Clarkson vs Cyclists + Boris

I always thought Clarkson was anti trucks anyway?


Although he has two years to go yet, has Boris decided to stand again for mayor?

The hype and news coverage that the deaths of cyclists in London received, followed by “banning trucks during rush hour” would indicate that he is trying to sway voters now. Why waste a fantastic opportunity eh, the amount of voting cyclists then its an easy victory…

i think the better idea is, ban all trucks from London all together

let the five knuckle shufflers starve :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Oh totally agree… but there is always ulterior motives isnt there?
The long term solution would be to make people accountable for their actions. The short term is to reinforce dumbness and stupidity and tell people its for their own health and safety… now run along children and dont forget to bleat :wink:

“Trucks are evil…”

Another great quote from your apparently newly elected spokesperson :wink:

As he completed a lorry-driving task on the show, Clarkson said: “This is a hard job and I’m not just saying that to win favour with lorry drivers - it’s a hard job: Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder. That’s a lot of effort in a day.”

As I’ve said previously, I agree with the requirement for some kind of identifier system, clearly a number plate wouldn’t work, but some sort of microchip with sensors in traffic lights etc would be fine.

Not quite the same thing but there’s already a microchip system in development for bikes. If a cyclist comes up the nearside of the lorry then a receiver on the lorry reads the chip on the cycle and sounds an alarm in the cab. The problem is the thing will go mad when you drive past a bike rack lol.

The thing I object to is the onus is being put on us the drivers to look out for cyclists while there is very little in the media about cyclists looking out for us and their own safety. That Jenny Jones keeps banging on about separating cyclists from vehicular traffic but everyday I see cyclists chosing to ride in the road rather than use a segredgated cycle lane.




As I’ve said previously, I agree with the requirement for some kind of identifier system, clearly a number plate wouldn’t work, but some sort of microchip with sensors in traffic lights etc would be fine.

Not quite the same thing but there’s already a microchip system in development for bikes. If a cyclist comes up the nearside of the lorry then a receiver on the lorry reads the chip on the cycle and sounds an alarm in the cab. The problem is the thing will go mad when you drive past a bike rack lol.

The thing I object to is the onus is being put on us the drivers to look out for cyclists while there is very little in the media about cyclists looking out for us and their own safety. That Jenny Jones keeps banging on about separating cyclists from vehicular traffic but everyday I see cyclists chosing to ride in the road rather than use a segredgated cycle lane.

I’ve always wondered this HGV with blind spots and in fairness you take up alot of space so you have alot of space to check. Person on bike blind spot behind them but they can just look over the shoulder so they have near all around vision, surely its easier for them to see/hear a HGV then it is us to see them but why does the penny stop at the driver looking for the bike not both parties. They have cycle lanes but alot refuse to use them as they know more then the planners who designed them.

Suppose they can ban trucks and use boats again save us from driving around there :laughing:
Then car’s pedestrian’s buildings, walls, bins, sign posts will all get banned them too as cyclists crash into them also where will it end

The problem is you get jumped up little bell ends who cry and whinge how they’ve vulnerable but have no concerns for there own personal safety as they don’t want to wear helmets or have working lights the list goes on. All what’s happened MP’s and site owners in London have took it upon them self’s to instil all these rules and regs on trucks having all the sensors and cameras but yet that’s not solving the problem as cyclists still don’t know not to go down the left of a turning truck or to filter with care

Another great quote from your apparently newly elected spokesperson :wink:

As he completed a lorry-driving task on the show, Clarkson said: “This is a hard job and I’m not just saying that to win favour with lorry drivers - it’s a hard job: Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder. That’s a lot of effort in a day.”

That’s saying alot that us murderous folk are considered higher then the cyclist’s :unamused:



Although he has two years to go yet, has Boris decided to stand again for mayor?

The hype and news coverage that the deaths of cyclists in London received, followed by “banning trucks during rush hour” would indicate that he is trying to sway voters now. Why waste a fantastic opportunity eh, the amount of voting cyclists then its an easy victory…

i think the better idea is, ban all trucks from London all together

let the five knuckle shufflers starve :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Oh totally agree… but there is always ulterior motives isnt there?
The long term solution would be to make people accountable for their actions. The short term is to reinforce dumbness and stupidity and tell people its for their own health and safety… now run along children and dont forget to bleat :wink:

“Trucks are evil…”



That Jenny Jones keeps banging on about separating cyclists from vehicular traffic but everyday I see cyclists chosing to ride in the road rather than use a segredgated cycle lane.

Have you seen the state of lot of them segregated cycles lanes though? Many are a token gesture that end suddenly not offering a complete route, are badly maintained, strewn in litter and broken glass, expect you to give way at every side road and generally make your journey more of a faff than just sticking to the road. It’s no wonder many cyclists choose not to use them.