents. All I have seen is cyclists getting all the attention they seek and what ever they want, they get. Now BAN lorries in rush hour, but when is rush hour? Every time I’ve been in London I never been able to go faster then 15mph :smiley: and always sitting at red lights :smiley:

I got stuck at the end of the A40 at 1am in the morning recently. Rush hour my arse.

Lets force cyclists to get taxed, registered and insured, because doing the same for drivers has all but stopped bad and illegal driving.

The problem can only be solved when everybody stops trying to blame everybody else and starts looking at the problem as a whole.

By the way I’m pleased to see some normal down to earth statements from Clarkson, somebody who doesn’t worry about the political correct view and says what many ordinary people think.

What roads do you drive on??

I can’t go 5 mins without seeing someone breaking 1 law or another, and bad driving is about 1 in 1 cars that I pass.

And I’ll hold my hands up, I’m no angel either, pull out of my ■■■■■■■■■■■■ whilst still putting my seat belt on and possibly other stuff that I wouldn’t put in black and white on a forum :laughing:

You make me laugh with some of the crap you come out with sometimes.


Lets force cyclists to get taxed, registered and insured, because doing the same for drivers has all but stopped bad and illegal driving.

The problem can only be solved when everybody stops trying to blame everybody else and starts looking at the problem as a whole.

By the way I’m pleased to see some normal down to earth statements from Clarkson, somebody who doesn’t worry about the political correct view and says what many ordinary people think.

What roads do you drive on??

I can’t go 5 mins without seeing someone breaking 1 law or another, and bad driving is about 1 in 1 cars that I pass.

You make me laugh with some of the crap you come out with sometimes.

Maybe I was posting a sarcastic reply to those who think, taxing, insuring a registering bikes will make everything perfect. :unamused:



Lets force cyclists to get taxed, registered and insured, because doing the same for drivers has all but stopped bad and illegal driving.

The problem can only be solved when everybody stops trying to blame everybody else and starts looking at the problem as a whole.

By the way I’m pleased to see some normal down to earth statements from Clarkson, somebody who doesn’t worry about the political correct view and says what many ordinary people think.

What roads do you drive on??

I can’t go 5 mins without seeing someone breaking 1 law or another, and bad driving is about 1 in 1 cars that I pass.

You make me laugh with some of the crap you come out with sometimes.

Maybe I was posting a sarcastic reply to those who think, taxing, insuring a registering bikes will make everything perfect. :unamused:

And now you’ve learnt the use of smileys? :sunglasses:

Wayne I thought the statement was so ridiculous it wouldn’t need a smiley to give it context, but having read some pretty bazar opinions on this website, I can see why you could think it was a serious point of view, so please accept my apology. :blush: :smiley:

I would like lights to be mandatory on a bike, and sidelights on for all vehicles.

Also helmets mandatory for all cyclists on a road and these helmets to be fitted with a light that is orientated vertically to help us see them in kerb mirrors coming up the inside at junctions.


Also helmets mandatory for all cyclists on a road and these helmets to be fitted with a light that is orientated vertically to help us see them in kerb mirrors coming up the inside at junctions.


those should be banned , unlit dark roads ,and they decide to look at you while you are approaching ,some are bright enough to blind you

I would like lights to be mandatory on a bike, and sidelights on for all vehicles.

Also helmets mandatory for all cyclists on a road and these helmets to be fitted with a light that is orientated vertically to help us see them in kerb mirrors coming up the inside at junctions.


If everything is travelling with lights on, how’s a cycle having its lights on going to help you see it, especially in a rain drop covered mirror on a miserable dusk evening :unamused:

If its pointing at the sky it’s unlikely to blind you driving down the road isn’t it?!?!

More lights can only make them more visible, certainly couldn’t hurt. Does your kerb mirror pointing downwards on your n/s door get to covered in rain drops?!? Mine doesn’t :wink:


Something has to give, because each cyclist death just causes more and more uproar, and yes I think lots of them could be avoided by having better educated cyclists, but what would be easier to implement?!

No lights on or helmet, is no ambiguity, and would get you stopped and fined.

Let’s just say for arguments sake they brought in a law that you had to take a cycle test, and carry insurance, and therefore have some sort of identification plate, how much would that cost everyone involved to become legal?

Easy solutions need to tried before something too drastic happens.


Although he has two years to go yet, has Boris decided to stand again for mayor?

The hype and news coverage that the deaths of cyclists in London received, followed by “banning trucks during rush hour” would indicate that he is trying to sway voters now. Why waste a fantastic opportunity eh, the amount of voting cyclists then its an easy victory…

Although he has two years to go yet, has Boris decided to stand again for mayor?

The hype and news coverage that the deaths of cyclists in London received, followed by “banning trucks during rush hour” would indicate that he is trying to sway voters now. Why waste a fantastic opportunity eh, the amount of voting cyclists then its an easy victory…

i think the better idea is, ban all trucks from London all together

let the five knuckle shufflers starve :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: