Chipped Windscreen from a Tipper

I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

prove it!!!

How on earth are you going to prove it. :unamused: :unamused:
please state nature of road/weather/speed/etc etc.
sorry mate not a cat in hells chance and if you phone his firm expect either a nice group of swearwords or just the sound of laughter.
sorry to be so negative but thats what driving is all about, “risk” :wink:

I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

Not really anything you can do about it, just one of those things that happen on the road. Even a spotlessly clean show truck could throw a stone up from the road surface.

Maybe if you hadn’t been so close the stone wouldn’t have reached your truck, 16 - 17 metres is too close.

Thanks for your replies
I thought that was the answer but when i got to my first drop and was telling the security guy he told me if I got the reg then I could claim from him,but proving it would be near impossible and you are right,it is just 1 of the risks of driving,I still enjoyed my week out on the road though, beats the office any day

This thread :laughing:

I’m not normally suspicious but the wife told me yesterday that Gavin from Autoglass came round and injected that special resin into her crack…she hasn’t even got a car!!


LOL :smiley:

Thanks for your replies
I thought that was the answer but when i got to my first drop and was telling the security guy he told me if I got the reg then I could claim from him,but proving it would be near impossible and you are right,it is just 1 of the risks of driving,I still enjoyed my week out on the road though, beats the office any day

As others have stated you would have to prove that someone had been negligent to have a valid claim, very dificult under
the circumstances, one of our vehicles blew a tyre , the debris from this damaged a car quite badly but our insurers refused to pay as all possible maintenance inspections & daily checks had been completed & documented. Felt sorry for the guy but he had to claim on his own insurance for the damage

Its only a small chip not much to worry about ,I might get Gavin round :smiley:

Its only a small chip not much to worry about ,I might get Gavin round :smiley:[/quot Just remember to bite the steering wheel when he doe’s it :smiley:

It depends on your speed but as a rough rule of thumb, if you halve your speed in mph, this will almost exactly give you your distance travelled in yards per second.

Therefore, to maintain a two-second gap, you should leave a gap of one yard for each mph at which you are travelling and it sounds as though you may not have been doing this.

Harry Monk:
It depends on your speed but as a rough rule of thumb, if you halve your speed in mph, this will almost exactly give you your distance travelled in yards per second.

Therefore, to maintain a two-second gap, you should leave a gap of one yard for each mph at which you are travelling and it sounds as though you may not have been doing this.

I never knew that, you learn something new every day :laughing:

Thank you Harry I will try using your formula in future :smiley:


I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

Not really anything you can do about it, just one of those things that happen on the road. Even a spotlessly clean show truck could throw a stone up from the road surface.

Maybe if you hadn’t been so close the stone wouldn’t have reached your truck, 16 - 17 metres is close.

dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: how did you manage to match a bulk tippers speed :question: or where you wearing your stetson :sunglasses: :sunglasses: at the time? :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

its not suprising you get stone chips driving round the M25 the amount of crap onthe live running lanes that is getting dragged out of the roadworks is disgraceful but noting gets done about it

its not suprising you get stone chips driving round the M25 the amount of crap onthe live running lanes that is getting dragged out of the roadworks is disgraceful but noting gets done about it

because they cant find a volunteer to go out with the dustpan and brush, the HA are even throwing in a hi viz jacket as a bonus so they’ll be super ultra safe to try and tempt people to apply, but still no takers…but i’ve heard if you take the job any life insurance you have becomes nill and void because its classed as committing suicide by the insruance companies…what do they know :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Around 20 years ago I was taking 12 tons of 19mm gravel along the A66 from Workington to Keswick lorry was 6 tons under GVW so load was not above sideboards. When I got into the yard following night the police were waiting to interview me it appeared that a small piece of gravel had bounced up onto a police inspectors new car and scratched the bonnet.
Of course I pleaded ignorance but had to admit I was the driver of the vehicle,I was charged for having an insecure load. Went to union solicitor who said I hadn’t aleg to stand on and to plead guilty which I did, result fined £275 but no endorsement.
Fortunately the firm paid the fine.



I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

Not really anything you can do about it, just one of those things that happen on the road. Even a spotlessly clean show truck could throw a stone up from the road surface.

Maybe if you hadn’t been so close the stone wouldn’t have reached your truck, 16 - 17 metres is too close.

dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

That’s what I said, 16 to 17 metres is too close, 16 - 17 metres = an artic length. :unamused: :unamused:

Unless you are saying an artic length is not too close, hard to tell from your reply. If that is what you are saying you can’t be serious given that an artic length is about 54 feet. Fifty-four feet is less than the distance you will cover in your thinking time.

Thames trader:
Around 20 years ago I was taking 12 tons of 19mm gravel along the A66 from Workington to Keswick lorry was 6 tons under GVW so load was not above sideboards. When I got into the yard following night the police were waiting to interview me it appeared that a small piece of gravel had bounced up onto a police inspectors new car and scratched the bonnet.
Of course I pleaded ignorance but had to admit I was the driver of the vehicle,I was charged for having an insecure load. Went to union solicitor who said I hadn’t aleg to stand on and to plead guilty which I did, result fined £275 but no endorsement.
Fortunately the firm paid the fine.

i dont get prosecute you,the police would have to prove that the piece of gravel came from inside your truck body and not flicked up off the tyre,for which you cannot be responsible for?.
a while ago(and i cant believe im admitting to this on here),i left a small oil can(for oiling things on my trailer) on the deck by i was travelling down the m18,it fell off and hit a frontera behind me apparently,not only denting his bonnet,but covering the front of his car with duckhams.he phoned the police,who pulled me into woodhall,and after denying all knowledge,lack of evidence,no witnesses,and producing tins of spray grease with a “wasnt me guv honest” look on my face,was allowed on my way and heard no more about it.(to the guy in the frontera im really sorry looking back now).
if a anyone pulled me up about damage caused by my truck flicking something up,id tell them where to go.